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Mikko's Gift

Posted on Thu Nov 30th, 2023 @ 11:00pm by Ensign Mikko Ishigami

1,805 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Christmas Time
Location: Osaka 2383/USS Tokyo 2396

[Osaka, Earth, December 2383]

Osaka was a big city in Japan. Being more southern than Tokyo and Kyoto, it was one of the larger cities on the main island of Honshu. To this day it is the second biggest city in the whole of Japan, even after it was ravaged by the Third World War nearly four hundred years ago.

It was here in this city that fourteen year old Mikko Ishigami was living. It was winter and a fresh blanket of snow had fallen upon the city, covering it like icing sugar on top of a victoria sponge cake.

Mikko was watching out of the window of her family apartment, waiting for her father to return home. He was catching the last transport from Utopia Planetia and would be returning to their home soon. Mikko and her mother had spent the last few days decorating their small apartment for the Christmas season.

A large tree stood in the corner of the living area. It was decorated with silver, gold and red decorations. A Starfleet Delta inspired star sat on the very top. Under it were several gifts all wrapped up in colourful paper, complete with ribbons and bows. Mikko had spent a great amount of time looking and securing the gift for her father. She also had some news to give to him, something that she hoped he would like.

A figure then started making its way down the street. Mikko who was starting to fall asleep caught the movement out of the corner of her eyes. She could feel the excitement starting to build up inside her. Her father spent days, weeks even sometimes months away from home at the Fleet Yards. She always looked forward to him coming home.

"He's coming!" she shouted in her Osaka accent.

A few moments a tall, well built man opened the door dressed in a Starfleet Engineering uniform of gold. "I'm home." he called as he began to pull off his boots and changed into slippers that were waiting for him.

Mikko ran upto the door. "Dad!" she greeted him. "Welcome home!" She grabbed his hand and pulled him into their apartment. However he yanked her back and pulled her into a huge bear hug. He had been working hard for many weeks away and he had missed his daughter.

"You need to stop growing Mikko!" he joked as he let her go and ruffled her hair.

"Dad!" Mikko objected. "I'm not a kid anymore!" she told him as she straightened her hair.

The next morning was a special day for Humanity. It was Christmas Day. Even in the 24th century the day was celebrated as a time for family, loved ones, peace and love. Some still remembered and celebrated the religious meaning, however it was mostly a time for being caring and joyful for others.

Mikko left her room dressed in her pajamas to find her mother and father waiting for her. Her father was drinking a large cup of coffee. Usually the genral rule would be to be dressed and ready for the day before breakfast. However that rule didn't apply to Christmas Morning. Ever since she was a child, Mikko looked forward to this day. The gifts, having dad home for the entire day, family time and the fried chicken dinner! She loved every moment of it.

"Happy Christmas Mikko," her mother smiled as she beckoned for her to join them. Mikko smiled as she wandered over and was passed a cup of coffee. Although she was only seventeen she had taken to drinking coffee in the last year. She enjoyed the 'buzz' that it gave her and helped her to wake up in the morning.

"Happy Christmas," Mikko replied. "You too dad!"

Her father smiled. It wasn't often he did so, not that he was grumpy or angry. Usually after long shifts at the Yards, he would be exhausted and just wanted to rest. Mikko could see in his eyes that he turly enjoyed being home for Christmas.

"I'm glad to be home today." He said as he looked at his girls. "We have a new Starship design that we've been working on. Its a new ship, still on the drawing board though."

"What type of ship is it dad?" Mikko asked.

"Its a new type of Carrier Vessel. Built for long range tactical and rapid response operations. The first two ships have already been ordered, with another four predicted." He boasted with pride. He was one of the design engineers at the fleet yards, he always came home with stories about new potential ship designs. It fascinated young Mikko, and she enjoyed listening to what her father and the team of designers were coming up with.

"Whats it called?" Mikko asked a twinkle in her eyes.

"The class is called the 'Armitage Class'." He told her with a smile. "There's still a lot of work to be done on her. We have some basic designs though."He pointed to one of the sketch books on the kitchen counter. Mikko jumped up and trotted over and picked up the designs. She opened the sketchbook and began to look over the plans.

"She's taken a real interest in Starships since you took her to Utopia Planetia." Her mother smiled. "She's started to become obsessed, she really is your daughter!" she laughed.

Her father couldn't help but chuckle. "Who know's maybe she'll be an engineer one day?"

