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Confined rescue (Conclusion)

Posted on Thu Jun 7th, 2018 @ 10:34am by Lieutenant Commander Kah'Leth

1,068 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Caught in the Cracks
Location: Jeffery Tubes


She tried to laugh through it and joked to relieve the stress. "It's ok, Doc, give it to me straight. I'll walk alright, won't I? And more importantly- Will I still be able to wear a bikini?"


"Walking is not going to be a problem." Kah'Leth said as he was making the first incision. "Your leg will be repaired to the best of my ability."He glanced up. "I am good at what I do I can assure you." He was using the laser scalpel to part the skin and get to the damaged areas. "Yes you will be able to wear one, I do like a woman who can wear a Bikini; show she is good within her own skin and more of a free spirit I think."

When the anesthesia washed through her system, Steph relaxed, eyes closing and head dropping back as she sighed in relief. She knew she was still injured, but she couldn't feel it now, and in a short while, when the meds took firmer hold, she wouldn't even care anymore. "Just as long as the scar doesn't scare small children and squeamish women," she almost giggled as her mind wandered off on its own. "I haven't done anything bad enough to be sentenced to a Duel to the Pain."

"Careful about mentioning Duels to a Klingon."Kah'Leth had gotten to his field suchers; he switched to a laser to melt away the chemical suchers he had used in the field. "We take them seriously, I had one just a while ago in this very Sick Bay."He was quickly changing to the scalpel and a finer setting to repair the micro veins of the capillaries as he spoke. "So what color is said Bikini you with to be able to still wear?"

"Which one?" she asked with a little laugh. "I have a collection to choose from. It all depends on if I'm playing at a pool or lying on the beach. And how interesting I want my tan lines to be." She did giggle at that- her electric blue bikini was definitely only for sunbathing, the top being strapless and not really allowing for much vigorous movement, but her black one was much more secure and she could even play beach volleyball in it. The others ranged between the two, including one that had criss-crossing straps that left very interesting tan lines after a day in it.

"THen I will have to make extra effort to make it so you can enjoy your time in the Bikinis."He was up to the main Veins that had damage as he spoke he never looked up. "MAybe I will have to do your follow up on a Holo beach to make sure 'all the lines' pass inspection?" The smaller injuried muscles were next as he was working his way 'outward' and closing the leg as he worked. "Iam told I make a mean margarita."He actually joked. "During the acdememy I had to be the Bounce slash Bartender for a lot of the parties ."He shrugged.

"Ugh, not tequila," she groaned. "One two many renditions of 'ten rounds of jose quarvo' back in the day ruined tequila for me. How's your pina colada?"

"Good as my Margarita; I was the Medical CLass' favorate Bar Tender."He was just regenerating the outer muscles as he grinned. "Icam Make a Pina Colada and several 'Fruity Drinks from places you might not want to ask about." He mused. "Part of my being able to integrrate into the FLeet training and be more social without being too intimidating. A alrge Bartender is not frowned upon and I managed to get through my manditory Counselor training by tending bar."He completed the muscles and was tideying up the tendons. "Iam still amazed what people tell bartenders."

"Ha, bartenders get good gossip if you want the drunken ramblings, but you should try being a hairdresser. A woman keeps NO secrets from her stylist," Steph said, a little slurred as the drugs really started to make her feel good.

"I do not think a woman would trust me with scissors and her back to me." Kah'Leth replied while getting closer to closing the skin of the incision. "And I wonder if the chairs would go high enough that I would not get a crink in my neck from bending over all the time?"

She waved a hand, brushing away his objections. "If you c'n give a good wash'n'dry, cut and color, you'll be forgiv'n anything. You could make her climb a ladder to get in the chair if you can make a woman feel like she's beautiful. That's the secret there- a woman's favorite stylist makes her feel like a million bars of latinum." She laughed. "I've known women more faithful to a stylist than a spouse," she joked, only exaggerating a little. "One would ONLY get her hair done every three months when we docked at a particular starbase and she could see her favorite guy. The idea of letting anyone else cut her hair was appalling."

"I do try to make people feel comfortable around me anyway." He was closing the skin. "Maybe I will consider it, the Bartender thing has worked thus far. Now that I have patched your leg up would you trust me with the hair.. eventually, if I learned a good wash and cut? I think your hair is too nice for a color change and all."

She laughed again- really she was feeling very nice right now; awake but almost floating free of the recent pain and cold and stress and fear. "That depends on how good a job you did on the leg. We'll have to wait and see on that."

"Money back guarantee if you are not satisfied." He thought for a second. "That is the right human saying correct?"

"You got it, Doc." She lifted her head and gave him a severe look. "An' I'll hold you to it. If I can't wear a bikini, it'll come outta your pay."

"I have not lost money yet." He laughed. "But I will have to see that it clashes with this bikini before I make any judgements as to the workmanship?" He nod. "I get the right to repair any clash before I pay up."


Stephanie Puller
NPC’ed by Trigman

Lt CMDR Kah'Leth
PNPC Trigman.


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