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Pre-Departure Meet & Greet (Part 1)

Posted on Wed Apr 12th, 2023 @ 6:09pm by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Commander Thomas Johnson & Lieutenant Commander Febin & Commander Chisato Nishikigi & Lieutenant Commander Moklor ‘Shell Squid’ & Lieutenant Trennek Zakrin & Lieutenant Kylynn Adams & Lieutenant Talia Johnson & Major Chiyo Shimada & Lieutenant Jasad Yuvek & Lieutenant JG Nezuko & Sergeant Major Vespertine D'hetr

1,173 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Descent
Location: USS Tokyo - Observation Lounge

Putting the uniform back on after three weeks did feel strange. However Captain Taiga Aisaka was happy to be back aboard the Tokyo. The ship had been repaired and all evidence of the battle had been scrubbed away by the corps of Engineers.

She stood looking out of the large windows of the observation lounge. The Tokyo was due to leave drydock tomorrow morning, all of the ship's crew new and old had already reported aboard at her request. Taiga held up her hand and examined the simple hold ring on her finger. Getting married had been the highlight of her shoreleave. Technically and legally she was now Captain Taiga Takasu, however both Ryuui and her had decided to keep her Starfleet name as Aisaka to avoid confusion.

The first item on Taigas agenda was to gather the entire senior staff for a pre-departure mission briefing. This would also give her the opportunity to meet those who reported aboard after she had left for Risa. She had already summoned the senior staff to the observation lounge and now waited patiently, in a rather warm and happy mood, smiling and seemingly pleased for some reason.

The first person to arrive was Captain Chiyo Shimada. She had learned her lesson from the last senior staff meeting and left Alice behind, having walked her daughter down to the schoolroom before heading up to the observation lounge.

"Captain." Chiyo nodded as she entered the observation lounge, taking her first pick for a seat.

Taiga acknowledged the Marine Commander with a friendly nod.

Talia was next to arrive, having enjoyed a short honeymoon with Thomas she was all smiles as she walked into the Observation lounge. She carried with her a PADD that contained their marriage details, so she could have her records updated. “Captain, I hope you had a lovely honeymoon.” She smiled warmly. “For the records ma’am” she handed over the PADD. “Thomas and I were married during Shoreleave.”

"Well, congratulations. It seems that this ship is becoming something of a love boat. Not that I'm complaining, a ship like this built for war, defense and deep space tactical mission... full of love and kindness. Yeah, this is going to be a good new start I think..." Taiga replied in a slightly 'dreamy' and "fantasy' tone as if she was fawning over something deep down. She couldn't help but smile as she looked up at the upper bulkhead as if looking through it. "Ah the feeling of family. Its great, and we've all got so much to do together..."

Trennek strode in next offering a curt nod in greeting to those present. For most of the senior staff, this was the first time he was meeting them all. Since none of the chairs in the conference room would hold his bulk, he stood quietly in the corner trying not to be intimidating.

Doctor Febin entered the Observation Lounge holding a medical PADD underneath his arm and approached the replicator, "Haliian herbal citrus tea with a hint of cinnamon. Hot."

He picked up his order and found himself a spot at the table.

Sergeant Major Vespertine D'hetr, now the First Sergeant of the USS Tokyo marines entered the conference room, her uniform was immaculate and spotless. Her hair was done in an updo French braid style. She took in the room with an experienced eye "Captains, Sirs" she said in a crisp military manner. She strode over to an out of the way spot and stood at parade rest waiting for the briefing to begin. She held her PaDD behind her back.

Once again, the doorway opened for the next arrival. A 6'4 Klingon entered wearing a starfighter's duty uniform. "Good day Captain", he said before moving to his seat. Lt. Cmdr. Moklor ended up not far from Captain Shimada.

He leaned over towards her and said, "I hear you may have had a grating encounter with one Ensign Teela", he said with a bit of a sigh. "I too have had to deal with her presumptions and judgements." He was not embarrassed to share this information in front of the Captain, not knowing the Captain had been present during the volleyball match. "She means well, but she is certainly overprotective. She has assured me such an encounter will not happen again."

The Klingon turned to nod towards Sergeant Major Vespertine, assuming she could also hear him.

Lt. Jasad Yuvek entered the observation lounge. He scanned the room briefly to find an available seat. He saw one was open directly next to a particularly large and noticeable Klingon that had managed to cram himself into a Starfighter duty uniform.

The Cardassian's eyes narrowed almost reflexively as he made his way to the table. At the last minute he decided to move to the other side of the table and take an open seat there.

"Good morning, Captain" The Helmsman said as he lowered himself into his seat.

Thomas walked in next, a tad tardy to his liking as he noticed almost everyone was present. Noticing Talia sitting he quietly took a seat next to her.

Talia smiled as she turned to look at her husband. “I guess the honeymoon is well and truly over, it’s back to work again.”

Nezuko arrived a bit later than she’d have liked, her new design of uniform not fitting quite the same way the old one did. Still, she was Chief Operations Officer. The person who managed uniform production worked for her, right? She’d sort it out.

The Amphea waved at her crewmates, her smile hidden by her rebreather but visible in her eyes.

Kylynn tucked her loose hair back as she looked at the door to the room she was scheduled to report to. "Allright Kylynn you can do this." She told herself as she took a quick breath.

"Lieutenant Kylynn Adams reporting for duty" she said nervously.

"Chisato's here~ Sorry I'm late, everyone!"

All heads turned towards the door, where they were greeted by the sight of an officer that no one could remember seeing before. She was a blonde, standing at around average height, with her hair tapering off just at the shoulders. Framing the left side of her face was a red ribbon, tied off in a loose bow.

"Sorry I couldn't get in touch with you sooner, Captain," the blonde continued as she moved over to take her seat. "The shuttle from the Lycoris just arrived, and we were having some difficulty getting the proper clearance codes to get into B.A. for whatever reason; then I got lost on my way up to the Observation lounge, though your staff members were super polite and managed to-!"

"Excuse me. But who are you?" Taiga asked sternly, her finger hovering over the button to call security. It wasn't everyday a random person burst into a meeting. Also, Taiga didn't recognise her, and wasn't aware of any new officers that weren't already present.

To be continued...


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