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If that's your version of interesting

Posted on Mon May 8th, 2023 @ 10:51pm by Lieutenant JG Amari & Commander Thomas Johnson & Lieutenant Jasad Yuvek

1,596 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Descent
Location: Various

As the runabout Thames passed over a series of locked together cargo containers at the outskirts of the Beta Antares fleet yards the starship USS Tokyo began to come into view. "There is your new home Lieutenant Amari." Ensign Matthews in the pilot seat called out to her.

Amari rushed out from the rear section of the runabout into the cockpit to look out the window. "Wow, it is huge." She said visibly amazed at the massive starship; she'd read the specs of the ship but it didn't compare to seeing the ship in the flesh. "My people don't have anything anywhere near this size." She added.

"If you think that is big you should see the Odyssey class," Another voice added as Petty officer Cardec joined them in the cockpit. "Carries over 1500 officers and crew, over double that in an evacuation scenario."

"Wow." Amari said as she sat back in one of the chairs, the sudden realization of what she was about to get into hitting her even after 10 days of being with these two officers. Asking them ever possible question she could think of, reading every scrap of information they'd let her have access to and even helping maintain the ship.

=/\= USS Thames hailing USS Tokyo, please respond.=/\= Matthews began to broadcast to the Armitage class ship.

=== Bridge ===

"Commander, incoming transmission." Operations called out after receiving the message.

Johnson had been in the seat for the past several hours, waiting, wanting something to happen. This was at least that something,

"Very well Ensign. Patch it through."

=/\= We're on approach for personnel drop off, request landing co-ordinates and approach vector.=/\=

"Understood, I will have my Chief Flight controller send you all information needed. I will contact the captain and meet at the docking bay." He turned to the helmsman. "Send them the information Lt, then come with me."

Lt. Jasad Yuvek inputed the requested information into the data package and sent it to the Runabout Thames. Personally he still couldn't understand the Human's inability to spell an object the same way it was pronounced phonetically.

It simply boggled his mind how different cultures on the the same planet could pronounce the same word completey different despite the spelling never changing.

=/\= Co-ordinates received, on approach, Thames out.=/\=

=== Shuttle bay ===

As the doors slid open, Lt. Yuvek followed alongside the Executive Officer into the the sprawling bay.

"So if I understand correctly, our new Engineering Officer is walking cybernetic hub?" He asked. "Essentially a Borg, but just with a better personality?" He asked.

"Wouldn't associate all cybernetic races as a borg Lt. Even former drones." Thomas replied

"Of course sir, but the second I see her jacking herself into the ship's propulsion system, we're going to have a problem." He said sardonically. Regardless of the Commander's tone of chastiement, Lt. Yuvek was less than enthused about the idea of a person who can connect directly into a computer system and potentially take it over.

"If it makes you feel better I will ask the Lt not to take over the ship."

Rcs thrusters firing the Thames slowly passed through the forcefield and into the Tokyo's shuttlebay gradually settling down on the deck in its assigned spot. "Tha k you for bringing me here and for letting me help you run the ship." Amari told Matthew's and Cardec.

"You're welcome Lieutenant." Cardec replied. "Well make sure your baggage gets sent to your quarters for you."

"Thank you again." Amari said with a big smile. Slipping her orders Padd into her pocket then straightening out her white uniform she stood by the hatch and after taking a deep breath she opened it and stepped out onto the deck. Taking in the vast size of the shuttlebay for a few moments she saw two people who certainly appeared to be waiting for her; a human and a Cardassian.

"Permission to come aboard Sir." Amari said as she approached and noticed the 3 pips on the humans collar marking him out as a commander.

"Permission granted." Thomas replied as he extended a hand. "Commander Thomas Johnson, the Tokyo's first officer, this here is Lt Yuvek, Chief Flight Controller."

"Sub offici..." Amari caught herself from using her Lesrai rank rather than the equivalent starfleet rank she had been given. "Lieutenant Amari. Nice to meet you both." She said and lightly took Thomas' hand.

"We were expecting you several days ago Lt. I hope the delays wasn't too serious." Thomas stated as he looked over to the shuttle.

