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Blast From The Past (Part 6)

Posted on Tue Nov 28th, 2023 @ 6:20am by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Captain Kagami Izumi & Captain Minori Kushieda & Captain Yusaka Kitamura & Lieutenant Commander Ryuuji Takasu

1,250 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Christmas Time
Location: San Fracisco 2379

[December 2379 - Starfleet Academy]

The Academy was buzzing with Christmas Fever as usual. Although it was originally a religious holiday celebrated by some Humans, now in the twenty fourth century it was celebrated more like a time of giving and love. It was a time of peace, celebration and joy amongst all of the Federation species and worlds. It had spread across the Federation and was still considered one of the best times of the years.

It was coming upto the Annual christmas party at the Academy. Every year the cadets at Starfleet Academy threw a party/ball in one of the larger halls. It was always a blast, a good night where they couldm let down their hair and celebrate the festive season together.

"Are you looking forward to the party tomorrow?" Kagami asked Taiga as they sat across from each other at the kitchen table.

Taiga nodded. "Yeah, it sounds like fun." She smiled in response. She had already picked out a nice dress to wear and both of them had decided theyn would go together. Taiga had tried her best to hook up Minori and Ryuuji for the ball, convicing Ryuuji to ask her to dance when the dancefloor opened. Ryuuji had told her that he would do his best to ask Minori out and get her up on the dancefloor. What he hadn't told her however was that his feelings had changed towards Minori Kusheida.

[Later that night]

The main hall of Starfleet Academy had been decorated for the Christmas Ball. The room was decorated with white lights that hung around the edge of the room. A large tree stood at one end which had various ornaments and decorations hanging from its branches. A large table had been set out with a variety of different drinks, punches and foods for the attendee's of the ball.

The room was already full of cadets, all dressed up in smart dresses and suits. Taiga entered along with Kagami and Minori and made their way over to the table where the food was. Taiga helped herself to a cup of punch and took a sip. She enjoyed the fruity taste and was starting to feel a bit of the alcohol from it. She was now eighteen and she could now legally drink alcohol, so now was the perfect time to test out her pallet.

The music was playing old christmas songs. At the moment most people were just standing around and socialising, talking in groups and having a good time. Taiga was sticking close to Minori and Kagami, the boys were supposed to already be here. Taiga spotted Ryuuji through the crowd and began to pull Minori over towards him. He was chatting with some of the other cadets.

"Hey Ryuuji!" Taiga called out as both of them approached.

Ryuuji turned and looked at both of them. "Hey guys, you both look beautiful tonight." Ryuuji said as he looked them up and down. He then began to blush as he looked at Taiga before turning away from her, once again averting his gaze.

"Aww thanks!" Minori said in high spirits and flashing him a grin. "I'll be right back!" With that she left both of them and disappeared into the crowd.

"Well!" Taiga said to Ryuuji. "Go after her dumbass!" she told him.

Ryuuji shook his head. "No, its fine." he said to her.

Taiga let out a sigh. "This is your moment to go and get her! Come on Ryuuji!" Taiga said as she turned to follow Minori.

[An hour later]

"Ladies and Gentlemen!" the DJ said over the microphone. "Lets get all you love birds up on the dancefloor to this classic!" he announced as he started to play a slow paced song suited for dancing. Taiga shuffled through the crowd as she made her way towards one of the far walls. This was Ryuuji's time to finally get close enough with Minori and ask her the question. However there was a problem, Minori had somehow disappeared and eluded them for the last hour.

She felt a strange feeling in her chest as she stood there away from the crowd. She leant against the wall and looked down at her feet. She wasn't sure what she was feeling, but for some reason she didn't want Ryuuji to dance with Minori. 'Why am I feeling like this? This was the whole point of what we've been doing. To get Ryuuji and Minori together. Why do I not want this to happen?' she thought as she stood there staring at her feet.

A pair of nice looking shoes came into her vision. 'Wait... Those shoes...' a hand then entered her vision, out stretched as if asking her to dance. Slowly she looked up, right into the face of Ryuuji. He was trying to not look at her as he held her hand out to her.

"Ryuuji?" She asked softly, her voice seemed weak as she spoke.

"Taiga..." Ryuuji replied. "Would you care to dance?"

"But Minori..."

"No Taiga... You. Please..."

Taiga's heart pounded against her chest as she took his hand. She could feel the butterflies in her belly fluttering around and flying around. She allowed herself to be led towards the dancefloor. She allowed Ryuuji to place a hand on her hip, holding her other hand out. He pulled her in close as he began to lead her in a slow dance around the dancefloor.

'What is happening here?' she thought as she continued to allow him to lead her in the dance. She couldn't help but smile, she looked up into his eyes and saw that he was looking down at her endearingly. "Ryuuji...." she whispered. "What about Minori?"

"Taiga..." Ryuuji said. "I...I...."

Taiga smiled as Ryuuji struggled to say what he needed to say. She finally smiled and looked up at him. "I think I know..." she whispered. He smiled in response as he leant forward and their lips met. They stopped as they stood there and kissed. "I love you Ryuuji!" Taiga said a few tears began to surface and run down her cheeks.

"Me too Taiga. I'm sorry it took so long to realise. But, I've fallen for you Taiga. I love you." Ryuuji replied as he kissed her again, pulling her in close.

Meanwhile to the side of the dancefloor stood Kagami, Yusaka and Minori.

"About time..." Kagami said with a smile.

"Yeah, only taken them this long!" Minori chuckled as she stood next to the other two. "If it takes them this long to realise they have a thing for each other, then how long until they gat married?!" she joked.

"I guess we'll have to see!" Yusaka laughed. "Come on guys, lets leave them to this. Its their moment right now."

Taiga looked up at Ryuuji and smiled as he held her close. "Ryuuji..." she said.


"This is the best christmas present anyone could ask for...." Taiga told him softly. "Thankyou."

"Merry Christmas Taiga," Ryuuji said.

"Merry Christmas Ryuuji..." Taiga replied before finally kissing him again. What she didn't know was that she had now finally found someone to be her soulmate and they had found each other forever. What more could anyone want at Christmas?

Posting by

Cadet Taiga Aisaka
Security/Tactical Cadet

Cadet Ryuuji Takasu
Operations Cadet

Cadet Kagami Izumi
Security/Tactical Cadet

Cadet Minori Kushieda
Engineering Cadet

Cadet Yusaka Kitamura
Operations Cadet


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