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Confined rescue (2)

Posted on Thu Jun 7th, 2018 @ 10:32am by Lieutenant Commander Kah'Leth

1,070 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Caught in the Cracks
Location: Jeffery Tubes


Starfleet serial numbers were all the same length and followed the same format; if he could rattle his off without a thought the chances of him being a member of her own crew increased substantially.


"Lt. Commander Kah'Leth; Chief Medical Officer Serial Number 3215768941." He gave the information. "But please do not make me come in with my hands up, this is a very confined space for a man of my stature." He almost chuckled. "I am coming in very slowly not just to keep a phaser on me but it is a small space. "

With that Kah'Leth slowly seemed to twist and contort himself into the small space and be ready with his medical bag. Once settled he put his hands up and slowly opened his jacket to show no weapons on his person.

She relaxed marginally when he answered with a properly formatted number, rank and title but kept her phaser aimed at the large- quite large- man who crawled into her refuge. He was wearing the proper uniform, too, and he didn't seem to be armed. She lowered her weapon but didn't release it.

"Now that we have that settled, what is your name?" He asked with a grin as his smiles sometimes intimidated people. "Can I interest you in a warm blanket?" He went to open his kit and bring out a small package. "Batteries and a warmer in it?" He was unpacking it. "We do need to keep you warm." He offered.

"Stephanie Puller, Lieutenant," she said a little sluggishly. The adrenaline burst that had made her fire had been practically nothing and she was now completely out of that life-saving and sustaining hormone. She knew she was in trouble. She was freezing and had trouble feeling the phaser she was holding in a death grip. "Not warm..." She shivered. "I'm freezing..."

Wrapping her torso, for now, in a warm blanket he grinned as he worked to reach into his bag and bring out a hypo. "This is a bit of stimulant and some vitamin supplement to compensate for the blood loss and keep you with me." He made eye contact. "Well, Stephanie." He began. "I need to set you up with a bit of First Aid and since there are no other Doctors around you cna cal me 'Doc; I hear it is easier than Doctor Kah'Leth and since we are so close here I think ranks and such can be dispensed with." HE was moving a Tricorder now with the probe over her to get a better idea of the damage. "But I promise you I will get you all fixed up and warm in just a few moments okay?"

"Doc," Steph giggled, feeling quite lightheaded. "What's up, Doc?"

The leg was a problem; it had been a good targeting by whomever did this? The weapon was not unlike the Jem'Hadar where it left a wound that continues to bleed, even a glancing hit would do the damage enough to slowly wear the target down.

"You were listening in the First Aid Classes." Kah'Leth complemented the young woman. "The tourniquet has really saved your life." He was getting the laser to more properly close the artery that was hit and make sure she did not bleed any more. "The site to site is out so we need to get you stable here then figure a way to transport you to Sick Bay."

"Transporters are out? What's going on out there?" she asked, doing her best to stay focused on him. "I tried to call- to report- but got no answer..."

"It seems that we have been intersected with a Mirror Universe version of ourselves." Kah'Leth explained as he was switching from the laser scalpel to the Dermal close up the wound. "The Comm units are interfering with one another so only short range and all but useless. Hence the reason I used a tricorder and following a blood trail to find you." He told her as the wound was closed. "I have gotten your leg to stop bleeding."

She looked down at her leg. "Oh. That's good," she observed, sounding confused, which was probably understandable given the circumstances. "*The* Mirror Universe? How did that happen? There's s'posed to be safeguards." She shrugged. "An' I always thought *that* parallel universe was an urban myth, kinda. A ghost story. Theoretically possible, but not really real."

"I had a very serious disagreement with myself." Kah'Leth chuckled. "I had to literally Kick the other me out of Sick Bay." He nod. "I can verify they are real and not a Myth." The Doctor was preparing another hypo."Here is a little more electrolytes and some other meds to help balance you out while I set up a mobile transfusion, you need some blood before we can think of moving you."

"How much blood you carry around with you?" she asked. "Sorry, I'm O Neg, Hope you're not out."

"Enough for a burly male about three quarts low." He grinned "I think a well toned woman of your stature should be topped off with some extra to spare." He spread the Blanket more around her. "Now with your left arm?" He was getting the IV ready. "Now would you like a story while you wait or would just some conversation be sufficient?"

"Just tell me what's happening. If you're looking for wounded, we've come out ahead so far? Ejected the boarding party?" she speculated, thinking like the security officer she was trained to be.

"Actually we are kind of conjoined in a way." He glanced to her. "You might feel a sharp pinch?" He warned then inserted the needle from the IV pack and hung it with a suction pad and hook. "The ships are occupying common null space." He shrugged. "I failed quantum theory so I cannot elaborate." He nod to her. "Right now we are working to get both ships out; you are in the USS Tokyo spacial continuum so when we get back to real space you will be in the right place." He winked. "But there was some squabbles and now with a cease fire Medical can get about our jobs?" He cheeked the flow. "And you drew the straw that brought me here, lucky you right?"

"Yeah, real lucky. Remind me to hit the casino next starbase- and hope it hasn't all run out on me," she laughed weakly.



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