Amari shook her head slightly. "We had to take a detour around a very large ion storm, it added a few days to our journey but I did not mind. It gave me more time to get more familiar with your starfleet systems."

"Lt Yuvek, when you have time can you go over the shuttle make sure everything is in tip top shape. For the shuttle to return."

"Aye sir," Lt. Yuvek said as he walked forward and carefully examined the shuttle. He could only imagine what damage had been done within the superstructure of the runabout due to the ion storm.

"Ensign Matthews, I want a level III diagnostic performed on the Thames plasma conduits. Ion storms are known to wreak havoc on those types of systems, even if you don't go directly though it." He said to the Flight Control Officer as he exited from the rear of the shuttle.

"I want to thank you and your Captain for accepting me onto your ship, I am hoping this will be a most interesting experience." Amari told Thomas.

"I am new to the ship myself, recently transferred from another starfleet ship, as well as my first second in command position." Commander Thomas replied looking around. "From just the visual aspect of the shuttle, it seems no worst to wear... but it should be a few hours before full diagnostics are completed."

"It handled the edge of the ion storm very well." Amari said glancing back to the runabout. "Your people build good ships."

Lt. Jasad finished visually examining the hull of the runabout before turning back to the Executive Officer and the new Engineer. "I noticed your usage of a different rank structure, how long have you served in your people's military?" He asked the woman.

"Four cycles," Amari replied. "I'm not of the military clan but married into it. So got to serve as an official, my clan have an understanding of machines not many do. So I served as an engineer."

"I assume in your role within your own military you've encountered a sufficient amount of combat situations?" He asked. Lt. Jasad had already been through one near-death experience with the ship so he was aware of just how quickly everything could go from peak efficiency to utter shambles in a matter of moments. He needed to know that the person down in the egine room could keep their cool, but more importantly, keep the engines running in a firefight so that he could get them the hell out of there.

"We only a few small ships and only really have minor pirates, smugglers and the like to deal with." Amari replied conscious of the disapproval this would likely get from the Cardassian. "No wars or predatory species. Nothing we couldn't handle."

"Sounds like a peaceful world for the most part. Unfortunately, with Earth and Cardassia, there has been wars. Plenty of them."

"Why did your government place you on this ship?" Lt. Yuvek asked. "This is a Fleet Carrier, a far cry from any capital ships your people would have in service." The Cardassian inquired. It seemed odd that they would place a relative novice to combat engineering on a ship like the Tokyo that is almost guarantied to see its fair share of hostile engagements.

"My government didn't pick this ship." Amari replied. "Your Officer exchange program coordinators did, all I asked for was a ship that would have a wide array of potentially interesting situations."

"Interesting situations indeed, if the past few missions are any indication."

"I plan on reading about the previous assignment this ship has, I am sure it will make for interesting reading." Amari remarked.

"We were attacked and boarded by Romulans. Several crew members were flat-out executed. We lost USS Oceania with all hands aboard." He said bitterly as he thought about the image of seeing the Tokyo's sister ship engulfed in explosions.

"Interesting. . .is not the proper word to describe what we've been through." He said consciously.

"Its a figure of speech Lt." Thomas replied. "What I meant was that it wasn't a run of the mill mission. It didn't go off without a hitch."

"I know the assignments here will not always be simple and could certainly be very dangerous but if I'm to see all of what starfleet can be I don't want a safe and secure posting." Amari said, if she wanted safe and secure she wouldn't have tried so hard to leave home.

"Then, welcome to the Tokyo Lt. You will not be disappointed."

"Thank you." Amari have a small smile. "If I may I'd like to meet the Captain and thank her personally." She added with a hopeful voice.

"She has asked to see you as soon as you arrived." Thomas replied, "Lt Yuvek, assist with the shuttle, while I take her to see the captain."

"Understood." Lt. Yuvek responded.

A post by

Commander Thomas Johnson
Executive Officer

Lieutenant Jasad Yuvek
Chief Flight Control Officer

Lieutenant JG Amari
Engineering Officer


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