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Back Post- A little us time

Posted on Mon Sep 9th, 2024 @ 5:55am by Commander Thomas Johnson & Lieutenant Talia Johnson

925 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: The Nursery
Location: XO's Office
Timeline: Before leaving planet

Thomas walked into his quarters, this whole situation was a mess, to say the least. Sitting on the sofa he lay his head back.

Walking out of the bedroom after changing into her more comfortable off duty clothing, Talia walked over to Thomas and sat down. “Hard day huh?” She offered a warm, caring smile.

"Hard isn't the word." He reached for a hand.

Talia smiled as she reached out to hold Thomas’ hand. “Well now you’re home and you can relax and enjoy it. Would you like me to get you anything?”

"You are all I need," Thomas replied with a smile as he pulled her closer to him gently. "How are you feeling."

“Me? I’m okay.” Talia smiled. “My morning sickness finally seems to be easing, I can eat now without feeling like I need to go rushing off. If anything I feel more hungry than I did before.”

"Well then what are we waiting for. What do you want to eat?"

“What do I want?” Talia smiled. “I want the works! Everything I couldn’t eat before and more besides!” She couldn’t help but grin. “I’ve missed eating properly, only having tiny portions in quick snacks.”

"Very well.. lets get making food." He replied getting up, walking over to the kitchen. "Bacon eggs, hash brown, toast, pancake and waffles coming up."

“Sounds devine!” Talia smiled. “But then so are you...” She held him up just long enough to give him a loving kiss. “What would a I do without you?”

"Probably find another." He replied kissing her back.

“No Imzadi” Talia shook her head. “There’s no one that could replace you, I wouldn’t want anyone else.”

"Thats good to know." He replied nuzzling her neck. "Soon, we will be out of here, and I am spending more time with you."

"That sounds wonderful to me " Talia smiled. "We barely seem to have had more than a few moments lately, but given the situation I understand why."

"I kinda figured we'd spend more time in bed than we actually do." He grinned as he slid his hand down her side, before heading to the kitchen.

Talia grinned. “I’m not averse to spending more time in bed with you, it’s one way to work up an appetite and get more exercise at the same time.” She smiled as she took his hand. “We could always...” She motioned towards the bedroom.

"I like the way you think." Thomas replied and let her lead him to their bedroom.

Entering the room Talia lead her husband across to the bed, stopping at the end of the bed to give him a very passionate kiss. “Now a lot more fun!” She smiled as she playfully moved to lie on the bed motioning for him to join her.

Smiling, he slowly lowered himself on top of her, nuzzling her neck. "I totally agree."

“Now this...” Talia smiled as she ran her fingers through Thomas’ hair. “I could get used to!” She encouraged him to carry on.

Smiling, he reached around, and sliding her bottoms off, seeing as they were more for the comfort than anything due to pregnancy. Once they were off, he slid his hands under her shirt.

Talia lifted her arms to allow the easy removal of her top, her fingers returning to helping Tom with his clothes as well. The floor being littered with their clothing.

Smiling, "You are beautiful."

Talia blushed. “Thank you. Just being with you makes me feel wanted and loved.”

Smiling, "Thats more important than the three solit pips on my collar, thats on the floor." He looked down, "How about we get a little loud in here shall we." He replied as he went down.

Grabbing a clean uniform from the closet, he watched as Talia still lay in their bed. It was hard to believe that their relationship started so fast, and how hard he fell. Taking the pips off of his dirty uniform, and placing them on the new one, he walked to the kitchen. Looking at the time, he had to the replicator instead, ordering them both a full course breakfast.

Talia stirred reaching her hand across the empty space in bed she opened her eyes, sensing Thomas in the kitchen she slid out of bed heading to the bathroom to freshen up and brush her hair. Not long afterwards she walked out of the bedroom still in her bathrobe. “Good Morning handsome” she smiled as she gave him a loving kiss.

Kissing her back, "So did we build up a big enough appetite for these two plates?"

“Ohh definitely! Besides I’m eating for two remember?” She gave him a wry smile as she sat down ready to eat. “I think we had plenty of exercise last night, unless of course you have any excess energy you need to use up.”

"Oh, you know I always have energy to use up on you." Thomas replied with a grin. "You know it doesn't take much for me."

Talia grinned a wry grin. “Do I ever!” She tucked politely into her breakfast, enjoying every morsel as she ate.

Finishing up his food. "Almost as good as the last thing I ate... but not quite."

Talia grinned a wry grin. “Ohh there’s always plenty more to fill you up, in both respects.”


“We’ve got plenty of time to work up more of an appetite, and you can enjoy dessert.” Talia grinned a wry grin.


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