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[BACKPOST] First Officer's Log #1: New Ship, New Problems

Posted on Wed May 31st, 2017 @ 12:47pm by Commander Alora Knight

497 words; about a 2 minute read

Alora curled up in an overstuffed chair, one of the few luxuries she allowed herself. She held a cup of spiced herb tea in her hand. It had been a long day and she desperately wanted to relax. But first, she needed to record her first log. "Computer, start log..."

"So far my stay aboard the Tokyo has not gone well. After a review of an altercation between the Chief Intelligence Officer and the Chief Security Officer, I told the Chief Security Officer that she could no longer wear multiple weapons on the ship. The woman had a blade on each forearm and at least one phaser on her person. As this is clearly against Starfleet regulations, and she had clearly threatened a fellow officer without cause, I was forced to rescind the former First Officer's waiver of said regulations. She was quite upset with me, stating that the crew's safety mandated that she constantly be armed. The video evidence proved the contrary. It is hoped that she will prove herself over the next few months and possibly regain the right to wear a belt knife. I do not see the need for more unless she is on guard duty.

Then, in a briefing of the senior staff, the Captain got in an argument with the Chief Intelligence Officer, who is also a fighter pilot, over sensor pod distribution on his fighter. He was quite antagonistic and belligerent. However, where I expected the Captain to dress down the officer for insubordination, she instead threw a temper tantrum and stormed out of the briefing, informing the rest of the crew they could get the information themselves. The briefing was over.

I followed her to her ready room and tried to make some sense of this aberrant behavior. Her reaction surprised and dismayed me. She said that was the only way she could maintain order. Has Starfleet stopped teaching discipline in the Academy? I think not. Yet this Captain does not believe that the crew will follow her out of loyalty and trust. I verbally resigned at that point. I cannot work with anyone who will not even consider self-discipline and excuse her own inexcusable behavior as "necessary."

We worked out a tentative peace, but I am still not sure how long I can stay on a ship full of misfits. I know that in Starfleet's eyes, I, too, am a misfit, but I still believe in what Starfleet stands for. I wish the Captain did as well.

I have yet to meet with the Chief Intelligence Officer. I am not looking forward to the meeting. I fear that if I see Lex again, I will have to apologize for the way I treated him because Mr. Dillinger makes him look tame.

Hopefully, with time, I will be able to help the crew fit in, but at this point I'm not so sure. I miss Alex. If nothing else, he would help me feel not so alone.

End log.


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