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Medical matters

Posted on Wed Nov 15th, 2023 @ 8:39pm by Lieutenant Talia Johnson & Lieutenant Dr. Eli Ellis M.D.

940 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Starship Graveyard
Location: Sickbay

Having returned home to try to settle her stomach, Talia hadn’t managed to achieve much. If anything she’d spent more time in the bathroom than out of it, now she was feeling more thirsty than she was hungry. She sipped some water before deciding to head for medical.

Walking into Sickbay a few minutes later Talia got as far as inside the doors before her head spun, moments later she was sprawled out on the floor.

It took a few minutes for Dr. Eli Ellis, now newly named Chief Medical Officer to get down to the sickbay. He finds Talia behind helped up by a nurse, getting onto the other side to help both of them to a biobed.

He takes out a medical tricorder, withdrawing the scanning probe and then using it to scan Taila.

“She’s severely dehydrated. Get me a IV with saline. Let’s get her hydration up and on to the monitors please.”

It took a few minutes but Talia slowly opened her eyes. “Don’t tell me...I passed out didn’t I?” She offered a wry smile.

Eli smiles at her softly.

“You did, right at the doors to sickbay” he says as he examines her with the tricorder.

“Ms. Johnson, I’m concerned with your hydration and iron levels and want to run more tests on you to determine the cause.

Talia nodded. “By all means Doctor, the hydration part I can solve right now it’s morning sickness, Well morning, afternoon, and night sometimes actually! It’s proving to be highly persistent.”

Eli nodded and turn to the kind nurse besides him.

“Let’s also get her on the fetal monitor, please.”

The nurse nodded handing Eli the monitor.

“I’m still getting caught up with everything, so I haven’t gotten a chance to get to look over charts. How far along are you?”

He asked Taila as he attached the fetal monitors.

Talia paused. “Err...7 weeks, or there abouts” She offered a warm yet nervous smile. “There isn’t anything wrong is there?”

“No, but with the dehydration and everything that’s happened in the last couple days, I’d like to monitor you and the baby as a precaution.”

Eli smiles, reassuringly. He tried his hardest to project a calming energy with his smile.

Talia nodded. “I won’t complain, I was half expecting to end up in here anyway at some point with this morning sickness. The Captain said I was to let her know if anything happened.”

“You said it’s been bad? We’ll watch it closely and see what happens. There may be some options we can explore. I don’t want to call it anything at the moment but it’s a concern. Are there any other issues you’ve been having in regards to your pregnancy?”

Eli asked, putting his hands into his lab coat pockets.

“Not at the moment, just the morning sickness unless you count tiredness as being a problem?. I know hybrid pregnancies and births can be classed as high risk, my husband is Human so our baby will be a hybrid.”

Eli thought for a moment, pondering.

"I'd like to give you a dermal monitor, you wear it beneath your ear and it'll let me know of any changes or send an alert if there's trouble. Would that be ok with you?"

Talia nodded. “That’s perfectly fine, I’d rather be safe than have anything happen to my baby.”

Eli smiles once more, before going into a rolling set of drawers near to the biobed and withdrawing the small device. He pulls out his tricorder, programming the monitor before coming back with it.

“This just attaches by molecular bonding and can easily be removed if it gets itchy.”

Eli said holding out the device with his hand for Talia to pick up.

Talia nodded, taking the monitor she placed it where Eli had suggested. “There all done.” She smiled warmly. “Am I going to need to stay in Sickbay for long?”

“Only for a few hours. Just enough for me to take some readings and let the monitor calibrate. Then I’ll release you back to rest. I want you to at least take the next 24 hours off. Then come back and I’ll have come up with a plan for what meds will be effective to help with the morning sickness.”

Eli said, putting his hands back into his coat pockets.

“Sounds Good to me” Talia nodded and offered a smile. “To be honest I could do with the rest, just don’t tell Thomas or the Captain I said that or I’ll be on restricted duties for the rest of my pregnancy!” She smiled a wry smile.

"Doctor/Patient Privilage. My lips are sealed."

Eli smiles widely.

Talia couldn’t help but grin. “Thank you Doctor, I appreciate everything you’re doing for me. There’s nothing I need to worry about is there?”

"You're fine at the moment, but I want you to take it easy for a bit, and let me know if you have any other symptoms that seem abnormal."

He replies as he rocked on his feet back and forth.

Talia nodded. “Understood Doctor, thank you for your help. To be honest I could do with something to eat, the only problem is the more I eat the more I spend time suffering from sickness.”

“You’re Welcome. If you need anything else, I’m goin to be in my office trying to salvage the medical database”

Eli says with a smile as he starts to leave.



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