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You Can't Park There! (Part 2)

Posted on Mon Jul 8th, 2024 @ 10:43pm by Commander Chisato Nishikigi & Captain Taiga Aisaka & Commander Thomas Johnson & Lieutenant Jasad Yuvek & Lieutenant Jesse Leon & Lieutenant Sarah Graesyn & Lieutenant Talia Johnson & Lieutenant JG Nezuko
Edited on on Sat Jul 13th, 2024 @ 11:13pm

1,562 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Starship Graveyard
Location: Various

Previously on Star Trek Tokyo:

She opened a ship wide communication. "All hands this is the Captain. We have cleared the sand dunes. We will be landing the ship shortly on a flatter area. However this ship was never intended to touch down on a planet, so this could get bumpy. Secure all equipment and brace for touchdown."

Thomas sat back in his chair. watching on his display the incoming ground. "At least this time we have control over how and where we land."

Talia nodded as she held on ready for landing. "It's definitely boosted morale having the ship in the air again though."

And now the continuation...

Beep beep. Another alert sound, and anyone looking for the source would see a frustrated Nezuko switching out the battery on her respirator. Again. As she’d told Kylynn, the power drain was affecting those tiny batteries more and more. It had become a rote exercise by now. Beep, deep breath, battery out, new battery in, everything fine.

Beep beep. That new battery was already empty.

Beep beep. So was that one.

A panicked Nezuko looked to her crewmates, eyes wide.

Chisato happened to steal a glance over her shoulder at that very moment and observed her Amphean crewmate in visible distress.

"Lieutenant?" she called out. "Is something the matter?"

She gave a panicked look to Chisato and pointed to her respirator.

Thomas's glance went over to the Lt as well... the double beep was something unheard on the bridge, therefore the unknown sound caught his attention. Noticing her distress, unable to communicate, besides her sign "Her breathing apparatus has stopped working... we have been focused so much on the big things. We failed to realize the affect on smaller." By this time he had gotten up and walking over to her, noticing several batteries on the console. "Do we have enough for a site to site to get her to her quarters... its been set up so she can breath without the machine."

Nezuko nodded to the First Officer and repeatedly signed the word ‘quarters’.

Taiga had also noticed her Chief of Ops distress. "Bridge to sickbay. We have a medical emergency incoming." She said tapping her comm badge quickly. She took over transporter control from her chair. "I'm beaming Lieutenant Nezuko to you now. Have breathing equipment ready."

The Ops Chief shook her head vigorously and signed again ‘quarters’ over and over. It would take time (not much time, but seconds counted) for them to set something up for her. She knew her own system. The air was already set up, and even if it hadn’t been, it had easy analog overrides that didn’t need ship’s power. Quarters. Quarters. Quarters.

"Captain... she's telling us quarters. Her breathers aren't working, her quarters is already set up her her unique breathing. Its the fastest way to get her help, with minimal delay." Thomas corrected the Captain.

Taiga's finger hesitated over the button on her chair. "Sickbay, scrap that. We're beaming her to her quarters for atmosphere." She finally said. She then pressed the button to activate the transporter. She sent a written order to sickbay to send someone down later to check Nezuko for any damage to her respiratory system.

The Ops Chief rematerialized in her quarters and slammed her fist on an emergency override which sealed vents and dumped a pressure tank of 70% Argon, 29% gaseous Nitrate, and 1% molecular Nitrogen directly into her sealed quarters. Nezuko took a few deep breaths and waited a moment to make sure she was okay.

When she was good to stand she tapped a message to the bridge on a comm panel. Am Okay.

Talia breathed a sigh of relief. "I'll drop in on Nezuko later Captain, I want to make sure she's okay."

"Lt Johnson, remind me to teach you her sign, in our spare time... having only one member of the crew able to communicate when she has no other help, is an honour, but as we just found out... can be deadly. Perhaps all senior officers should have a basic understanding Captain."

"Not a bad idea." Taiga said in response.

"Ok, Lieutenant." She said turning her attention back to the helm. "Here should be a good location. Put her down nice and gently."

