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Posted on Wed Apr 12th, 2023 @ 5:49am by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Commander Thomas Johnson

1,125 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Descent
Location: USS Tokyo, Transporter Room & Bridge

Upon hearing that the Captain was had arrived via the USS Myogi, Tom walked to the transporter room, and awaited the beam over. In his hands he held a stack of padds for her to go over, which regarded the overall status of each department.

The transporter chief was literally in the middle of the beaming process as the XO entered. Blue and white dots danced a d twirled on the padd to eventually form two shapes, both resembling humanoids. One large and bulky, the other considerably smaller and of lighter build. After a few seconds both Captain Aisaka and her husband Ryuuji stood there.

"Commander, Captain... Welcome back to the Tokyo." He offered a smile. "I hear congratulations are in order."

Taiga straightened her uniform. "Yes, thank you Commander," she said as she stepped off the transporter pad. "We weren't expecting anyone to greet us, good news I presume?"

Handing her the padds. "Long story short, it went off without a hitch... a few surprises personally for myself... but that can wait. Ship is ready, full reports will be done in the staff meeting I set up in the observation lounge in a few hours. All department chiefs are already onboard and ready to go."

"Good to hear," Taiga said as she took the PADDS. "I'll meet you in our quarters later Ryuuji". She gave him an endearing smile. He returned the smile with a nod before leaving them.

Taiga turned her attention back to the Commander. "Let's take a walk shall we?" She asked. "I would like to see what they've done to my ship".

"The tactical system was completely overhauled, thanks to the new chief, running about 2.3 percent higher than expected for the Armitage class. Which is a record I hear. I have to give commendations to the work Ethic of Lt Trennek, especially being this his first Chief position." Thomas led with that, as the two continued down the corridor.

"I see. Well, the Tokyo has always had teeth. But it's nice to know they've been sharpened" Taiga smiled ss they walked. "Our last encounter proved one thing, Starfleet Starships need more bite than bark."

"Its the one thing that is a disadvantage of starfleet I fear... what we have in defence we lack in offense. Other powers are building more ships for fighting, while Starfleet has always been one for exploration and peace. Nothing wrong with that. But its been said, if you want peace, you got to be ready for war."

Taiga nodded. She couldbt agree more, the last few weeks had proven just that. "How's the engines? They got a huge beating. Did they replace the damaged nacelles, or just buff out the scratches?"

"They ended up giving us new ones, something I think Lt Yukic will appreciate, more efficient, can go slightly higher speeds for longer periods with less damage on the engines. Also, some more updated armour for it as well considering where we will be stationed, and the last mission."

"They've really done a number on her haven't they..." Taiga said as she stopped and ran a hand over one of the bulkheads. She smiled as she seemed to 'feel' the ship as if it was something precious to her.

"But overall its still the same old Tokyo, though it now holds a whole new arsenal, and a lot more teeth. We won't be taken so easy from now on, not that it was easy before."

"Indeed!" Taiga said retracting her hand. "How about the crew, is everyone on board? New faces and all?"

"Everyone is onboard, and I have set up a senior staff meeting in twelve hours, gives you enough time with your husband before officially getting back on duty."

The Captain stopped. "Are you sure you've not been an exec before?" She asked curiously.

Grinning. "Six years as second officer waiting to be XO of the ship that I was on all my career... declined several before finally giving up and applying and accepting this one."

"Well, you're doing a good job so far," Taiga responded as she led them into a turbolift. "Bridge" she said outloud. The soft humming and whirring of the turbolift moving filled the compartment. "So, I hear you also need to be congratulated?"

"You hear correctly. Lt Jansen is now Lt Johnson... I request all her reviews be done by yourself or the second officer. To avoid any conflict of interest."

Taiga smirked at the new Exec. She nudged him slightly on the arm. "You dog you!" She laughed. "Well, as long as your happy. I take it you don't regret it? That this is true love at first sight?"

"The only thing to regret are those chances you don't take Captain."

Chuckling "True, very true". The doors swished open to reveal the bridge. It was the same as she had left it, but cleaner and repaired. "Well, looks like they've cleaned up here too."

"On Lt Nezuko's request I have updated her ops station so it will be easier for her to communicate with us in the center." Thomas replied. "A button on her console will cause a small beep on our chair, which will indicate that she needs our attention, an additional screen on the arms of the chair will be solely for the purpose of her messaging us what she needs to relay. It currently in its default mode, and I have sent a message to the Lt to adjust the system the way which better suits her abilities, and wants."

"A good idea!" Taiga replied. "It should make communications easier for her. Although I understand you know her sign language too?"

"It is one of the more... exotic types of sign out there." Thomas agreed. "Fully versed in twelve different sign languages, and 8 different spoken languages. Ive attended several seminars with the negotiator Riva... who is most recognized for the peace of Solais V. He is quite the teacher."

"Sounds to me like you'd make one hell of a comms officer" Taiga replied. "At least, for those who use sign or a tions to communicate." By this time she had reached the ready room door. "Commander, I guess there's a mountain of paperwork awaiting me in there isn't there?"

"Absolutely, I know for a face there are three stacks that need approving, some new supplies that are for captains eyes only."

"Great..." Taiga sighed. "Just what I needed after three weeks of shoreleave. Boring paperwork..." she looked back and gave the commander a small smile. "Well, the bridge is yours. Have all departments prepare status reports for the briefing" she told him as she made her way into the ready room.

Posting by

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer

Commander Thomas Johnson
Executive Officer


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