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The Final Push (Part 8)

Posted on Sat Sep 15th, 2018 @ 9:28am by Commander Alora Knight & Lieutenant Soren Dillinger 'Speedy' & Commander Alexander "Alex" Knight & Lieutenant John "Pitbull" Mackey & Lieutenant JG Julien "Dutch" Wachenbach

1,179 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Caught in the Cracks



"I promise, this is only out of necessity," Alora assured him. "I'll leave the bossing to Alex when we're out of this void."


When Dutch left, she pulled up the information on the Tokyo's entrance into the void. She ran the algorithm and quickly found the coordinates they needed to leave the void. "Prowler to USS Tokyo. Get helm ready to leave. I'll send the coordinates from here."

"Ready to receive coordinates."

When the combined Tokyo was ready, Alora fed the instructions to the helm and watched as the ship slowly began to move. She waited just long enough to see that it was working, then turned. "How's Alex?"

"Refusing to stay in bed." Pitbull said loudly as he took his seat. He want's to go out and look for Jazz, as well as, deal with this Soren guy. We're trying to talk him out of it, but he's refusing to listen."

"Can I go to him?" She was fairly certain the Prowler would stay where it was as it wasn't part of either Tokyos, but she wanted to be with Alex, just in case something went wrong. She might be able to help him stay in bed. Well, maybe not in sickbay...

"Be my guest. Maybe he'll listen to you." Pitbull replied before adding. "Do you want me to help you over there?"

Alora chuckled. "I'm afraid I won't make it otherwise." She still couldn't put her weight on her injured leg.

Pitbull smirked before getting up and walking over to her. He helped her up from the chair and started to walk with her to the sickbay area. It was a small room, with one bed already occupied, by the Lex Alora first knew. He was out, but by his side, was Shade his trusted dog and friend.

Upon seeing Alora, Shade immediately went to her. Jumping up slightly, wagging her tail, and panting playfully. She was happy to see a familiar face, let alone, one she always had fun with.

Alex was standing by the second bed, shirt off, and several wounds and scars all over his body. Some old and some new, however, he seemed occupied with getting his stuff together for another run at Soren.

"Hello, my friend," Alora said, taking a few moments to greet the dog. While she did so, she looked at Alex. "You can't go, you know."

"There's still plenty of time." Alex replied softly as he checked his phaser.

"You know that's a lie." Pitbull replied firmly as he helped Alora onto the empty bed Alex was prepping on.

"Not it's not." Alex replied softly. "I know where to start. I know where she fell. I'll start there and work my way around according to any clue I find."

"The ship is already heading to the exit point," Alora said. "And we both know that if I'm not with you, he'll kill you on sight. Pitbull has the coordinates. He had a transporter lock on her, too, remember? If you go back now, you'll be trapped on the ISS Tokyo with Dillinger."

She saw a medkit and reached for it. "The only one that can go back now is me." She began to run the medica scanner over her leg so she could repair it enough to go back.

"Well, you're not going." Alex replied as he holstered his phaser. "You're in bad shape enough as it is. In your state, you'll get killed."

"So will you." Pitbull added.

"I'm in better shape than she is." Alex said quickly before adding. "And I owe Dillinger a piece."

"What would Grimm tell you to do?"

"She would offer to go." Alex said.

"Wrong." Pitbull replied quickly. "She would tell you to stay, both of you." He said looking for Alex, to Alora, and then back again. "Be patient and rely on the rest of us to do our part. Dutch will find her and the Tokyo will get us out of here. Once we are out, we can work on a strategy to deal with everything else. You're pissed, I get it, but you're letting it direct your actions. Once we are split, Dillinger is history, and we wont have to deal with him. Let this one go, both of you. Just enjoy the rid and stay together or I'll make you stay together. Got it?"

"I'll stay if he will," Alora said. "But if he won't, I'll go in his place. Soren wants me alive. He wants Alex dead." She didn't have time to do more than use a pain killer on her leg and wrap it with a gauze. It would hold long enough for her to get back to the Tokyo--if she had to go. She agreed with Pitbull that they were better off leaving the team to find Jazz, but Alora could not--would not--let Alex go back.

Alex tossed his weapon on the bed and crossed his arms with a deep sigh. "It doesn't stop." He said softly. "I went from chasing my brother, Dylan, to this Soren guy. It just never stops. There is no chance to settle down and take it easy. There is always a threat around the next corner." He paused slightly and looked to Alora. "Jazz came back because of me. I wanted her back, and now, she's gone. It's on me."

"Alex, when we exit the void, we'll go back to where we belong. That Dillinger will be on the ISS Tokyo. There's a chance Jazz will return here, where she belongs." Alora's heart sank. She did not belong on the Prowler. Would she be left on the USS Tokyo without Alex? She didn't want that. Not now that they'd found each other again. She took his hand and brought it to her cheek, hoping that, since the Prowler was on the USS Tokyo, it would stay where it was, and so would she.

But then she saw the room begin to distort and phase. "No. Alex!" She tried to hold on to him, but he and everyone else on the ship disappeared.

She fell to the deck, re-injuring her leg.

She was alone in the cargo bay, injured, and desperately wanted to be with Alex. She tapped her combadge. "Tau'Ri to Prowler. Beam me aboard, please!" It was a desperate act before the ships completed their transition out of null space.

"Alo-a? We ca-'t get... lock." Alex would reply, the com link was full of static and hard to make out half the time. "Al-ra? Lis--en to m-. I l-ve y--. I'll fi-d y-u, di- you he-r me?" The com link's static began to get louder.

"Alex!" she screamed. "Don't leave me!" But there was nothing but static. "No!" The pain in her leg was nothing compared to the pain of losing Alex again.


Commander Soren Dillinger
Chief Intelligence Officer
ISS Tokyo

Commander Alora Tau'Ri
Executive Officer
USS Tokyo

Lieutenant Commander Alexander Knight
Captain and SWORD Team Leader

Lieutenant John "Pitbull" Mackey
SWORD Team Second

Lieutenant JG Julien "Dutch" Wachenbach


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