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Posted on Tue Jul 4th, 2023 @ 7:57pm by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Petty Officer 1st Class Yoshika Miyafuji & Lieutenant Talia Johnson
Edited on on Tue Jul 4th, 2023 @ 7:59pm

1,774 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Descent
Location: Unknown

Yoshika Miyafuji stirred, her head felt fuzzy and light. Her eyes fluttered as she managed to open them. At first everything seemed blurry, just colours of green, brown and grey. The smell assaulted her senses, at first it smelt like rotten eggs, but then the distinct smell of sweat and blood lingered in the air.

She tried to move, only to realise she was strapped down to some strange table. Her arms and legs were bound and she couldn't move. However she could look around, it didn't take long for Yoshika to realise she hadn't been shot like she first thought, but in fact somehow transported away. She had been captured by the Elachi!

She turned and saw several other people all strapped to beds, all of them looked to be female. Then to her immediate right she spotted Captain Aisaka! The captain seemed to be unconcious. However, Yoshika could see that the Elachi had torn away the bottom half of the Captains uniform. A strange tube like device was also attached to her. It was attached to the center of Captain Aisaka's stomach and it disappeared high into the darkness above them.

Suddenly she felt a strange feeling in her own stomach. She managed to look down, to her horror another strange tube was attached to her! She only then realised it had been attached to her belly button and she could feel faint vibrations pulsating through it and into her body.

'This must be some sort of impregnation device that the Elachi use!' Yoshika thought as she tried to wriggle free to no avail. 'The away team from the battle reported finding humanoids being used as host nurseries! I don't want Elachi babies in my belly!' she thought, starting to panic slightly.

"Captain!" she said finally building up the strength to speak. Maybe if she got the Captains attention she might have an idea of how to escape this hell. "Captain!"

Talia stirred to the sound of a voice calling the Captain, last she remembered she was being lead away by the Elachi. Her eyes opened to reveal a sight she wished she’d never see. “She’s still unconscious” Talia turned her head to look at Yoshika. “How long have we been here?”

Yoshika turned. "Counsellor!" she said. "I don't know. What do you think they're going to do to us?" she asked, in a shaky voice.

Talia shook her head as she looked around. “Whatever it is it isn’t good.” Off in the distance she could see previous captives, and it looked like at least some of them were in varying stages of pregnancy.

"We need to get out of here," Yoshika said as she took deep breaths. "Are you strapped in tight? Can you break free?"

Talia tried to move but she couldn’t, unlike some of those around her she wasn’t connected to a stomach tube instead she was connected to a network of tubes that were attached to both arms, almost like an in and out one pumping something in, and another recirculating it the other side of her body. “I can’t get free...whatever they’ve got me attached to it’s sapping my strength.”

"Same..." Yoshika sighed. She tried to struggle a little more, but she couldn't feel any give in the straps. She turned back to look at the Captain. "Captain!" She said again this time a little louder. "Captain Aisaka!"

Finally Taiga's eyes opened. "What the..." was the first thing she said. "Where am I?"

"Captain." Yoshika finally said. Taiga turned to face the young petty officer. She spotted the tubes attached to Yoshika and then herself. She scowled as she began to struggle. Luckily for them her restraints were either faulty or not attached right. She managed to break free.

She oulled the tube out of her navel, and sat up. "We're on an Elachi ship." She said. She seemed full of energy as she swung her legs out and managed to climb down off the table. She instinctly reached for her phaser, but there was nothing there.

"No weapons," she sighed. "Stay still petty officer. Let me get you off this table," it was then that she noticed the Counsellor. "You too. Once I've got you free we'll get everyone out of here."

Talia did as she was told holding still until she was freed by Taiga. “The Elachi process has already begun for all of us Captain, how far are we going to get?”

"I have no intention of becoming one of them!" Taiga replied quickly as she started to free the Counsellor. "We will find a way to get off this... ship? Whatever it is."

Talia nodded. “Trust me Captain, I’ve no plans to become one of them either. The problem is they’ll probably think we’re all dead...Thomas will think I’m dead.”

"It shouldn't take long for them to realise that we've been transported," Taiga said. "First we need to find weapons. There doesn't seem like they have many guards. I've not seen one yet."

