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Xander's Log Entry 1: Titles are hard.

Posted on Fri Feb 12th, 2016 @ 3:24am by Lieutenant Alexander Raithwell PHD

255 words; about a 1 minute read

It seems fairly pointless to be travelling as far as I am just to turn around and head right back again. Yet my orders do contain a rambling explanation on why this was deemed to be a better use of my time than simply waiting for the ship to arrive. Someone apparently believes that there won't be status reports to go over and that I'll have to spend a significant amount of time herding off duty personnel in order to get a full debriefing. While I can agree that there is a possibility of that it's quite unlikely. Given the result of the Tokyo's last mission however the concern may be warranted.

We'll see though.

Chief Science Officer... that's... well it's going to be interesting isn't it? As reluctant as I am to claim I'll be an asset to this new crew I wouldn't have been accepted, or recommended, if others didn't think I weren't suitable. So it's better not to second guess myself now isn't it? I already have colleagues asking me why I chose this ship over a more science oriented vessel... her upcoming mission isn't exactly in line with my goals but I have to admit I always had a soft spot for the Akira class; the Armitage being it's successor is probably a lot of what drove me to take the offered posting. Perhaps if there'd been a Steamrunner things right now would be very different. Apparently though only I and a small handful of others actually like those old things.


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