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After the Storm

Posted on Fri Jan 25th, 2019 @ 5:20am by Lieutenant Jaqobus "Jack" Gaius

229 words; about a 1 minute read


Provisional Lieutenant Giaus, Personal Log: Supplemental:

It's been two days since the Cassandra failed to make her rendezvous at the edge of the Demilitarized Zone. I flew straight into an Ion-Storm this morning, and the Quitchhazel's taken a lot of damage. She really is a tough little ship; it's almost insane to think that she's made it this far; from that first flight when I transferred from the Oran, through the last quarter-odd century all the way to now. Whoever finds this log, if I don't survive this mission, then I ask that this shuttle be placed in a museum. She's a tough little ship that's survived the loss and decommissioning of at least four different mother-ships.

As I was saying; I managed to secure the recovered memory core of the probe for further data recovery. With any luck, the core should still contain the full sensor logs detailing all detected ship movements in this sector for the past three months, including the last-known positions of all of the Cardassian vessels that have gone missing in that same time frame, as well as any relevant sensor data therein. This is provisional lieutenant Jaqobus Gaius, Chief Security officer of the USS Cassandra, signing off.


Lieutenant Jaqobus "Jack" Gaius,
Chief Security/Tactical Officer,
USS Tokyo NCC-91101


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