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On the flight deck

Posted on Sat Jul 7th, 2018 @ 9:32am by Lieutenant Bobbie Sue "Bobcat" Hunter & Commander Nicolas Trigman 'Trigger' & Lieutenant Soren Dillinger 'Speedy' & Lieutenant JG Silica Tetsuhiko 'Twin-Tails' & Lieutenant Fubuki Kuchikukan 'Snowflake'

1,436 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Caught in the Cracks
Location: Starfighter Operations

Silica and the rest of the few pilots that had managed to find their way had managed to get the main bulkhead doors open. They had all been trapped down on the fighter storage deck when the Emergency Doors had shut, sealing off the deck. They now faced several other pilots gathered in Starfighter Operations.

"Hey wait..." Silica said as she stared at herself, and several other people some wearing Starfleet Uniforms others wearing a different uniforms. All of them however seemed to be carbon copies of each other. It was evident that there had been some sort of phaser firefight as scorch marks stained the walls and the rooms furniture was thrown across the room to create barriers.

Silica's Mirror self came upto her and looked her up and down. "So you must be the duplicate of me" she said with a slightly nervous grin. "Well, good for you that our Captain has called a ceasefire. Or else I would have killed you on the spot, all of you 'Federations' are weak. You wouldn't even stand a chance against the Terran Empire" she boasted.

"So" Silica asked. "How did you all end up getting here?" she asked hoping to get some answers.

Mirror Silica nodded. "Yes. Your and mine universe seems to have crossed somehow" she explained. "We're currently waiting for orders" she told her. "Now that there is a ceasefire, we've tried to stop killing you and your 'pilots' if you could call them that" she laughed. "My men are much more capable, I'm not wing commander for any other reason of course..."

"So that is what they call a Bunch or Hot Air Exhaust in your universe... Wing Commander?" Trigman came from the opposing doorway standing his ground. "I find those that boast the most fly the worst." He added. "So what do you think you want on My Flight Deck?" his arms crossed; close to the shoulder harness of his Phaser, but not touching it.

"This is by no means 'your' flight deck" Silica explained as she nodded to the Terran Empire markings on the wall. "From what I have heard, this ship is being 'merged' with your own ship. We're not much use as we can't seem to go anywhere, and thanks to which ever idiot disabled our systems down here, we have no means of even helping out" She explained. "However, I am not here to fight at the moment. I want to be back in my own universe, away from you... and away from... her" she said pointing to Silica who had taken a few steps back from her counter[art self.

"It is good to know the priority is set." Trigman said calmly. "Now we just need to find out how to make that happen?" He glanced to the Federation Silica. "I am surprised though; I wonder what My Counter Part is if not a pilot?"

A door opened and Bobbie Sue walked out of the Fighter Lounge. She stopped when she saw the group of pilots. She glanced from Trigman to the two Silicas. "Can anyone join this dance?"

"Well Bobby Sue, seems to be a lull in the dance music, ceasefires and all." Trigman replied not taking eyes of the 'Targets.' "I hear they want to dance real nice like for the moment."

Soren entered quietly behind Bobbie Sue and immediately felt a tension due to his presence. It, no doubt, had to be because his Mirror Universe counterpart was someone a majority of the ISS crew have come to fear. An Soren who acting more like a Borg King than a cocky pilot who was accustomed to taking knowledge by force and turning female members into drones for his personal amusement. Soren remained quiet and just left the tension where it was, listening to everyone.

Bobbie Sue wondered why a group of Terran Empire shuttle pilots were causing trouble in their fighter bay. They had no business being here in the first place--except to cause trouble.

Silica simply smiled. "Well, I assure you we have no intentions to cause any sort of trouble. Our Captain Aisaka has ordered us to 'co-operate' with you Federation lot. Frankly, we're in it together" she said cocking her head to the side in a cocky manner. "You're welcome to pull up a seat and wait, someone has activated the emergency bulkheads on this deck. Basically you're stuck down here with us regardless of what you do" she explained it to them.

Bobbie Sue looked around. "This doesn't look like cooperation to me, honey. It looks like mutiny. I think I should go report this to both our captains, let them know that their orders have fallen on deaf ears."

Another pilot walked up, this time wearing a Starfleet Federation uniform. "There's no mutiny here..." she said. The pilot, one of the USS Tokyo's pilots, Fubuki looked at them. "Granted when all this happened we had a bit of a firefight, but after both Captains gave the orders to stand down we've stood down" she explained. She turned to Trigman. "Good to see you sir, we've examined all the bulkheads on this deck. They've been sealed and for some reason the emergency release handles aren't working" she nodded over towards the center table of Starfighter Operations.

"Also, all computer access down here is cut off too" she explained. There were several officers, both Terran and Federation gathered around the table, some of them mirror images of themselves. "We've been trying to find a way to possibly site to site transport onto other decks. We have a few wounded and they could use sickbay..." she explained. "I guess now, that you and...." she looked at Mirror Silica, "...Silica are both ranking officers respectively" she said.

"Trigman outranks all of us in here," Bobbie Sue said. "I'm pretty sure Dillinger has access to the computer." She also wondered why no one tried to simply go through the access tubes to get help.

"I can get you in." Soren replied with a slight smirk. "Ranks and Codes have never stopped me and Bettie before. Just tell me what you need and how much its worth to you."

"We need to transport the wounded to sickbay," Bobbie Sue said. "What kind of payment do you want?"

"For you?" Soren replied with a smile before walking over to a console. "Dinner will do nicely." He said before removing his holo-sphere from the compartment in his leg and placing it on the console. "Which sickbay? Ours or theirs?" He looked over his shoulder to Bobbie Sue and added. "Do they even have a sickbay or is it more like a torture chamber?"

Mirror Silica raised an eyebrow. "How would you know what a Terran sickbay looks like?" she asked. "Or are you getting that confused with the brigs?" she asked with a slight evil smile.

Bobbie Sue moved closer to Soren defensively.

"I don't, hence why I was asking whether one existed or not." Soren turned around and crossed his arms over his chest. "I hate to burst the bubble of the world you hide yourself in, cookie, but this isn't the first time your world and ours have crossed paths. Furthermore, its not the first time I've come across the Terrian Empire and their people. I've actually had a few deals with a couple of captains of yours, but what I remember most is their thirst for power and control usually didn't leave prisoners and survivors, which is why the doctors didn't always see much work because there wasn't much for them to do."

Silica just grinned. "I can't comment on that" she said simply. "But you have to remember, I have no idea where 'our' sickbay is. Surely you can find it and see if its ours, or yours?!" she told them.

"Let's go with yes," Bobbie Sue said. "They do need to save their crew--at least the ones who do their jobs" Her glare at Silica clearly indicated she didn't think the woman was worth saving.

Silica glared back. She turned away and walked away from the group. With the fighting over she could turn her attention back to her men. That's all she wanted, in more ways than another in some cases.

Bobbie Sue nodded to Soren. "Once the wounded are out, we can leave this lot with Commander Trigman and see what we can do to help separate the two ships."


Ensign Silica Tetsuhiko

Mirror Silica Tetsuhiko

Lieutenant Commander Nicholas Trigman

Lieutenant Bobbie Sue
Squadron Leader

Lieutenant Soren "Speedy" Dillinger
Chief Intelligence Officer

Ensign Fubuki Kuchikukan
Fighter Pilot


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