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Confined rescue (3)

Posted on Thu Jun 7th, 2018 @ 10:32am by Lieutenant Commander Kah'Leth

967 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Caught in the Cracks
Location: Jeffery Tubes


"Yeah, real lucky. Remind me to hit the casino next starbase- and hope it hasn't all run out on me," she laughed weakly.


"You won your fight, you are alive and have the attention of the Chief Medical Officer." He nod to her. "Your luck is pretty good. I would back your play at the Casino. Pretty women always do better than Klingons, even the Ferengi have a rule about cheating a Klingon." He took a small flashlight to check her pupils. "Pretty unlucky to have someone make a rule about how to cheat you. At a Casino they are at least nice about it." He leaned closer . I will bring a second shirt in the event I lose mine I can at least leave with some dignity." He tried that humor thing.

"Pretty sure you can handle yourself if someone does try to cheat you. I'd never be dumb enough to try it on a Klingon."

"Then maybe I should loom over your shoulder and the dealers might think twice about your odds?" HE took out a probe nda ran it across the Security Girl. "How do you like Security?" He asked. "Most of the cadets thought I was misplaced in Medical and should have been in one of your classes instead?" He wanted her to keep talking. "What brought you into Security?"

"Just lucky I guess," she joked a little and leaned into the blanket she'd wrapped around her. "Just kind of... always planned on it, I guess. My father wasn't in Starfleet, but he was 'the Law'. He was a police officer. Retired now."

"It is a noble calling to protect others and enforce the laws and regulations." Kah'Leth complemented while checking the blood transfusion. "I am sure he is proud of what you chose ot do; you are taking your protective nature to the Galaxy." He glanced down to see she is still conscious. "You must spend a good time at the range, you put down the one attacking you with precise shooting."

"Good aim, sure. Bad timing, though," she grimaced. "A few seconds sooner and I wouldn't be here bleeding out all over the Jeffry's.

"On the flip side those seconds later I would not have met you here." Kah'Leth said. "It has been said that to debate the flow of Dystiny is to try to study a sinle raindrop in a storm. " He chuckled. "Once the storm hits you are wet, no need to figure how or why?" He look her again in the eyes. "YOu have pretty eyes, and I see a bit more sparkle there than when I came in, I think we are closer to your transport."

"I don't feel like I'm at Death's Door anymore, if that's what you mean." She gave him a weak, tired smile. "Guess that means I'm gonna make it, eh, Doc?"

"Did I not mention you were a Lady with Luck?" Kah'Leth was packing his kit. "Now you will have gone through some blood here and it is enough to get you to sick bay and..." He looked to her and grinned. "Keeping you from Death's Door. Now I must get you to Sick Bay for better treatment. and make sure you will be fine."

Steph took a deep breath. "Right. Give me a minute," she said steeling herself for the crawl out. He may have patched her up, but her leg was in danger of opening up again if she strained it too badly, and it still hurt like the bejeezes. Getting in here had been bad. Crawling out was going to be torture.

"Do not move yet I need to put the kit ahead of us to push back through to the Main Corridor." Kah'Leth said as he was getting the last bits. "And where do you think you are going Lady STephanie?" He smiled. "That leg will not take excertion; you will have an alternate route out of here." He closed and put the kit in the tube. "You will be coming along and I will carry you, I cannot have that wound opening back up."

"Carry me? Good one. These tubes are barely big enough to crawl through. Unless you plan on blasting aholw into the corridor, there's no way there's enough room to walk outta here with me."

"I am not a proud man when it comes to saving lives."Kah'Leth said. "I will crawl soldier style with you on my back." He told her. Plenty of room that way and all you need do is hang on a little and let me do the work." He assured. "It is few who can say that had a Human Piggy Back ride' from a Klingon." He winked. "Now just get on my back..." He lay near her so she only need roll over on top of his back.

She stared, deadpan, for several moments. "You cannot be serious," she said, just as deadpan. "Wait. You *are* serious. You're *serious*?"

"There is no other way unless you want me to leave you here on an Intravenous drip and hope they fix transporters?" He returned the stare. "Now get on and let's get you to safety, you will not be a burden and I want to make sure you get to Sick bay." He grinned. "I promise a more dignified carry to Sick Bay once I can stand?"

Steph made a face. She wasn't wild about the idea of waiting for transporters to get online- that wasn't going to be a huge priority, unless she forced it to be one by making them rescue her with it. And that would just force some other, more vital system, to get pushed back in order to get her medical treatment. That wasn't an option she wanted to contemplate either.



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