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Mirror Trouble (part 1)

Posted on Sat Jul 7th, 2018 @ 9:49am by Commander Alora Knight & Lieutenant Soren Dillinger 'Speedy' & Lieutenant JG Silica Tetsuhiko 'Twin-Tails'

1,283 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Caught in the Cracks


An anonymous message was sent to the mirror universe crew. This one wasn't sent by com or PADD, but by word of mouth. From one loyal crewman to the other. Down the line, from mouth to ear and so on so forth. It was all the same. "Meet at the I.S.S. Tokyo's Cargo Bay if you truly want the ship back." No one really knew who sent the original message, only that it was authentic and from a high ranking officer of the I.S.S. Tokyo.

Peter wasn't loyal to anyone but himself. He didn't trust the Empire any more than he trusted the resistance. So it was a little surprising to get the message. Still, it was a curious thing, and he wanted to learn more. He walked into the room and kept to the bakc, listening and watching.

Silica had made her way into the cargo bay with a few of her pilots. Many of them had now being freed from the lower decks, and the majority of the wounded were in sickbay. She didn't like those 'Federation's'. She considered them weak and inferior, however she had only co-operated after being ordered to. Afterall following orders led to victory and honour, and disobeying them led to shame, dishonour, pain and finally death.

When everyone had gathered, each of the doors of the cargo hold began to lock before a Borg force field was raised in front of them. Almost simultaneously, female borg drones transported in, taking a place in front of the doors. All of them were easily identified as one of Commander Soren's dolls.

Once the commotion had settled, Commander Soren, appeared with the Borg Tammi Grace by his side. He appeared in the middle of the room and looked around. His cold stare locking onto almost every person in the room. His mouth constantly in that evil grin. As he stopped in place, he moved on hand behind his back and continued to look around before focusing on a single officer. "I thought I was in the presence of a tough and strong crew. I must have been mistaken, because all I see are a bunch of COWARDS WHO ARE WILLING TO TUCK THEIR TAIL BETWEEN THEIR LEGS THE MOMENT OUR DERANGED CAPTAIN LOSES HER FORTITUDE!" He screamed before shoving the officer and looking around again. "Have you all forgotten your oath to the Empire? Have you forgotten what we all SACRIFICED!!"

"What do you plan on doing about it?" Peter asked.

Silica scoffed slightly. "So you think that Taiga has finally kicked the bucket mentally?" she asked simply crossing her arms and leaning on a cargo pod. "I thought that we needed those 'Federation' idiots to get out of this mess. Are you telling us that there is a different way?" she asked loudly. "Or are you being a stupid prick as usual and jumping to your idiotic conclusions like always!"

By now she was starting to get a little riled up. "Come on then Soren! Tell us what the bloody hell we should do and who we should trust! We might be Terran but we need someone to follow!" she paused as one of the female frones approached her. "And don't bother with the Borg's near me! You could assimilate me if you'd like, but frankly you won't get anywhere without me. The pilots are loyal to me and follow me. You want their support, you need to win mine!"

Peter sneered at her. "They won't follow you if you're dead."

"And I won't follow him if he's dead either!" Silica said. She pulled out the knife attached to her belt. "Soren you are disloyal to our captain, and this will give us all the chance to exceed in rank. Plus, I never really liked you anyways!" She said pointing her knife at him. "One on one. Just me and you!"

Soren looked at Silica curiously and smirked. He suddenly raised his hand and waved off the two dolls by her. "Come on then." He said softly, placing his hands behind his back. "If you feel you are worthy."

"I'm looking forward to spilling your blood!" Silica said as she made forward with her knife. "This will be painful!"

Before Silica could get a few feet from her position, she was suddenly hit with a beam from one of the dolls, which left her dazed and stunned. Soren smiled, looking around at everyone present before taking a few steps toward her. "You think you can kill me, Silica? You aren't even at my level. You can't kill me-"

"For I will live forever." Suddenly one of his dolls said in a bit of a monotone voice as she began to approach. "My mind will survive the death, Silica. I am connected-"

"To my dolls in a way you will never understand." A second doll said, her voice equally as monotone as the first. She also began to approach Silica. "We are forever and no one can end us."

The dolls grabbed Silica and raised her up to her feet as Soren took a step forward. "To think that you, a meer nothing, can end my life is surely laughable. I would thank you for the entertainment, if I had a part of me who actually cared to be amused." Soren said firmly before looking to his dolls and nodded his head.

Suddenly, one of the dolls, grabbed Silica by the hair and forced her to tilt her head to the side. Had she the strength she would fight back, but the strength of the drones and the effects of the weapon they used, were working against her.

"Silica? I'm going to let you in on a small secret." Soren said calmly as he placed his hand on her neck. "Did you know that Borg Nanites aren't just used to assimilate someone? If your strong enough, and knowledgeable enough, you can command them to do a variety of things. It's like a microscopic army living inside you. An army the size of a meer cell." He said softly as he tilted his head slightly, his eyes focused on Silica's exposed neck. "They are interesting creatures. Beautiful. Efficient." Two thin Borg tubes shot out of his hand and injected themselves into Silica. "I admire your boldness, Silica. I really do. However..." He leaned in slightly and whispered. "You should have remained silent and restrained your anger."

Soren walked away as his dolls let Silica go. Before she could say anything, she began to feel like her insides were burning. Pain began to travel throughout her body while her muscles began to tighten, making it hard to move. Soren stopped walking and remained still, his eyes looked around those gathered there before he spoke, keeping his back facing Silica. "Right now, My Nanites are doing a number to your insides. To explain it would be boring and useless because you wont survive much longer. But I will do you a favor Silica. I wont let you suffer alone. Your men, who will follow only you, can follow you straight to your grave. I don't care if they agree to follow me after this." He said before turning around and facing her with an evil smile. "I'm going to kill them anyway. Because you couldn't keep your mouth shut. Because you refused to see my vision. Silica, before you die, remember this. I didn't kill your friends. You did."

(To be continued...)

Commander Soren Dillinger
Chief Intelligence Officer

Tammi Grace
Soren's Doll

Various Female Drones
Soren's Dolls

Silica Tetsuhiko
Fighter Pilot



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