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Deep-diving in Databases

Posted on Fri Dec 1st, 2023 @ 12:38am by Lieutenant JG Kurumi Hatanaka

1,280 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Starship Graveyard
Location: Intelligence Center

"Finally!" Kurumi said as the computer console in the Intelligence center flickered back to life. For the last several hours she had been working on repairs to the Intelligence computers. It seemed like finally she had the access back to the main ODN lines and could finally get into the Tokyo's main computer core.

With Chisato and Takina off ship on away missions, and the other Intelligence Officers busy with other tasks, she was left alone in the Intelligence center. She had been working on getting the computers back up and running all day. It seemed however that now that the power to the secondary systems had been restored, she could finally progress with her work.

She had been tasked by Chisato to attempt to dig up any Intelligence files buried deep in the Federation database in relation to this nebula. She had already provided her with a list of the Starships that Starfleet and Various other governments had lost in the nebula. Frankly she was surprised at just how many ships had been lost here. It reminded her of the ancient legend of the Bermuda Triangle back on Earth.

"There has to be a reason why all these ships crashed here..." she pondered. She often spoke to herself as she worked. She unzipped her grey Starfleet tunic and sat back in her chair, relaxing and getting comfortable. She placed her boots up on ther desk as she used a modified PADD to operate the screens around her.

Her station had the most screens. Her speciality was computer intelligence, that included everything from hacking, programming to to maintaining the security of the Tokyo's computer files. She spent most of her time on duty sitting in front of these screens, watching data compile and collate in front of her. She was still looking for clues in regards to the planet, but even her search algorithms were not producing any results that remotely looked promising.

Tapping on the PADD as if she was channel flicking through an old television set, she kept on pulling up data file after data file. Then something caught her attention. "Whats this..." she said. She pulled up the file, it was dated October 2267. It was marked as classified and needed a code to access it. She cracked her knuckles. "An old access code is no match for me!" she said as she pulled her legs down and began to furiously tap away at the console keypad.

[Two Hours Later]

Kurumi ran her hands through her hair with frustration. "What the hell?!" she exclaimed. "Why is this so hard?!" she asked outloud as if the empty room around her would provide her with an answer. "I've never been beaten like this before! They really didn't want anyone to access this!".

[Four More Hours Later]

A nervous laugh escaped the Intelligence Officer's mouth as she once again failed to access the file. "Oh I give up!" she said as she turned in her chair and made her way across the room. Luckily for them there was a replicator, and now that they were online she replicated herself a cup of hot coffee. Then something seemed to spark in her mind. She placed the coffee down and rushed back to the console. "I'm such an idiot!" she said as she began to run a new algorithm through the computer.

After only a few minutes she managed to gain access to the file. It opened and she was surprised to see a visual video feed. It was a Captains Log from a Federation Starship. "Computer, can this be played back?" she asked.

"Affirmative." the computer replied.

"Play it back. On Screen Beta" She said as she turned to the empty screen to her left.

The United Federation of Planets logo appeared, before it cut to a scene of a middle aged man sat in a Captains Chair. She recognised the bridge as that of an old Constitution Class Starship. She didn't however recognise any of the crew, including the captain. Obviously this particular starship did not share the same fame as the USS Enterprise NCC 1701.

The man in the chair began to speak.

"Captains Log. Captain Thomas Middleton in command of the Starship Arizona. We have been tasked with searching for the lost Starship Sazanka. Its last position was close to the Karlax Nebula. I am hesitant to take the Arizona any close to such an awful place, and like hell will I take my crew in there. It is known that ships go into the nebula to never be seen again.

Starfleet believes that there may be a Klingon outpost in the nebula. Our sensors can't penetrate inside. Its a perfect place to stage a sneak attack. It would also explain why so many ships randomly 'disappear' inside. The Sanzaka was sent by Admiral Aitken to investigate such a possibility. There is a chance that she was destroyed by the Klingons.

We have sent several probes into the nebula. However we have lost contact with all of them. However probe four sent back unusual readings before we lost contact. I can only assume the probe was destroyed. There is some sort of planetary body inside the nebula. If its sensors malfunctioned, it could also have been some sort of space station. Starfleet Command has ordered the Arizona to hold position until the Starship Lexington, Constitution and Yamato can arrive to assist. Currently we have no orders but to stay put.

I believe that this nebula is a staging post for a Klingon Invasion. Is that is the case then we may be looking at all out war. I will do everything in my power to protect The Federation and my crew. We will not let the Klingons catch us with our pants down!

"Interesting..." Kurumi said as she ran a finger around the edge of her coffee sup. "So, it seems Starfleet knew that something was in this nebula. But they suspected it was Klingon. I wonder if there is more..." she placed the cup down after taking a sip and began to tap away at the console again.

A little while later she found an order dated only two days after the initial log.

"To the Captain of the Starship Arizona and his task force. Withdraw from the Karlax Nebula sector. Maintain a safe distance. Klingon attack may be imminant. You are to fall back and defend colonies in the area. Do not engage any Klingons unless in self-defence."

"Very interesting. So they were expecting a Klingon attack from the Nebula. Obviously they were wrong, that attack never came. But why was this classified?" She wondered. Then it struck her. "I bet it was so that the Klingons never found this out when we signed the Khitomer Accords." She wasn't an expert on Starfleet History but she remembered that back then the peace treaty, if you could call it that, it was more of a cease-fire; was delicate at best. Having Starships mobilise for such a reason against the Klingon Empire so close to their border would not have helped in the slightest.

"I should get this information to the Captain..." she then stopped for a moment. "Actually, I'll keep digging a little more. Then run it by Chisato when she gets back. She's the Chief, she deals with the Captain not me." She took another sip of her coffee as she began to program more search algorithms into the computer database. She was sure that there was more in relation to this nebula, she had a feeling, now all she had to do was find it!

Posting by

Lieutenant JG Kurumi Hatanaka
Intelligence Officer


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