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Reforging Old Alliances (Part 2)

Posted on Tue Jun 18th, 2024 @ 5:40am by Lieutenant Tatsuo Shimada & Chief Warrant Officer Karuta Roromiya
Edited on on Tue Jun 18th, 2024 @ 5:41am

1,622 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Starship Graveyard

Previously, on Star Trek: Tokyo:

T'Shin and Karuta's escort led them to the Oning's bridge. In comparison to the Redemption's bridge, the Vulcan cruiser's bridge was still useable as a command center.

T'Shin still remembered the first time she had been in this space, where she had met with the man now turning to face them. The circumstances were different back then, as T'Shin could hardly walk, her mobility only possible with a mobility device. But she still had her full range of upper body movement to perform the Vulcan salute as she did presently.

And now, the continuation:

Sub-commander Sylok turned from his panel where he had just finished making an announcement over ship wide comms when he heard the doors to the bridge open. His eyes first met the two men that were supposed to be guarding the docking port. However, he soon forgave their apparent dereliction when he saw that they had escorted some visitors to the bridge. And not just any visitor, but his wife, whom he had not seen in years. The sub-commander's surprise was stifled behind his usual Vulcan calm. Though he did instinctively raise a Vulcan salute to her, which she did in turn.

"Welcome home, T'Shin." Sylok greeted. "I see you have finally decided to rejoin us."

"On the contrary, I am here on behalf of Captain Shimada:" T'Shin explained flatly. "On the matter of reforming our Militia."

"I see..." Sylok said. "Were our calculations correct, and the Saviors have once again become a credible threat?"

T'Shin shook her head.

"No." T'Shin responded. "In fact, our latest intelligence report on Captain Lancaster shows that she is quite content with living her solitary lifestyle."

"Then what purpose would there be to reforming our alliance?" Sylok posed the question.

"That is where my... Associate comes into the picture:" T'Shin said, indicating Karuta.

Karuta stepped forward. "I am Chief Warrant Officer Karuta Roromiya of the Federation Starship Tokyo. On behalf of Captain Aisaka and..." she paused for a brief second "Mister Shimada. We are here to discuss a plan of escape from this planet. Your co-operation would be a desirable outcome."

"We have no record of a Federation Starship Tokyo in our databanks." Sylok responded. "How long have you been here, Chief Warrant Officer?"

"The Tokyo crashed just under two months ago." Karuta replied. "However, the ship itself is of a newer design than what you may have encountered before."

"Allow me to stop you right there." Sylok said, holding up a hand before turning to T'Shin. "T'Shin: You should know as well as I that newly-crashed ships are full of hopers and dreamers. I wouldn't expect you to be one to get in with the wrong crowd."

"In previous circumstances, I would agree." T'Shin said. "However, this time the people you are so quick to dismiss as 'the wrong crowd' might actually be able to achieve what you so often consider to be impossible."

"It is a proven scientific fact that getting off this planet is impossible." Sylok said, turning to Karuta. "We have seen many ships, including the Redemption, try and fail. And this Tokyo will be no different."

"And that is where you are wrong." T'Shin responded. "Perhaps, if words cannot convince you... A glimpse of them through my eyes might."

Sylok raised a curious sewpt brow. He knew exactly where T'Shin was going with this, as he disliked the scientific name of the procedure she had suggested, and he had taught her to view it as 'looking through another's eyes.' Lowering his curious brow, Sylok turned to Karuta once more.

"Leave us." He requested.

Karuta raised an eyebrow simply and silently. "Before I take my leave. It is only correct to inform you that the Tokyo is a far superior vessel over the Starship Redemption. I have calculated our chances as success at seventy three point four per cent, should you be willing to assist." She then turned and left the room without another word.

Sylok then turned to the guards who were still standing patiently by the door. He nodded in a manner that conveyed his next orders without the need to speak them, yet he did so out of redundancy:

"Clear the bridge."

When the guards shuffled out, and the door swooshed shut, husband and wife proceeded to seat themselves on the slightly sandy bridge floor, and initiated meditation to clear their minds ahead of the mind meld:

T'Shin only cleared her mind enough to be able to take the lead and show her husband her experiences with the Tokyo crew. When she was ready, she splayed out her hand and slowly reached forward towards Sylok's head, touching his face and forehead at five distinct points: One for every finger on her hand.