Her mother smirked, she knew what his surprise gift would be. She took another sip of her coffee as Mikko brought over the plans placing them on the floor. "It looks like an Akira Class..." she commented. "But its sleeker, and looks bigger..." she said.

"Yes Mikko, its going to specially designed for carrying Starfighters." Her father smiled. "The first ship will be called the 'Armitage' as the lead ship of the class. The second ship will be called something special." he smiled.

"Something special?" Mikko asked.

Her father nodded. "Yeah, its going to be called the 'USS Tokyo' after the city where your mother was born." he smiled. Mikko couldn't help but grin. She knew that the city of Tokyo was special to her mother, so she couldn't be happier than to hear it. She watched as her mother blush, obviously her husband had suggested that as a gift for her.

"You did that on purpose didn't you..." she teased playfully, lightly slapping him gently on the arm with the back of her hand.

"Maybe..." he replied sticking his tongue out. "I got the honour of suggesting the name of the second ship. I thought you'd like it. Merry Christmas."

Mikko watched as he mother kissed her father. She placed the designs back down and ran her hand over the paper. "I wonder if I will get to fly her one day..." she muttered to herself with a grin.

"What did you say kiddo?" Her father asked.

"Oh,. thats right!" she said as she jumped up and stood before him. "Father. I made a big decision last week." she announced with a massive smile on her face. "This is my surprise gift to you..." she began to blush, suddenly feeling a little embarassed.

"You've got a boyfriend?" her father joked.

"No!" Mikko replied. She hadn't ever really shown interest in boys or dating. She was far too tomboyish for that. She knew however that maybe one day she wouldn't mind having her own family one day. "Having a boyfriend is not on my list right now!"

"Girlfriend then?"


"Sorry, sorry..." he chuckled. "Look, I'm only saying. You're fourteen, I was dating your mum at fourteen." he smiled. Mikko rolled her eyes, she didn't need another 'How I Met Your Mother' story. Apparently there was an old Television Sit Com that was popular in the twenty first century that covered that topic, in detail apparently.

She cleared her throat. "I have decided that I want to join Starfleet when I am old enough." she said finally. "I want to be a..."

Her father smiled. "Maybe we are raising another engineer."

"No..." Mikko said her voice a little lower if not in a sadder tone.


Mikko nodded. "I want to be a pilot. I like the thrill of moving at speed. Ever since that shuttle ride where you let me fly around the fleet yards, I can't get it out of my head. I have the itch to fly in space, and go out and see whats out there!"

Her father smiled, which turned into a grin and into a huge belly laugh. "Thats my girl!" he laughed. He stood up, took a few steps upto Mikko and pulled her into a large hug, picking her right up off the carpet. He began to swing her around and around.

"Daaaad!" Mikko whined. "I'm not a kid anymore!" she reminded him.

He put her down and placed both hands on her shoulders, looking her dead in the eyes. She could see how this news was the happiest he had ever recieved. She could sense the pride eminating off him like heat off the sidewalk on hot summer days. "To me dear Mikko, you will always be my little girl. Whether you are at the helm of a starship or sat at the dinner table. And I will support you all the way. You go for it kid, I know you'll do great." He looked down at the plans for the Armitage class. "And maybe, you will get to fly one of these ships one day."

[USS Tokyo, December 2396]

Mikko sat at the helm of the USS Tokyo on the night shift as the ship made its way through deep space. She was watching the chronometer above the viewscreen. Tonight was Christmas Eve and it was nearing midnight. The bridge was quiet, the usual melody and ambient sounds of consoles and starship systems was all that could be heard.

She knew that most of the crew were asleep at thie time. She watched as the chronometer ticked over to midnight. She ran her hands over the smooth console, as if admiring its curves. "Happy Christmas Dad." she muttered to herself.

"What was that Ensign?" the officer of the watch asked.

"Oh nothing..." Mikko said as she turned to face the officer sat in the chair where Captain Aisaka would usually sit. "I was just saying Happy Christmas."

The officer looked up at the Chronometer and smiled. "Indeed." he said. "Happy Christmas Ensign. Status?"

Mikko spun around in the chair and faced the console. "Holding steady sir. Warp Four and on course. No reindeer in sight yet..." she added with a smirk.

She didn't see it, but the officer on watch couldn't help but pull a smile. "Carry on."

Posting by

Ensign Mikko Ishigami
Assistant Chief Flight Control Officer


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