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Confined rescue (4)

Posted on Thu Jun 7th, 2018 @ 10:34am by Lieutenant Commander Kah'Leth

803 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Caught in the Cracks
Location: Jeffery Tubes


Steph made a face. She wasn't wild about the idea of waiting for transporters to get online- that wasn't going to be a huge priority, unless she forced it to be one by making them rescue her with it. And that would just force some other, more vital system, to get pushed back in order to get her medical treatment. That wasn't an option she wanted to contemplate either.


She sighed, half in resignation, half in distaste. "You tell anyone about this, and I will make you pay," she promised as she shifted her weight to turn over onto his back. The move made her whimper with pain and she almost didn't make it before she got light headed and had to take deep breaths to recover.

"As humans say, 'A gentleman never tells...' And I would lose your respect if I did so." He made sure she was adjusted before starting to do a soldiers crawl arm over arm like a an going under barbed wire exercise. "This will be our little secret as I came with someone that took your target to be tended to and was not suppose to return to my current position." He was making progress as though she were little more than a duty pack on him and not hindering his progress. "However I will have to carry you to Sick Bay since there is not a second person to use a stretcher."

She groaned, initially in pain at the movement, but she turned it into a joke. "There goes my dignity. Let me know if you find it- probably hanging out with my pride in a seedy bar on the wrong side of town after this little production."

"I thought it would be the gentleman thing to do, or if you really feel like you can I could support you like a crutch and have you get there under your own power." He suggested with a chuckle. "As fun as it might be I do not think your dignity would be a problem for someone of my stature to retrieve for you , even in a seedy bar on the wrong side of tracks." He chuckled. "I have not had a good bar fight in ages."

"You've been going to the wrong bars," Steph laughed through the pain. "If you're really hankering for one, I think I can point you in the right direction."

"I am following a path of enlightenment; hence, the reason I have not been invoked in a Bar fight for some time." He was getting closer to the end of the Jeffery ; pushing the Filed kits clear as he got onto the deck and allowed Stephanie to ease herself off the back before he would stand and pick her up for the trip to Sick Bay.

Shifting her weight to the side, she misjudged how much she could support herself after losing so much blood and she slipped, landing in a heap and making a strangled noise of pain and alarm.

Putting the field kit on a shoulder he bent down and scooped Stephanie up and made it clear he would be transporting her to Sick Bay; he liked that human females that were in shape did not weigh as much as some other races and he could easily carry her.

"No arguments, you will be transported, I have carried several people so you will not stand out I assure you." Kah'Leth. "Stay conscious and they will not think you swooned and thus no room for idle banter about your condition." He grinned. "The look that this is not pleasant will also go far to keep rumors to a minimum."

"Got it, not pleasant," Steph said through gritted teeth.

Kah'Leth did not really give her much time to complain as he did carry her through the corridors with care but some haste; coming through the SIc Bay Doors and his size alone ; not to mention his being chief, parted the staff like the Red Sea until he could lay Stephanie on a Bio Bed.

She gave a little grunt as he settled her down but leaned back like a good patient- in fact she wasn't a bad patient usually, not like some pals she knew, and right now she just wanted to be given something to make the pain stop.

"Sterilization Field." He commanded the computer. "Nurse, hypo 100 common anestetic, I need her to be awake but no pain." He winked to Stephanie. "Need to finish the field patch and not leave too much of a scar for her to brag about."

She tried to laugh through it and joked to relieve the stress. "It's ok, Doc, give it to me straight. I'll walk alright, won't I? And more importantly- Will I still be able to wear a bikini?"



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