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An Unexpected Guest (Part 1)

Posted on Thu Sep 26th, 2024 @ 2:52am by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Jennifer Daxer

1,259 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: The Nursery
Location: Ready Room

Taiga sat on the couch in her ready room. The Tokyo was due to launch from Starbase 234 in just over an hours time. The crew had returned and were now preparing the ship for the abrupt exit. She was staring out of the window, looking past the drydock structure that surrounded the ship at the starbase in the distance.

She instinctively ran a hand over her now rounded out belly. At twenty two weeks, she was now past the half way point. But rescuing Captain Nakamura and going up against the Elachi worried her. She wouldn't admit it, but she was nervous. Yes, she was the most experienced Starship Captain when it came to the Elachi, but she was now carrying a child within her and she didn't want to put it, or her crew at risk again.

She let out a long exsparated sigh as she continued to stare out of the window, only hoping that the sooner they got this over with, the better.

A few minutes later, the turbolift doors on the Bridge opened to admit a Vulcan woman who looked completely out of the norm for a Vulcan. Her dark hair was styled short, with bangs that didn't exactly hide her ocular implant. She sported black jeans, a black leather jacket, and a white t-shirt. On her side, she carried a holstered 20th century 9mm handgun.

Several pairs of eyes watched curiously as she made her way across the Bridge to ring the bell on Taiga's ready room, wondering who this plain clothed person was.

Not taking her gaze off of the Starbase. "Come in," Taiga called out. She had given orders to her senior staff for each of them to come up with a plan of action, but even she doubted someone would have one sorted by now. Nevertheless, she would hear them out anyways, at least then she had somewhere to start.

As the doors opened, the Vulcan woman entered into the room. She stepped in far enough to allow the doors to close behind her, stopping as she watched Taiga staring out the window.

"The view isn't too bad." She finally said in a casual manner that was unlike most Vulcans. "Something peaceful to look at before all hell breaks loose."

Taiga raised an eyebrow, that was voice she instantly recognised. Slowly she turned around and looked directly at the woman speaking to her. Her eyes opened wide as she looked directly into the face of someone she hadn't seen in nearly a year. "Daxer? What the hell are you doing here?"

"I resigned my commission after I left." Jen replied without missing a beat. "Been working for Starfleet Intelligence as a contractor ever since. My presence here is a personal request from..." She trailed off, raising an eyebrow as she pointed at Taiga's visibly protruding belly. "That's new..."

Blinking a few times it took Taiga a moment to realise what she meant. Finally it came to her, she was talking about her pregnancy. "Oh... Yeah. I suppose I hadn't got around to telling you yet... I've been busy."

"Congratulations." Jen said, giving her a light smirk. "For what it's worth. I think you'll do great."

"Thanks," she replied blushing slightly. "But, something tells me you're not here for a casual visit?"

"If it makes you feel better, I wish I was." Jen replied, suddenly turning all business. She reached into her jacket, pulling a PaDD from the inside pocket. She handed it to Taiga as she continued. "I've seen the recording, Taiga. The Admiral came to me personally, requesting that I join you as a Mission Advisor."

"I wasn't told about this..." Taiga said as she took the PADD. She glanced down to see classified orders. These days it seemed to always come with Jennifer Daxer, no matter where she went. "I have to ask the question..." Taiga said, "Why you?"

"When the Elachi destroyed Alvatar colony, your little maneuver allowed me to see every detail of the ship we encountered." Jen said, taking a seat on the couch. She'd been on her feet in meetings most of the day, and it certainly felt good to get a few moments of rest. "Starfleet Intelligence believes my involvement in that encounter makes me a valuable asset to your mission."

Taiga sat back on the couch. "So you're here to make sure that we get things right?" she asked. "Thats basically what you're saying right?"

"Captain, my job is classified, because I'm here to do what you shouldn't have to." Jen said. This time, the words came without any hint of emotion. Her blunt nature made them seem harsh, as the truth came out. "If it comes down to it, my job is to end them so that you don't have to."

"End them?" Taiga asked. "Do you mean, terminate the captives if we can't save them?"

"Yes, end them." Jen said. This time it was her that moved to stand by the window. She gazed out at the same view Taiga had been looking at when she'd first walked in. "If we can't save them, killing them prevents whatever offspring they might produce from becoming a potentially dangerous threat."

"Of coruse they'd send someone to do that..." Taiga said. "They'd know I wouldn't be able to make that decision as a Starfleet Captain..." She stated simply. "Not to mention, I'm not in the best of... conditions... to be dealing with an issue like this."

"I'm not here for you this time, Captain." Jen openly squashed any suspicion Taiga might've had that she was under investigation again. "I'm here for the Elachi bastards responsible."

"Couldn't have put it better," Taiga said with a look of determination and fire spreading across her face. "I've asked my senior staff to each come up with a plan on how to tackle this 'Nursery'. I'd like you to do the same."

"Avoiding a head-on conflict would be best." Jen said, turning to look at Taiga. "Though since they probably know we're coming, that might be impossible."

"I was thinking of something similar." Taiga said. "The last time we encountered the Elachi they overwhelmed us far too easily." She explained with a low sad tone. "Ideally, I don't want that to happen again. The last thing I want is to become some sort of 'breeding sack' for them. Especially since my womb currently has a tenant."

"Then we have to find their weakness." Jen told Taiga. Her passive nature seemed to almost dissolve away as she continued. "I'll just have to study the sensor data, and run some simulations... Mind if I borrow the holodeck?"

"Not at all." Taiga said. "You might want to meet with Commander Nishikiji. She managed to dig up some intel on the Elachi you'll find useful." She stated.

"I'll do that." Jen said, moving to sit by Taiga again, giving the woman a sombre look. "Just so you know, my orders are to try to save them first. My orders to kill are a last resort, and they're on a need-to-know basis. You, me, and the away team. No one else gets told... Don't need your crew thinking of me as a cold-hearted murdering bitch."

"This'll stay between you and me," Taiga said. "I'm sure that you'll fit it nicely again once you get to know this crew. Afterall..." she was cut off as she seemed to jump as if caught by surprise all of a sudden.

"Captain?" Jen raised an eyebrow at Taiga's jump, seeming somewhat concerned. "You good?"

To be continued...


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