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The Final Push (part 7)

Posted on Sat Sep 15th, 2018 @ 9:05am by Commander Alexander "Alex" Knight & Lieutenant John "Pitbull" Mackey & Lieutenant Soren Dillinger 'Speedy' & Lieutenant JG Julien "Dutch" Wachenbach & Commander Alora Knight
Edited on on Sat Sep 15th, 2018 @ 9:09am

1,132 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Caught in the Cracks



Soren just leaned quickly to avoid the shot. Before the transport took her away, he quickly shouted. "You're about to lose something very precious, Captain. And I don't mean your ship." He held his hand up and revealed the borg tubes going back into his hand. Where ever she went, she would certain land there in pain. Unyielding pain that would not stop with simple medication or surgery. The nanites in her body were programmed to replicate and spread through her body. Attaching themselves to vital areas and attaching themselves to the point where only Soren could remove them. She was right about one thing. She hadn't seen the last of her. Not if she wanted to live. Not if she wanted to keep her child healthy.


Alora made it to Alex. "We have to get out of here." All she could do at this point was shoot her phaser at the control panel to try and shut off the force field.

Soren turned his attention back to Alora. He shook his head slightly. "Some people just don't see a way out when its clearly given to them on a silver platter. They insist on making stupid decisions in the name of family only to cause greater problems." He took a step forward and continued. "If she gave a damn about her family she would have taken my offer when it was offer, instead of forcing me to do something drastic! And you? You people think that everything ends like a nice little children's book. Happy endings for all. When are you people going to learn that this is not a fairy tale. This is the real world and there are consequences to every decision." He slammed his hand on the console, shattering the think glass, and causing sparks to fly out. In a small moment of reflection, he raised his damaged hand, revealing the circuits and Borg technology underneath before softly whispering. "Everything has consequences."

"I don't want this ship. If you let us go, I'll get us out of Null Space, and you can have your Tokyo," Alora said. "We go our way, and you go yours."

"And why would I want to separate now?" Soren replied with a smirk, crouching down slightly, before tilting his head. "In here, Taiga cannot escape, and soon she will come seeking me once she realizes what I've done. So, splitting the ships, would only give her a chance to escape."

"She'll still need to seek you out," Alora said. "You saw to that. She can't escape you. But do you really want to be stuck here forever? Don't you want to take the ISS Tokyo back where you can do what you planned?" She needed Pitbull to get them both out. Or someone to do something to give her an opportunity to get away with Alex. But then, with her injured leg, she wouldn't be able to move much.

She still had her phaser. If she could just disintegrate the floor below him, she might have her chance. Since she wasn't aiming at him, she didn't need to raise it very high. Just aim it and shoot.

The floor below Soren disappeared, leaving she and Alex safely on the deck. "Pitbull, get us now!"

She wasn't sure if she was more surprised or more grateful when she felt the transporter lock on to the two of them.

When she recognized the Prowler, she put her head on Alex' chest in relief. But only for a moment. There was no time for more.

She looked up at Pitbull. "I need help getting to a console. Alex is hurt. And Jazz...I don't know if she's alive, but she's badly hurt and full of Borg nanites."

Pitbull motioned to Viva and Lem. "Take the boss to sickbay, now." He shouted before looking to Alora. "Come on. We've got a console for you to use." He put her arm around his shoulder and helped her to her feet. "Use me for leverage." He said firmly before walking her over to the console. "Dutch? Dutch!"

Alora used him as a crutch so she didn't put any weight on her leg.

"Yeah?" Dutch replied, walking away from his console to them. He helped Pitbull get Alora into a chair in front of a console and continued. "You look like you've had some fun, Boss Lady? What's up?"

Pitbull looked to Dutch and said firmly, and quickly. "First: I need you to make sure she has full access to the Prowler's system. Nothing left behind. Second: I need you to start scanning for Jazz. She's still out there and possibly in bad shape."

"There should already have a file for her in the database. Alex had me put it in before we left to find Dylan. All it needs is her voice and hand prints." Dutch said before adding. "But we need to get Jazz here. If she is in the wrong place before the two ships split then we'll lose her, and from the sound of it, she might not make it."

"Get her access first, Dutch. Work on locating Jazz right after. Got it?" Pitbull said firmly, raising his voice a bit, before walking away. "I'll go check on Alex."

Dutch watched him leave and let out a worried sigh. "John definitely on edge. When he's worried, the rest of us worry to." He said before bending down to the console and getting it ready for Alora. "Just say these words." He said as the phrase: Familia Anta Omnia (Family Over All) appeared on the screen. "And.. wait a minute. There's a second one. That's weird." Dutch said as a second phrase appeared under the first one that read: Amor vincit omnia (Love Conquers All). "Boss must have added that one specifically for you. Anyway, just put your hands down when prompted and you're all set and good to go."

She smiled at the second phrase and repeated, "Familia Anta Omnia," and then, "Amor vincit omnia." When she was prompted, she put her hands down. "Okay. if I'm good, I'll take it from here. You find Jazz."

"See? You're already getting comfortable here. Bossing us around like a pro." Dutch replied with a smirk before walking over to his console and tapping away at it.

"I promise, this is only out of necessity," Alora assured him. "I'll leave the bossing to Alex when we're out of this void."

(To be continued...)

Commander Soren Dillinger
Chief Intelligence Officer
ISS Tokyo

Commander Alora Tau'Ri
Executive Officer
USS Tokyo

Lieutenant Commander Alexander Knight
Captain and SWORD Team Leader

Lieutenant John "Pitbull" Mackey
SWORD Team Second

Lieutenant JG Julien "Dutch" Wachenbach


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