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Checking In On You (Backpost)

Posted on Mon Sep 9th, 2024 @ 5:26pm by Lieutenant Talia Johnson & Lieutenant JG Nezuko

617 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: The Nursery
Location: Nezuko’s Quarters
Timeline: (Still on the graveyard planet)

Most of a day had passed since the Tokyo had been relocated to flatter land, and Nezuko had spent that entire time in her quarters.

A nurse had come by to check her vitals and make sure she was okay within an hour of being transported to the safety of her enclosed room. The handy full face rebreathers that she kept in the forcefield-shielded alcove at the front door helped the nurse get in and work in safety.

For the next few hours, she slept. That near-suffocation had taken a toll and drained her of energy.

After waking, she wrote another letter for home — there was hope that all her letters to her brother would be sent as a package after they escaped the planet — and then set about tinkering with the air supply of a standard EVA suit. She hoped that she could get one to work…

The door chimed, and she pushed a button to indicate to the visitor that they were welcome inside.

Walking in Talia paused inside the forcefield area to pick up and put on a rebreather so she could safely enter Nezuko’s Quarters. “Hi Nezuko” she offered a smile and a wave. “How are you?”

Nezuko offered a wan smile and then beckoned Talia in further. She walked her counselor friend to the couch and sat down with her.

She looked down at herself and realized that she hadn't bothered to change out of her Starfleet issue sleepwear. She had not left her quarters and had minimal prospects for doing so for a while.

She typed something on her PADD and showed it to Talia. I'm okay. Sorry for not being more presentable.

“Don’t be silly” Talia waved off Nezuko’s concerns. “You’re comfortable that’s what matters.” She smiled. “Once we’re off this planet you’ll be able to get back to work without the worry of power draining away.”

That made Nezuko smile widely, a smile that Talia had never seen. She was so excited about the prospect of leaving this planet that she pulled Talia close into a big, tight hug.

Talia returned the hug with a smile. “I’ll be glad to get away from here too, I had dreams about raising my baby here. Not something I’d want to do.”

Nezuko picked up the PADD again and typed. You'll raise your child in a safe place, with a loving family, hopefully one that includes all of us on the Tokyo.

Talia nodded and smiled. “I’ll be here Nezuko, this is my home now I don’t have any plans to move elsewhere.”

Nezuko smiled and focused her mind. She imagined herself standing watch over a sleeping baby. On her planet, children were raised not only by their parents but extended family and close friends too. Much like how many humans seemed to call their mother’s best friend ‘aunt’, a close friend to an Amphea parent could be counted on by parent and child alike. She did her best to mentally convey this in her thoughts and feelings. I’m with you.

Talia smiled and nodded as she got what Nezuko was sharing with her. “I’d be more than happy for you to babysit anytime you want Nezuko, I think auntie Nezuko has a nice ring to it.”

With that bit of positivity, hope for the future, Nezuko sat next to Talia on the couch and lay her head on her shoulder. Just a bit of contact, enough to instill in her heart that yes people were there for her, even though physical contact with any would be rare for the foreseeable future.


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