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I Wasn't So Sure... (back-post)

Posted on Mon Sep 2nd, 2024 @ 7:56am by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Commander Thomas Johnson

1,385 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: The Nursery
Location: Captains Ready Room

Thomas sat in the centre seat of the bridge, the Tokyo now back in space as it should be... he tapped on the coms, "Captain... you got that moment, that asked about?" It wasn't something he wanted to talk about. But considering everything, it was something he felt he needed to come clean about.

With the Tokyo now under tow by the USS Kirishima, and we'll on its way back to Federation Space, it had all calmed down a little. "Sure Commander. Come and pop into the ready room." Taiga's voice replied.

It wasn't long before he stood in front of the Captain. "We did it Captain... congratulations, you kept us on the path out of that death trap and rescued many more that was already there."

"It wasn't all just me you know. Everyone e had a part to play in the plan," Taiga stated. She stood up from her desk and moved to the couch. She gestured for him to sit down with her.

"I will have to admit, I wasn't so sure, in fact I had... contingencies set up, mainly if our allies turned against us. Which would have stranded us on the planet, we just escaped. After so long here, I wasn't sure they could be trusted."

"I can understand why," Taiga said. "I had some contingencies in my back pocket too. Seems like great minds think alike huh?"

"True, but I had a few officers that shared the same concern, come up with a way to fry the ships systems, so that the ship would not be of use to anyone, leaving us with no way off that planet... at a moments notice... I still have yet to tell them to remove that program from the ships computer."

Taiga shook her head. "No, leave it be." she said. "It could prove useful one day. It could render the ship useless, but not destroyed if we are ever in need of it."

"Very well, I will have it so that only second officer and above can actually initiate it."

"In the meantime. Tell me more." Taiga said as she crossed one leg over the other. "What made you take such drastic actions."

"To be honest... it wasn't easy, I seen the surrounding area, seen the people who were stranded, and some of the ships stranded here, seems more advanced than the Tokyo, the people here, has been fighting, trying to get their hands on supplies by any means necessary, with the Tokyo, being one of the best in the fleet, I figured, would have been made a prime target. There are things that we both know that is on this ship, that cannot get into enemy hands. The officers, they have been here for a long time. I didn't know if they could be trusted, time changes everything. Changes people, so I came up with something that would make sure no one would get their hands on it if they were to betray us. As I said, it wasn't the easiest choice I have made. But I am glad we did not need to use it."

Taiga nodded in agreement. "It was a risk. But it comes with the uniform." She told him. "Also, I had my own reasons to get off that rock in the middle of nowhere," she smiled as ran a hand over her now noticable bump. "I think you'll agree that was no place to be raising future children."

"I agree with that. I just didn't like not being prepared, I do have a kid on the way as well you know." He grinned.

Taiga let out a small laugh. "Yeah it seems as if 'baby fever' has swept this ship in the last few months." She paused for a brief moment. "You know, I never imagined that these halls would be filled with the sounds of children. Not on a ship like this."

"Starfleet may not like having so many families... its not what this ship is for. Nor is it equipped for it"

Nodding in response Taiga agreed with him. "Indeed. However having civilians aboard can be a strength." She stated. "I was thinking we should have the school room on deck nine extended and refitted once we dock at Starbase 234." she suggested.

"It can be I agree... however given the past few missions we have had, some of the higher ups aren't fond of captains getting pregnant. Especially on a battle ship like the Tokyo."

Taiga crossed her arms. "Well, they may not like it. But frankly its not upto them." She stated. "There aren't any rules against getting pregnant, and as long as I can keep commanding this ship there shouldn't be any problems." She told him. "Trust me, I have no intention of letting this..." she ran a hand over her belly "...stop me from doing my job."

"Just want to make sure you realize that some admirals may not want a pregnant Captain at the help of one of there state of the art war ships... I on the other hand, think its an advantage... considering what we just went through."

"Well," Taiga said with a sigh. "They can't remove me from command just because I'm pregnant. That would be unfair and against everything Starfleet stands for." she stated. "Plus, no one knows this ship as well as me." She boasted proudly.

"No doubt about that Captain... but if the need arises, and considering how some pregnancies can be difficult. I may... request you take more time off, for your and your babys well being. You aren't only the Captain, you are mom to be."

"You sound like Ryuuji," Taiga chuckled. "There's no need to worry about me. I'll make sure I'm ok. However..." she paused for a brief moment. "If you suspect I'm pushing myself too far, then you should tell me to stop. I know I have a weakness of going too far sometimes."

"Sometimes? not what I heard." He smiled. "But, I will discuss with the Doctor what to watch out for, if the need arises to... relieve you of duty citing medical reasons."

Taiga couldn't help but let out a small laugh. "I can agree to that. But just don't do it in front of the crew. I still need to make sure that everyone still respects and can have faith in me. I'm more than just a captain, I'm the leader of a community."

"If you hear me to report to the medical bay for a class one examination."

An eyebrow raised on Taiga's face. "Its a bridge I hope we don't cross. But for now we'll keep it as an option." She stated to him. "Anyways. If I've proven anything its that I'm more than capable of getting us out of tough spots. Plus, you have your own family to look after too." She paused. "So, no need to be worrying about me."

"As second in command it is my job to make sure the captain is fit for duty. I don't intend to cross it, but the moment, I feel it needs to be crossed, I will seek a medical experts opinion... and follow protocol after."

"And I expect nothing less from my first officer." Taiga stated simply. "I haven't had any new orders through yet. No doubt they want to go over the Tokyo first before they assign us anything."

"Considering the amount of hybridization we did, with all the other ships. May be a while." Thomas.replied as he leaned back. " there's.also the subject of Lt Nezuko... it's.much as I'm be a translator for her... we almost lost her due to the inability for others to understand."

Taiga nodded in response. "Yeah. I think we need to find a way to improve communication with her. She's a good officer, I don't want to lose her."

"I may have something. But I will need to discuss it with her, and a few other depts. Which I'll do right now." He replied standing.

"Well I won't keep you any longer. Let me know how it goes," Taiga said giving him a nod. "And don't worry, there are some lines that even I won't cross." She assured him again.

Posting by:

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer

Commander Thomas Johnson
Executive Officer


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