Talia nodded. “Well we’re in a medical complex, they probably haven’t had any escapees before.” She paused. “I’m sorry, whatever they were pumping me full of it’s completely sapped my strength.”

Taiga looked the counsellor up and down. "See if you can free the others here." she said simply. "Work with Miyafuji, see if you can work out what this process is. We know they use others to reproduce, but we don't know how. Meanwhile, I'll see about doing something to get us out of here." she ordered simply.

“Yes Captain” Talia nodded and looked at Yoshika. “Maybe we should start with the readouts, see what it’s showing us is happening?”

The captain nodded. "You have more experience with that sort of thing," she said simply. She began to move through the large room, looking for an exit. She soon came across some sort of strange door.

"I'm going to see what I can find past this door," Taiga said. "If I can find a way to contact the Tokyo, they can get us out of here. Detach as many people as you can".

“Yes ma’am“ Talia nodded and started at the nearest bed. The woman there was attached via her stomach just as Taiga and others had been, judging from the rounded shape of her stomach it appeared she was pregnant. “This must be their way of breeding females” She looked around there were others attached in the same way, some further into states of pregnancy than others. “I don’t know what disattaching them will do to them.”

"Do what you can, if we can capture this ship then maybe we ca get our people in here to help," Taiga suggested. She began to play around with the display console by the door. It seemed like a simple systems console with limited access. She however did manage to pull up a schematic of the ship.

"This ship isn't very big. It looks more like a transport, limited crew and weaponary. I bet this was their plan all along, to acquire new 'hosts'." Taiga said. "It looks like it has a cloaking device, if we can send out a signal then the Tokyo should be able to pick us up."

Talia nodded as she walked around to what looked like a control for the various medical beds. “I think this might shut down the beds on this side, I just have to figure out how to...” She plumped for what looked like a main control switch. “Here goes nothing...” she pushed it hoping it wouldn’t cause disaster, moments later the beds on the nearest row shut down. “Yes!” She smiled as she headed off along the row helping to release those attached.

Yoshika made her way over to Talia. "Show me how to do that. I can do some over here," she suggested with a friendly smile. She was a little shaky, she wasn't quite sure what was going to happen to them. "I hope that once Tokyo finds us they will be able to help everyone."

“So do I” Talia offered a worried glance. “Come over here I’ll show you what I did.” Moving to the controls for the next room she pointed out what she’d pressed before. “That button should deactivate the row, hopefully.” Her eyes were drawn to a handful of beds where others were connected the way she had been. “That’s what they were doing to me...” she was worried by what she saw. “They’re all in different stages of molecular change, they’re being turned into Elachi.”

Yoshika nodded as she followed the same process, releasing more of the captured Starfleet cadets. "These are all female. I wonder what they do with the males?" Yoshika asked curiously.

Talia looked around. “I don’t know, maybe they keep them in a different room?”

"Maybe." Yoshika replied.

Meanwhile at the console, Taiga had been messing around with the Elachi systems. "I've sealed the doors, I think..." she announced from across the room. "The internal scans show this ship is currently manned by only four Elachi, they all seem to be in a room above us. I think it's their version of a bridge."

Talia looked up, “Question is do they know we’re free? And do they have ways of subduing escapees?”

"Not that I can see. I think they're busy, or haven't noticed," Taiga replied. "I doubt they've had anyone ever break free before."

Taiga turned and looked back at the other two. "I think I've discovered a way to send out a signal. Hopefully strong enough that the Tokyo picks it up and can locate us. Once that does happen, they might trace it back to here. We should find a place to take cover."

“Back here” Talia motioned back behind the control stations. “We can shield ourselves behind here.”

"Good. Standby!" she said. "Hide, now!" she triggered a signal, a loud high pitched squeal echoed around the room. However it wasn't the noise that the Tokyo would pick up, more of the frequency of the signal. Taiga clasped her hands to her ears, it only lasted a few seconds, but she had encoded her personal ID code onto it, if they picked it up, they would know it was from her.

"Now all we do is wait..." Taiga said. "And hope the Elachi don't find us first..."

Posting by

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Talia Johnson
Chief Counsellor

Petty Officer 1t Class Yoshika Miyafuji


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