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Reuniting the Family

Posted on Tue Oct 31st, 2023 @ 4:11am by Major Chiyo Shimada & Lieutenant Tatsuo Shimada & Alice Shimada

1,357 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Starship Graveyard
Location: Shimada Family Quarters
Timeline: Between 'Dead Man Walking' and 'This Is Home For Now'

USS Redemption acting Captain's log.

A routine salvage mission to a fresh wreck has yielded some unforeseen complications:

For one, the new ship was carrying an old flame I frankly thought I would never see again: Chiyo Mabuchi, who has taken my name despite the fact that we're not married. Further compounding this matter, she has revealed to me the existence of an offspring to which I was unaware. Having been cleared by the Tokyo's surviving medical staff, she is taking me to her now.

I must admit, it is quite surreal to be taken to a daughter you didn't know even existed. No doubt this is going to cause trouble with Lieutenant Akikawa later, but for right now, I feel it is best to live in this moment, and meet my daughter:

Since being discharged from sickbay, Alice had been working on her campaign notes. Despite being crash-landed on a desert planet, her campaign must continue. And perhaps now more than ever, the guys would need it as a form of entertainment.

Alice was roused from her note making when the doors to the quarters swooshed open, and in stepped her mother.

"MOM!" Alice gasped, immediately setting down her PADD and running to hug her mother.

"Hello, sweetie..." Chiyo responded, hugging her daughter tightly. "I was so worried about you, and it's good to know you're okay."

"I followed protocol, just like we rehearsed." Alice said. "You look like you're in a good mood, despite our circumstances." She noted as she looked into her mother's eyes.

"Yes, I am, sweetie;" Chiyo smiled. "And that's because something wonderful has happened:"

Chiyo then turned towards the doors.

"You can come in now!" She called out.

The words had barely left Chiyo's mouth when the doors once again swooshed open, and a man in an older style Starfleet uniform stepped through. The man had an air of familiarity to him; like someone Alice had known her whole life.

As Alice got a closer look at the man, she knew what he looked like; the picture her mother kept on her bedside table if it had been run through an age progression software.

"Alice, I'd like you to say hello to your father:" Chiyo said, turning to the man. "Tatsuo, this is Alice: Your daughter."

Alice wasn't quite sure what came over her, but it was definitely some kind of primordial instinct as she approached her father. As she put her arms around Tatsuo for the first tine, it felt like she was embracing for the first time in her life a piece of it that had been missing from the off.

"Hello, Alice." Tatsuo cooed as he returned the embrace.

For Tatsuo, the feeling was equally surreal, being hugged by your own flesh and blood for the first time. As Tatsuo held Alice close, he looked towards Chiyo.

"Did you name her that because...?" He began, but found himself unable to finish the question.

Chiyo nodded smiling. She had been one of the few people Tatsuo had opened up to about his birth name, and how he felt about knowing that he had been born someone else.

"Aw, come here." Tatsuo beckoned Chiyo over when he noticed the tears brimming in Chiyo's eyes.

When Chiyo was within arm's reach, Tatsuo pulled her in, and together for the first time, the Shimada Family shared an embrace.

When they finally separated, Tatsuo was able to get a closer look at Alice: Chiyo hadn't been wrong when she'd told him that Alice was her "mini-her," as aside from his hair (which it could be argued that Alice was a mix of his hair and Chiyo's), he didn't really have too much dominant traits.

"Well, Chiyo-Kichi, you weren't kidding when you said she was your mini me;" He commented. "That resemblance is striking."

"I know this is a lot to take in right now, and I hope you two will take the time to get to know each other for however long we're stuck here." Chiyo said.

"Of course, I would!" Tatsuo said. "She's my baby girl as much as she is yours, right?"

"Mmm-hmm." Chiyo nodded.

"I suppose I could make time for my dad..." Alice muttered. "The question would be, where to start?"

"Well, I'm sure you'll have plenty of time to think about that." Tatsuo said, ruffling his daughter's hair. "In the meantime, I'd like to speak with your mother in private for a moment."

Nodding in understanding, Alice returned to the couch where she had left her PADD to resume her campaign notes.

"Do you still have...?" Tatsuo began.

"The ring you gave me?" Chiyo completed. "I do, but it's taken a hell of a beating over the years. I hardly even wear it anymore because I've almost lost it too many times. Come, I have a few things you'll want to see..."

Chiyo led Tatsuo into the bedroom. The place was still a mess from the crash, and Alice had evidently not been in to tidy up. One of the drawers underneath the bed had slid open, but the bed spread had kept the drawer's contents from going all over the room in the crash. Chiyo pulled the comforter aside and there siting in the drawer was a small box that, despite looking worse for wear, Tatsuo immediately recognized as the same box that he had presented to her when he had dropped down on one knee and asked her hand in marriage...

How that now felt like an eternity ago...

Picking up the box out of the drawer, Tatsuo flipped the lid open and immediately noticed a large crack in the diamond on the ring.

"Aw, man; the diamond's cracked!" Tatsuo groaned.

"That was from a Klingon's Bat'leth..." Chiyo explained as she undid her tunic, having locked the door to the bedroom so Alice wouldn't wander in.

"How did...?" Tatsuo began to ask before the real meaning of Chiyo's words set in. "That was one hell of an accurate Klingon if all you walked away with from a Bat'leth strike was a cracked diamond."

"Back on the Williamson, we needed to recruit that Klingon for a mission." Chiyo explained, undoing her bra. "He only agreed to help us if he could prove he could hit a small target with a Bat'leth. It just so happened he thought the perfect such target was my ring..."

Plucking the ring from its case, Tatsuo rolled it in his fingers.

"It's awfully dirty; have you cleaned it at all?" He asked.

"That's not dirt; that's carbon scoring from Romulan disruptors." Chiyo explained as she removed her pants. "That shit's not coming off..."

"Hmmm... You really have seen a lot looking for me..." Tatsuo muttered, placing the ring back in its case and returning the case to the drawer, grabbing another object he noticed from it: It was a photo album, and when Tatsuo opened it, he was transported back to all the fun he and Chiyo had when they had been dated.

"Heh... I didn't even realize you'd kept most of these..." He said, a smile forming on his face.

Having removed her panties, Chiyo saw that Tatsuo was now enthralled by her photo album.

"Well, don't just sit there;" She said. "Turn around."

Tatsuo looked up from the album and back at Chiyo. That was when he had noticed that Chiyo had stripped down for him. Every inch of Chiyo's naked body was on display for him. Naturally, seeing Chiyo in this manner brought a grin to Tatsuo's face.

"Still as beautiful as I remember you." He said before the smile quickly faded and Tatsuo sighed. "Chiyo-Kichi; I have to ask: Are you prepared to accept that I might not be the man you remember?"

"Perhaps..." Chiyo said, moving towards the bed and bending over, letting her breasts hang free. "But for right now, let's not spoil this moment, shall we?"

Posting by

Major Chiyo Shimada
Marine Commander
Second Officer
USS Tokyo

Lieutenant Tatsuo Shimada
Acting Captain
USS Redemption

Alice Shimada
Civilian Child


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