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Time to take back the Tokyo (part 1)

Posted on Sun Dec 10th, 2017 @ 7:32am by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Commander Alora Knight & Lieutenant Mimi & Lieutenant Tatiana Manning & Lieutenant Soren Dillinger 'Speedy' & Commander Alexander "Alex" Knight & Lieutenant John "Pitbull" Mackey & Lieutenant Jazra "Jazz" Sirel & Lieutenant JG Julien "Dutch" Wachenbach

1,156 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Caught in the Cracks


Taiga sat on the rail around the Tokyo's warp core. She was replacing the power pack in one of the compression phaser rifles. The latest reports showed that roughly half of the ship had been transformed to the Mirror Universe ISS Tokyo, while the other half was still prime universe, USS Tokyo.

She jumped up and stood up on the railing so that everyone could see her. She was still short, but at least she could finally see over everyones head. The phaser was set to heavy stun, she clipped back in the power cell making people turn to look at her standing on the railing.

"Right people!" she called out. "Its about time we took back our ship!" she announced. "For some reason we can't find half of the crew. Main power is all over the place and we can't get any of our critical systems online" she explained. "We're basically drifting in some strange part of space and if we can't get out of it, it'll be a matter of last man standing" she told them all.

"I need volunteers to form two team" Taiga said. "We need to secure the armoury and secure Auxiliary Control. Once we do that we can work our way to regain full control to the bridge. But we'll be facing lots of opposition" she explained.

"Commander" she looked over to Alora. "I want your team to take the Armoury. I'll handle Auxiliary Control."

"I am going to intel and find out how to separate the two ships," Alora said. "I suspect that command is now there."

"Why?" Taiga asked. "If they get hold of the armoury we'll find ourselves outgunned" she explained. "Plus, are you really going to walk into their potential command area which will be heavily guarded?" she asked.

"So you go to the armory--which will also be heavily guarded. Probably more heavily guarded than the Intel department," Alora said. "Auxiliary control will do us no good until we can take control away from intelligence. Besides, I know Intel, and I know a bit about the MU." And she knew a bit about her counterpart in the MU, having run into her before. She also thought that intel would be less heavily guarded as they wouldn't expect her to go there. If only Alex were here...she thought.

Mimi walked into engineering looking for Taiga, she had been summoned to her but until one of the crew had told her she had last been seen there she had not been able to find her. She drew several looks from the engineers as she walked through, she rather revealing outfit that Mistress Aisaka made her and most of they other slaves wear always attracted attention. Seeing Taiga talking with some of her crew she waited till there was a moment of quiet and approached her.

"Mistress Aisaka." She said bowing as her Mistress had always commanded she did. "You sent for me?"

Taiga looked at Mimi, a rather confused look on her face. "Mistress?" she asked. "What are you talking about Lieutenant? And what is with your uniform?" she asked in a confused way. "Wait..." she took a step back and her hand touched her phaser. "You're not the Mimi that I know."

"Mistress? I have been your slave for 2 years." Mimi said a little confused herself. "You bought me at Anaxar and the first thing you did was force one of your other slaves to have sex with me while you watched."

Taiga stepped back a little shocked. "You've got the wrong idea" she said simply. "I'm not your Taiga. My ship, the USS Tokyo seems to have merged somehow with your ship, the ISS Tokyo" she explained. "So, I'm not really you're Taiga. But another Taiga from another dimension.... my dimension...." she shook her head. Explaining sciency things really wasn't her strong point.

Mimi cocked her head to the side, she didn't understand anything that Taiga had just said. "If you are not my Mistress then where is she?"

"Elsewhere" Taiga said simply. "Why are you reporting to Taiga anyways?" she asked.

"Because she is my Mistress and she has called for me." Mimi replied. "I must attend to her, if she is not here then I must find her." She turned to leave engineering.

Taiga tapped a button on a nearby control panel and locked the door. "Why don't you help us instead?" she asked. She thought about it for a few seconds. "Or do you want to be a slave forever?"

"I can not help you." Mimi said turning back to face Taiga. "Mistress Aisaka would kill me if she found out."

Taiga raised her phaser at the woman. "I'll kill you now if you don't help us" she said simply with a slightly evil smile. "Whats your options? Die here now, or help us and potentially live or die later?"

Alora sighed. That was NOT the way to deal with the situation.

Mimi looked around engineering, she recognised a lot of the other crew but assumed they were like this Taiga and not from the same place she was, none of them were likely to help her and there were far too many for her to try anything, with the doors locked behind her it looked like there was only one way out.
"I will help you." She said. 'for now' she thought.

Taiga lowered her phaser. "Ok" she said. "I trust you know about Starship Operations. You can help us by working on the power grid." she said simply.

"I..." Mimi started, cocking her head to the side. "Know nothing about starship operations."

Taiga sighed. She had hoped that Mimi had at least the same set of skills she possessed in the prime universe.
"So" she said. "What can you do?"

"I can run, sneak and fight well. And I am trained in more....pleasurable things." Mimi replied. Not many of these would really be of any help to Taiga.

"I see" Taiga said. "Then you can be our lookout" she told her simply. "Grab a phaser and stand guard near the doors" she ordered. "But don't fire on our people" she told her.

"She's a slave, captain," Alora said. "We should keep her out of danger, but we should not trust her with keeping guard. She will have to obey her master if she gets out of the brig."

Taiga thought about it for a few seconds. "Perhaps you're right" she responded. "For now, you can stay here. You can be our.... guest" she told her. Taiga considered using the word 'prisoner' but it seemed too harsh, she wanted to use Mimi as a bartering chip if necessary.

'The brig' Mimi said to herself, thats where her Mistress was. She slowly edged closer to the exit waiting for a chance to slip out of engineering trusting in her natural grace to avoid getting shot.

(To be continued...)


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