"My mind to your mind..." T'Shin recited. "My thoughts to your thoughts..."

In an instant, for reasons difficult to explain to other species- two minds became one. Sylok had forgotten how much of a swirling maelstrom his and T'Shin's shared consciousness was. And while he hadn't been prepared, he quickly remembered how exhilarating it was:

One of the first images that appeared out of the maelstrom was that of a rather short blonde woman- shorter than T'Shin- wearing a red colored version of the uniform the one known as Karuta had been wearing:

The woman was addressing the Redemption crew, who had all been gathered in some sort of large communal room aboard the ship. "I am Captain Taiga Aisaka. Commander of the Tokyo. Your captain and I have agreed to an alliance." She told them all.

"I believe that if we pull our resources and work together. We can find a way off this planet. You might have been trapped here, but Starfleet Officer's done give up." She told the redemption crew. "You can bring any concerns to Mister Tatsuo and he can bring them to me, or you can come directly to me should you wish. Once we return to The Federation you will be free to choose your own path, your own future from there. But right now, I expect you to work with my crew, join us and together we'll get through this."

Captain Aisaka turned away from the group, as many of them began to socialise and chat. One thing noticable was that the Captain was showing early signs of Human pregnancy, at least to an observant eye.

Immediately, the scene shifted to one all too familiar to Sylok: When they had first mind melded- he had seen these images: T'Shin was kneeling before the figure of Captain Lancaster- A brunette woman with a braid and a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire:

"Your Tatsuo, right?" Lancaster spoke in an English accent. "Hi, I'm Victoria: And I do not appreciate you killing my crew:"

Why are you showing me this, T'Shin? Sylok thought.

To show that Aisaka is not Lancaster: T'Shin responded in thought.

"You work for me now: You have stuff? You give it to me, that's your job!" Victoria continued- T'Shin having skipped some of Lancaster's monologue. "If someone knocks on your docking port... You let us in: We own that docking port! And if you try and stop us... We will break it down. Do you understand?"

I have seen enough, T'Shin. Sylok objected to seeing more.

Seeming to comply, the scene shifted once again to that of the Tokyo's science labs- With T'Shin working alongside the Tokyo's Science staff not as subjects, but equals. Running simulations for Captain Aisaka based on the ship's known performance. Sylok had to admit, seeing the figures for himself was quite promising.

T'Shin showed Sylok several more scenes of interactions with the Tokyo crew spanning the past two months before breaking the telepath connection, and both Vulcans gasped as they let in a fresh breath of air as the connection was severed.

"Well?" T'Shin asked.

"I see that this will not be a repeat of the Saviors." Sylok deduced. "Furthermore, those figures that you showed me were quite promising. Perhaps this dreamer might actually be able to deliver on her promises."

"So you will help us, then?" T'Shin asked.

"You have shown me that to not reform our militia now would be most illogical." Sylok said. "You may inform Captain Shimada that he once again has the crew of the Oning as an ally."

T'Shin nodded, rising and helping her husband to his feet:

"And that is all we can ask." T'Shin said. "I would suggest you place your crew on standby. Things have potential to get moving rather quickly once word gets out."

"I would expect nothing less from Shimada." Sylok responded.

Moments later, T'Shin emerged from the bridge to find Karuta waiting for her. If T'Shin were another species, she would be grinning rather smugly, but her expression was neutral as always:

"Your faith in me seems to have paid off, Warrant Officer." T'Shin said to get the other woman's attention.

Karuta nodded in response. "Has Captain Sylok agreed to assist us?" She asked plainly and simply, cutting straight to the point.

"Sub-Commander Sylok agrees that not reforming our old alliance would be illogical." T'Shin reported. "As such, I have been instructed to inform Captain Shimada that the Redemption Militia will be reformed."

"A Logical decision indeed." Karuta replied. "We should return to the Tokyo and inform both Captain Aisaka and Shimada of our success."

"A most logical course of action, given recent developments." T'Shin agreed.

Posting by

Sub-Commander Sylok
Commanding Officer
Vulcan Cruiser Oning

Lieutenant T'Shin
Acting Chief Science Officer
USS Redemption

Chief Warrant Officer Karuta Roromiya
Air Boss
USS Tokyo


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