"As if there was such a thing," He replied as he tried to work out the calculations in his mind as to where the ship could land with the least damage being done to the hull. Where he landed the ship it would have to be in a area where it could launch from in the future and would not be encumbered by debris or other natural developments.

The Tokyo began to hover for a brief few moments. Slowly she levelled up before starting to lower towards the ground at a slow speed.

"Nice and easy..." Taiga said. "We don't want to buckle the hull..."

Lieutenant Graesyn was monitoring the engineering side of things as the Tokyo was relocated and she noticed an alarm start to blink on her console; she took a solid minute to investigate and check it in triplicate before she spoke. “Captain, I’ve got a malfunction with the structural integrity grid… I can’t do anything about resetting it until we are back on the ground. We should make this quick before it fails completely”

"And just when things were starting to look up..." Chisato sighed.

"Understood Engineering. Throw all available power to whatever we have left in Structural Integrity." Taiga said. She gripped the end of the arms of her command chair. She just hoped that the Tokyo was going to live up to its reputation for being a tough ship.

Sarah nodded as she set to work. It took her a moment longer than she would have liked but she managed to divert as much power as she dared from non-essential systems and then shored the field just a touch further by utilizing auxiliary power as well. “Power rerouted though I don’t know how much it’ll buy us. I highly recommend bracing yourselves.”

Lt. Yuvek knew that this was not going to be pretty. In fact, he was quite certain that it was going to be ugly when it was said and done. It wasn't as if the ship could just deploy its landing struts and come to a gentle landing. A vessel this large was hardly intended to perform atmospheric entry, let alone crashing on a planet surface and trying to rise again.

"Sounds like its going to be another rough landing after all." Thomas stated has he relaxed in his chair once again. "My apologize for questioning your orders regarding the Lt. Captain... just relaying what she was telling me. Seeing the breathers on the console and her in distress, was a given that she was unable to breath. Given my experience with the Lt has gotten me to look for certain non verbal, or in this case, non signing cues."

Slowly the Tokyo made contact with the ground. Although it was more of a controlled landing, it still causing the ship to lurch and roll as it settled on the sand. Several of the bridge consoles flickered and a few of them sparked as the ship set down on the ground.

The sound of the ships hull groaning and creaking could be heard through the ship as it once again settled. Finally it stopped as the ships thrusters powered down. Finally Taiga stood up.

"I want a full systems report. And a full damage assessment now that we have access to every part of the ship." Taiga ordered. She walked over to the helm and placed a hand on Jased's shoulder. "Nice flying Jased."

Sarah had braced herself against her console and groaned as the ship settled itself a little further, the impact having run every inch of her body and leaving her joints aching horribly. She shook it off as best as possible and did a manual damage assessment of the bridge before she set to work at the console again. “Initiating a level 1 diagnostic of all ships systems; I suspect it will take additional time than standard to get results but we’ll have them.” She thought for a moment, running mental calculations; her fingers dancing in the air. “Permission to return to Engineering? I’ll be better able to coordinate things from there.”

"Permission granted." Johnson replied, given the circumstance he didn't think the Captain would have answered any differently. He adjusted his back and neck as he stood. "Since we are safely grounded, I will assemble the teams and head back to the ferengi ship. Along with the Daimon."

Sarah finalized the inputs to initiate the diagnostics and then spun on a heel as Johnson replied and stepped into the Turbolift.

Taiga stood looked around the bridge. It was nice to see everyone back at their stations. The ship felt alive again like it should be. She smiled before stepping into her ready room.

Posting by:

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer

Commander Thomas Johnson
Executive Officer

Commander Chisato Nishikigi
Chief Intelligence Officer

Lieutenant Jasad Yuvek
Chief Flight Control Officer

Lieutenant Jesse Leon
Chief Security/Tactical Officer

Lieutenant Sarah Graesyn
Chief Engineer

Lieutenant Talia Johnson
Chief Counselor

Lieutenant JG Nezuko
Chief Operations Officer


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