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Taking Over Astrometrics (part 1)

Posted on Sat Apr 14th, 2018 @ 11:14am by Commander Alora Knight & Commander Alexander "Alex" Knight & Lieutenant John "Pitbull" Mackey & Lieutenant Jazra "Jazz" Sirel & Lieutenant JG Julien "Dutch" Wachenbach

1,114 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Caught in the Cracks
Location: USS Tokyo & ISS Tokyo


Alex and Alora walked out of Main Engineering and headed for science and Astrometrics. "We should talk to Lora and ask her for help."

"Do we have to?" Alex replied softly as he walked along side her. "My experience with Lora hasn't exactly been a good one. She might be willing to help but not without something in return that will benefit her."

"It's a bad idea, Boss Lady. We don't know if we can trust her to keep her end of the deal." Pitbull added.

"Not to mention we still have a contract to bring her in." Dutch said quickly before pausing and adding. "Or did we forget about that?"

Alex looked over to Alora before clearing his throat and looking away a bit. "It's not forgotten, just been put on hold."

"Why?" Alora said. "I had the opportunity to find out more about her when I was on the ISS Niagara. She wasn't as bad as her captain. She managed to keep to herself and avoid Johannson's more colorful exploits. Just because she was her XO doesn't mean she's responsible for what the captain did. Just like I wasn't responsible for what Danica did on the USS Niagara." But the fact that Alora hadn't noticed that the Danica Johannson from the Terran Empire had replaced her own Danica still bothered her.

"I was just following my orders." Alex replied before adding. "My position isn't to question why she is wanted, just to bring them the Intel and the person. Besides, she was in a perfect position to stop Danica and she never did. Doing nothing is just as bad. If she was that against it she should have tried."

Alora understood. Alex was in a tough position when he was undercover on the ISS Niagara. But she still also understood that Lora was in a tough position, too. It would be suicidal to defy not only your captain and your ship, but your entire goverment as well. Alora wondered if anyone had approached her double to switch sides. She wasn't sure what she would do in similar circumstances.

They turned the corner to Astrometrics and were greeted by a familiar figure in a Terran Empire uniform. "Hello, Alora." She glanced at her partner. "Alex."

Alex stood there and said nothing. A smile was kept on his face while the rest of his team stood behind them and stayed cautious, watching her every step.

"Hello, Lora. I was hoping to find you," Alora said, smiling politely.

Lora raised an eyebrow. "Really? From what I hear, you're trying to kill us."

'No. We're trying to separate the two ships so we can both go home," Alora countered.

Lora looked at Alex. "With him? I'm surprised Danica let him off his leash." She smiled coldly at Alora. "Did you know your boy toy was screwing Captain Johannson every chance he got? I doubt you live up to her...reputation."

Alora had to fight to keep from smacking her twin. She'd met the other Danika. The woman was horrid. She didn't want to think about her and Alex.

"Easy, Lora." Alex replied softly. "The only reason you're not behind bars is because I haven't made your return a priority."

The only reason she was not behind bars is because she didn't do anything he could charge her with--except try to stay out of trouble. "He ruined my life," Lora said, nodding to Alex. "I was just marking time until I could get assigned planetside. And he not only banged the captain, he decided I was public enemy number one simply because I was the first officer. At the time, I was told that if I didn't do what I was told, your boy toy would slit my throat." Who did he think she was, anyway? One person on an entire starship could not simply take over and decide to go rogue.

"You ruined your own life." Alex replied, raising his voice slightly. "You didn't need my help in that, you did that all on your own."

"Look, can we deal with this later?" Alora didn't want to think about Alex and Danika. She wanted to get the two ships separated and go home.

"Fine." Lora glared at Alex. She noticed the ring on Alora's finger and sneered. "Well, he works fast, doesn't he? Well, I hope you can keep a leash on him."

"Fine. If all you want to do is insult my fiance, I'll do this myself. I thought you'd be interested in separating the two ships before we're both stuck here forever," Alora said. She didn't look at Alex, but walked around Lora and headed to Astrometrics.

"I'll help you,' Lora said, falling in step beside Alora. "Just so I don't have to see his face any more."

Alex raised a brow slightly. "In exchange for what?"

"Never seeing you again," she hissed.

"And how do you plan on getting away? Flying off on your hopes and dreams?" Alex replied quickly. "We aren't going to let you take a shuttle and leave Lora. It doesn't work that way."

"But that's the deal Taiga made. Both of them. To work together and go our separate ways," Alora said quietly to Alex. "I don't think you have a choice this time." She wondered if Alex intended to follow the ISS Tokyo and arrest Lora rather than stay with her. That was not something she dared think about right now. She rubbed her engagement ring and hoped this would all work out.

The three of them entered the lab. Alora and Lora split off to go to two different computers to begin searching for an answer.

Pitbull stood next to Alex and watched as Alora and Lora worked. "It's like that moment when your wife meets one of your ex's and their playing nice, huh Boss. Except, in this case, your ex isn't really your ex."

Alex just stood there and watched before replying softly. "John?"

"Yeah, Boss?"

"Stop talking."

Pitbull replied with a smirk. "Got it."

Alora and Lora turned simultaneously and said. "Good idea."

"John, you and Dutch watch the corridor. Just in case. They haven't done anything to prove they can be trusted." Alex said before crossing his arms over his chest and looking to Alora and Lora. "I'll help them out in here."

"Gonna keep your eyes on her?" John replied with a grin.

(To be continued...)

Commander Alora Tau'Ri
First Officer
USS Tokyo

Lieutenant Commander Alexander "Alex" Knight
Head of SWORD

Commander Lora Tau'Ri
First Officer
ISS Tokyo

Lieutenant John "Pitbull" Mackey

Lieutenant Jazra "Jazz" Sirel

Lieutenant JG Julien "Dutch" Wachenbach


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