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Mirror, Mirror (part 1)

Posted on Sun Jun 25th, 2017 @ 8:47am by Commander Alora Knight & Captain Taiga Aisaka & Lieutenant Soren Dillinger 'Speedy'

1,146 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Caught in the Cracks
Location: Various


"I want a deck by deck scan of the ship. if there are two of any crew member, I want them both beamed to the brig," Alora ordered.

The ship shook again slightly.
"Bridge to engineering...." Taiga said. However there was no response. Taiga looked down at the panel on her chair. "Half of the ships are in complete fritz!" she said in a slightly annoyed tone.

Suddenly the sound of phaser fire could be heard from down the corridor on the otherside of one set of doors. The doors burst open and the bridge crew had to duck for cover as phaser fire filled the room.
"Surrender!" the intruders shouted as they fired phasers at the crew.

Taiga crouched down below her chair. She pulled out two phasers from inbetween the chairs and slid one over to Alora. "I suggest we get off this bridge" she said simply. "It seems as if the Mirror Universe crew have begun to take over the ship. Its not safe here..."

"Is it safe to give them the bridge?" Alora countered, pikking up the phaser and making sure it was on stun.

Soren began to mumble slightly to himself, shifting a bit in place, before putting his hands on the floor and lifting himself slowly off the ground. Suddenly, he felt a hand forcefully grab his shoulder. "Ouch! Take it easy, Chief. I feel like I just got hit by a-" His words stopped suddenly as he noticed a very familiar face. It was almost haunting as he looking into the woman's eyes and, where he once saw joy and love, was only cold and emptiness. "G... G... Grace?"

"Your appearance and designation does not match Commander Dillinger." The brunette replied as her other hand shot out and grabbed Soren by the throat, squeezing just enough to make it much harder for him to breath. "Your elimination is required."

Soren just stared at her. She looked like Tammi Grace, but her voice and words seem cold and hallow. Her very skin was pale and cold, nothing like the soft and warm feel he remembered. She was like a walking corpse, a walking nightmare from his past to remind him of his sins.

"Careful, Gracey." Another voice came from behind him, but this one was even more familiar, and much colder. As the figure walked out from behind him and appeared out of the corner of Soren's eye, his head turned to lock eyes with a second familiar face, but this time it was his own. "Don't damage him completely. He might prove useful." He said softly, as his blue mechanical eyes shifted up and down, not only scanning him, but taking in the unfamiliar reflection of an undamaged Soren Dillinger.

Soren's eyes widened as he looked from the Mirror Universe version of himself to the cold Tammi Grace. "What kind of crazy hell did I step into?"

Alora was taking in the conversation, mentally running through options. She did not want to lose the bridge to these people. She did not want to lose crew to these people.

"Shall I escort him to the lab, Commander?" Tammi said in a cold and robotic like tone as her head seemed to snap from Soren to Commander Soren.

"Yes." Commander Dillinger replied softly, a evil smirk formed on his face. "Try not to damage him too much, Grace."

"I would really like to wake up now." Soren said softly, in almost a whimper as his eyes began to water slightly, as the memories of the Tammi Grace from his universe began to flood his mind. "Please?" He whispered before repeating one last time, his voice now breaking. "Please."

"Request granted" Taiga shouted from the other side of the bridge. She jumped up from behind the command chair with her phaser, and took a few shots over in his direction. The first one hit Grace, sending her backwards and the other hit the nearby console sending a shower of sparks across the area.

Being small Taiga was pretty quick on her feet. Within a few seconds, she had grabbed Soren's uniform on his shoulder and was pulling on it to get him away. "Get a room with her.... later. Right now. MOVE!"

Alora shot at the other Dillinger to give Taiga and Soren a chance to get to safety. "Computer, transport Grace and her Dillinger to the brig, maximum security."

Commander Soren suddenly reached out with one hand and grabbed Taiga by the throat, lifting her effortlessly off the ground. "Do you realize how long it took me to repair her from the last time she got shot? Hmm?" He squeezed slightly and brought her in a bit closer as he whispered. "Don't worry. I'll carve the number into your forehead."

The Other Soren was still in shock. He feel to the ground, almost limp and motionless. Paralyzed almost by his own memories.

Alora's shot came at Commander Soren quickly, but seemed to hit nothing but his personal Borg force field, a field he put up the moment Grace was shot. The field rippled slightly from the shot as his head turned to Alora, than to Grace. His link with Grace allowed him to command and control her without saying a word, so he initiated the dampening device he implanted in her, and himself, in order to keep them from being transported against their will. The other Soren than turned to look back to Alora and replied coldly. "No no no. You forgot to say the magic word." He than tossed Taiga away and turned his body to face Alora. "Stopping me is futile, but you will soon come to accept this as fact."

"I accept that you are futile," she said coldly. Since she couldn't shoot him directly, she would shoot at Grace. She was the weak spot. She could take care of the other Borg and hopefully distract this Mirror Dillinger in one blow. She pointed at the ceiling above Grace, knocking a large section of it down onto the Borg.

Commander Soren followed the phaser fire as it hit the ceiling, but soon extended his hand activating Grace's personal force field, keeping her from being crushed by the debris. "Unwise." He said coldly as he turned to face Alora again. "I think I am going to enjoy turning you into one of my dolls." He said calmly before adding. "And I plan to make it very painful."

Taiga picked herself up off of the floor and crouched down beside a nearby console. "Computer. Lock out all Computer Vital and Command Functions!" she called. "Authorisation Aisaka 9-12-beta-red!" she said. "EVERYONE!" she shouted. "OFF THE BRIDGE NOW!"

(To be continued...)

Commander Alora Tau'Ri
Executive Officer

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Soren "Speedy" Dillinger
Chief Intelligence Officer

Mirror Characters
Commander Soren Dillinger
Chief Intelligence Officer

Tammy Grace


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