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Phaser Training

Posted on Sat Jul 8th, 2023 @ 4:19pm by Lieutenant JG Amari & Lieutenant Trennek Zakrin

1,322 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Descent
Location: Security Dept.

Trennek, PADD in hand, was taking inventory of the Tokyo's heavier hand held weaponry as a periodic requirement by Starfleet regulations. Everything was in order and the Brikar grunted with satisfaction as he locked the ship's armory.

"Hello Lieutenant Zakrin." Amari called out appearing almost out of nowhere close to the Brikar. She was a little early than the time they'd arranged to do her phaser certification but early meant more time to chat and learn.

Trennek turned slowly despite being just a bit startled at Amari’s sudden appearance. He’d learned to do things slower and more deliberately while in the confines of a starship lest walls and doors get dented. “Ah, Lieutenant Amari, how have you been?”

"OK I think," Amari replied. "I'm settling in alright, getting used to where things are in the ship though its taking time, this ship is huge compared to anything my people have."

Trennek nodded. “Well, here in security, there are a couple of restricted areas, the brig, and the armory. However, you can check out a hand phaser for practice use on the range anytime with whoever is on duty down here at the time. If you try to leave without turning it in, an alarm will sound… however when you complete your hand phaser training, you can be issued a sidearm if you request it.”

"My own one to keep?" Amari asked. "I thought only security people were allowed to walk around with phasers." She added sure she'd seen it somewhere in protocols.

Trennek thought a moment, "Well, only security walks around armed all the time. Other Starfleet personnel are allowed to be issued one to keep and are only brought out for away missions and such. Things may be different because of your exchange officer status... but you should still be trained in their use... just in case."

"Oh, ok." Amari said clearly misinterpreting what she had read in the protocol description. "I'm ready to begin if you are."

"Good, follow me please." Trennek led Amari down a short corridor and into a long, narrow room. In the near wall was case with a number of Starfleet phaser weapons. He opened it and took out a hand phaser and handed to Amari.

Facing the far end of the room he indicated a red line on the floor about three meters from the wall they were standing next to, "Everything beyond the red line is a miniature holodeck. That's where your targets will be."

He drew his own sidearm and presented it. "Here's the firing stud... and here are where you can adjust the settings. Starting out you only need to worry about the main three. 'Lay down, stay down, and toast'... that's the way they were explained to me, however, in Starfleet speak it's stun, kill, and incinerate."

Amari took the phaser Trennek gave her, it felt weird in her hand; its oddly curved grip and overall shape vastly different to the energy pistols her people used. "These have a lot of other settings though right? Can heat stuff up and explode things. More useful than a pure 'weapon'."

Trennek nodded, “There are many settings between the three mentioned that can be used for a variety of effects. Some are sanctioned and some have been found out by experimentation. You could probably talk to a hundred other officers and find a hundred other uses from simply starting campfires to drilling holes.” Trennek shrugged, “In my opinion, it’s an elegant piece of equipment for our civilized age. It’s almost a shame it’s original function self defense.”

"My peoples weapons are simpler, weapons technology is not a very high priority for us." She manipulated the phaser around in her hands trying to get used to the unusual grip. "Stun and lethal are the only uses they have. As I mentioned we see shooting people as a last resort."

Trennek sighed, "So do we." He motioned for her to follow as he went down a short corridor. The small room he led Amari to was a miniature holodeck. "Computer," he announced, "Run target practice, level one."

They were now on a grassy field with bulleye targets hanging around them at varying distances away. Trennek drew his own weapon and said, "To start, just hit some targets." He held his arm out straight demonstrating the best way to aim. "Keep your arm straight but loose enough to easily change your target when necessary.

He held his arm out straight and fired neatly hitting one target in the center circle. Then his arm moved fluidly to three other targets which he also hit in the center circle.

He looked at Amari, "Your turn." The targets he hit regenerated.

Amari watched as Trennek position himself into a firing stance and hit the targets with the practiced ease of a well trained security officer, she matched his stance her muscle memory protesting the different grip compared to the more sharply angular pistols of her own kind. She fired, the orange beam passing almost a full foot over the top of the target.

Trennek was expresionless for a few seconds. Then he nodded, “Not the worst I’ve ever seen.” He took a step towards her and asked, “Prepare to fire.”

Taking a breath Amari returned to her firing stance trying to aim the phaser at the target, which was hard when the weapon didn't appear to have any physical sights.

He examined the way she held the phaser and asked her to make some minor adjustments to the way Amari held her arm out. “It’s important to remain somewhat relaxed even though you may find yourself firing in a tense situation. Try again.”

"Alright" she said after making the small adjustments he'd shown her. She took another breath and pressed the firing stud again, the shot still went high but was significantly closer to the target.

“You’re getting better. Try to think of the phaser as an extension of your arm, or your hand, point at what you want to hit and hit it,” Trennek explained in a sagely and patient tone, “Do it again.”

Most of what Trennek was saying she'd heard before, from her clan Karaya husband and the other trainers. She'd listened and done what was required of her to qualify to serve in the fleet but doubted she'd be able to do it against a real person. Taking aim her next shot split the air striking the target just above centre.

"Much better," Trennek complimented. "Now, you must be able to do that consistently. As your progress, the targets will be harder to hit. You can stay and practice as long as you like. When you're ready for the next level, just let me know."

"It fires so differently to our energy pistols," Amari remarked as she tried another shot on the same target hitting it a few inches away from her first shot.

"And this is why you must practice," Trennek added to her sentence in a well meaning manner. "When you can hit each of these dead center consistently we can move you level two."

Over the course of a few minutes Amari began to hit the targets more and more consistently though she knew it would be much harder when Trennek added in moving targets and much less ideal shooting conditions.

Trennek observed occasionally offering advice on aiming and how Amari wielded the phaser with respect to her arm position. She was getting better and he let her know in an encouraging manner. “You’re doing well. Keep it up.”

"Thanks." Amari said with a slight smile. "I think I'm going to need to schedule some more practice, I doubt the enemy will line up nicely for me to shoot."

"That is very true," Trennek replied with a mix of seriousness and mirth.


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