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Mirror Trouble (part 2)

Posted on Sat Jul 7th, 2018 @ 9:52am by Commander Alora Knight & Lieutenant Soren Dillinger 'Speedy' & Lieutenant JG Silica Tetsuhiko 'Twin-Tails'
Edited on on Sat Jul 7th, 2018 @ 9:54am

1,404 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Caught in the Cracks



Soren walked away as his dolls let Silica go. Before she could say anything, she began to feel like her insides were burning. Pain began to travel throughout her body while her muscles began to tighten, making it hard to move. Soren stopped walking and remained still, his eyes looked around those gathered there before he spoke, keeping his back facing Silica. "Right now, My Nanites are doing a number to your insides. To explain it would be boring and useless because you wont survive much longer. But I will do you a favor Silica. I wont let you suffer alone. Your men, who will follow only you, can follow you straight to your grave. I don't care if they agree to follow me after this." He said before turning around and facing her with an evil smile. "I'm going to kill them anyway. Because you couldn't keep your mouth shut. Because you refused to see my vision. Silica, before you die, remember this. I didn't kill your friends. You did."


Silica coughed a gentle triccle of blood leaking from her mouth.
"You... cheated..." she coughed as she dropped to her knees then ended up laid on her side. She found some strength to keep her head and upper body up slightly. "Aisaka will kill you for this. My life...." she coughed again more blood oozing from her young mouth. "Long live the... empire..." her eyes began to roll back and her arms gave way. She fell to the floor, motionless, eyes open staring out as her brave heart finally stopped and her chest stopped. She laid there dead, killed unfairly and without any honour. Such a waste of a young soldiers life in such a sticky situation.

Soren walked over to her body. When he reached it, he stopped, and slowly crouched down next to her. As he placed his hand on her face, he moved a small strand of hair away, before speaking softly. "It will live forever, my dear Silica. With me. And only me." He soon stood up and gave her body a slight nudge with his foot. He smiled before looking up and everyone gathered. His smile suddenly faded before he screamed. "Anyone else?!!" He shouted firmly.

No one said a word. No one dared.

Soren watched as everyone left. He smirked slightly before walking over to Silica's body. "Well... aside from your little distraction it went fairly well, wouldn't you say my dear?" He chuckled slightly than suddenly stopped, holding his hand to his ear as he leaned down a bit. "What was that? What did you say?" He let out a soft laugh as he pulled away his hand and leaned back a bit. "That's right. You didn't say anything. because... YOU'RE DEAD!!" His face quickly stopped laughing before he shouted down at her. Soren gave her a few kicks in the side for good measure, each of them landing with a thud, just before he stepped back and smirked again. "This is what your honor and bravado gets you."

The female drones soon walked toward him. Each of them stopped until they were surrounding him. Their faces still and vacant as they spoke in unison. "What more to you wish of us, Commander?"

"My precious dolls." Soren replied with a smile as he walked around in a circle to look at each of them. "That is a good question. Allow me to think for a moment." He soon stopped in place and put his hand over his lips as his face made a pondering expression. "We've already gathered out flock, so let us prepare ourselves for battle. Ensure each of you is ready and, in the event of failure, prepare a shuttle just for us." He paused slightly before holding up a finger, letting out a smile. "In any case, prepare yourselves for a new sister. I have my eyes on a particular new woman to add to my collection. She will join us or die."

"Yes, Soren." The dolls replied in unison.

"You may all go and remember to deal with the pilots from the I.S.S. Tokyo first. Hunt them down individually and make every kill as painful as the last." Soren said with an evil grin before pointing to Grace, his first and most cherished doll. "Except for you, my sweet. I have a special assignment for you."

Each of the dolls walked away, soon leaving in the same Borg like teleportation beam as the last. All but Tammi disappeared from the cargo bay, leaving the two of them alone with Silica's body on the ground, still at Soren's feet.

Soren approached her slowly, placing his hands on the sides of her face, before leaning in to give her a gentle kiss on her lips. "My dear Grace, I have a little assignment for you." He let out an evil smirk before placing his hands in hers and continuing in a soft voice. "I need you to get that lovely brain of yours inside the Starfleet Vessel's database and extract all you can on my Federation doppelganger, than use it to lull him into a sense of security. Lure him into the holodeck, I'll send you the details of the plan soon, but I need him there in order to wrap him into our web and destroy whats left of his mental state."

"As you command, Soren." Tammi replied in a monotone voice.

"We seem to share the same weakness, my heart, and so we must use this to our advantage." Soren replied softly, placing his hand on the side of her face. He stared lovingly into her emotionless face and continued. "He is a curiosity to me and I want to open him up to see what makes him work. Don't worry, my love, I have no desire to add him to my collection. However, I must not let this unique opportunity pass us by. After all, how often does one get a chance to experiment on yourself with no repercussion's to one's self?" He laughed darkly before leaning in and giving her another gentle kiss on her lips.

As Soren leaned back, she responded "It will be done, Soren."

"I know it will, my dear. I know." He placed his hand on the side of her face and smiled before running a hand through her hair. "This is a mission only you can perform. Stay safe. If things seem to be leading to our failure, remove yourself from the equation. I would rather lose this opportunity than lose you." Soren gave her one final smile before it faded and his look turned more serious. "No go. Prepare our web."

Tammi nodded her head and walked off before disappearing in the same method as her sisters did.

Soren let out a dark and evil smirk. Placing his hands behind his back before looking down to Silica's body. "Whether this fails or succeeds, Silica, I will add someone to my collection. I don't care if its someone from the Federation or our own Empire, someone will become my new doll. However, let's not talk about the future. Let's focus on the now." He walked over to her body and soon stopped, looking down at her with an evil smirk. "Silica, my dear, you are going to provide me with one more gift." He laughed evilly before crouching down and taking a hold of the knife she dropped.

He grabbed a handful of her hair and raised her head slightly as he leaned in, placing her knife against her throat. "Silica, I am going to place you at Taiga's feet, as a reminder that her time of power and control is gone. You will be an example of those who remain loyal to her and the fate they have in store." Soren let out a dark chuckle before stopping sudden. "I don't need all of you, Ensign." His evil grin suddenly form from ear to ear as he whispered. "Just your head." As he impaled the knife into her neck, he let out a evil laugh, and continued laughing as he worked.


Commander Soren Dillinger
Chief Intelligence Officer

Tammi Grace
Soren's Doll

Various Female Drones
Soren's Dolls

Silica Tetsuhiko
Fighter Pilot



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