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When Starfleet Officers become bigger than themselves (Part 2)

Posted on Wed Mar 29th, 2023 @ 2:00am by Major Chiyo Shimada & Captain Kagami Izumi
Edited on on Wed Mar 29th, 2023 @ 2:00am

1,329 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Sand Sea Fun and Surf
Location: Hebitian Restaurant, Risa
Timeline: After 'When Starfleet Officers become bigger than themselves (Part 1)

Previously, on Star Trek: Tokyo

"Anyhow, there's a really good Hebitian restaurant not too far from here:" She said. "Any chance I could persuade you two to come and chat with me over a bite to eat? It'd be my honor to share a meal with Kagami Izumi."

"You might as well add three to the table" Kagami said with a slight smile.

"Three?" Patricia asked, seemingly confused. "Who else would be joining us?"

Kagami raised an eyebrow. "Well, I will have my daughter with me. I can't have Captain Aisaka babysit all day and night long."

"Oh!" Patricia said, smacking herself in the forehead for being so stupid. "Of course! The more, the merrier!"

And now, the continuation:

With Hatsune now in tow, the Izumi sisters and Patricia had settled into a table at Taste of Hebitia, the Hebitian restaurant that Patricia had recommended, and were perusing the menu as they waited to be served.

"You know, some people write Hebitian food off as being just Cardassian food, but I think someone who says stuff like that doesn't know half of it." Patricia commented. "Sure, some Hebitian dishes share the same name and basic preparation process, but the Hebitians use so many different herbs and spices that the end result tastes wildly different than their Cardassian counterparts."

"Well it's different," Kagami replied. She looked down at Hatsune who was finding it hard to read the menu. "Ah..." Kagami sighed. "Let me translate for you." She took the Menu and leaned in.

"I know it's not in Kanji! Yes, I know you're not sure what you like. And yes, I know I've told you not to do that! Use your voice Hatsune, especially ially when others are here!" Kagami said.

Tsukasa giggled.

"Oh and don't be running to Auntie Tsukasa. You know she spoils you! Stop talking to her telepathically too!" Kagami said sternly. "And I am not a nimkampoop!"

Kagami looked up over at Patricia. "She's half Betazoid, and she's an unusually strong one at that!"

Patricia giggled when she heard Kagami say Nincompoop. "Oh, it's alright. I was wondering what this strange sensation was in my head."

"She's still trying to learn the difference between telepathic and vocal communication. When she was inside my belly, her father told me he could communicate with her. She doesn't remember that though." Kagami explained. She ruffled Hatsunes hair a little "She reminds me of him almost every day..."

As they were talking, the waiter approached the table. As the place was staffed by Hebitians, most of the waitstaff also belonged to the species, though there were Risians and other species in the restaurant's employ, it was more common to see the Cardassians' biological cousins working the dining room, and this particular waiter was an example of the species whose food the restaurant served.

"Are you folks going to need a few more minutes? Or are we ready to order?" He asked.

"I think so," Kagami stated. She placed her order and that of Hatsunes. Tsukasa ordered after.

"Yes, and as for me, I'll take the iced red leaf tea to drink," Patricia was the last to order. "And for my food, I'll have the Zabu stew with a side of Yam... I mean, Kamoy sauce!"

The waiter finished writing down the orders.

"Alright, I'll be right back with your drinks." He said before heading off to go prepare their drinks.

After the waiter left, Patricia turned back to Kagami. During the ordering process, there had been a small argument with the waiter over the name of the Kamoy sauce, and Patricia had almost made the same mistake in referring to it by its former name and that of its Cardassian counterpart: Yamok sauce.

"It's basically just Yamok sauce." Patricia explained in a hushed tone. "The Hebitians have been undergoing a cultural rebranding ever since the Cardassians invaded and illegally annexed a planet in their system about five years ago. A planet that might I add has been recognized as Federation territory for decades. Naturally, the Hebitians are frustrated that the Federation is dragging its heels on the matter, and one of the few things they can do is to attempt to distance themselves from the Cardassians."

"You seem like quite the expert about the Hebitians..." Kagami replied. "Are you assigned to a ship in that sector?"

"Actually, the Hebitian system does fall within the Starbase 472 sector, where the Fort Wayne is assigned." Patricia said. "We may have stopped through a couple of times while we've been out searching for the Missouri."

Kagami look down at the mention of her former command. "Still no word? I didn't know Captain Tenku, but it's always worrying when a ship disappears. Especially one you know so well."

"Sadly, still no sign of them." Patricia sighed. "It's been almost two years and we haven't found anything! Word among the ships involved in the search is that Starfleet is preparing to call off the search and declare the vessel lost with all hands. It's a shame, too. I always aspired to serve aboard her, and make my grandmother proud... It's been four years now since she passed..."

"You're grandmother?" Kagami asked.

"Major Francine Cooke." Patricia responded. "She was a Starfleet Marine. Served in both the Cardassian and Dominion Wars, and she served aboard the previous Missouri during the Dominion War. Passed away about four years ago at the age of 82. She's buried in the uh, Jonathan Archer Federation Cemetery. If you ever find yourself in upstate New York, it's a pretty, yet sobering place to visit."

"It feels sad..." Hatsune said. "It's a very sad place" she stated. She turned to Patricia. "You should visit soon. Its been a while right. You feel guilty for not going in a while right..."

"Hatsune!" Kagami interjected. "I've told you to keep things like that private!"

"Well, I, uh... I suppose so..." Patricia sighed. "She has been at the forefront of my thoughts especially with the recent rumors regarding the search..."

"Put it out of your mind" Kagami replied simply as their food arrived. "The point of being on Risa is to enjoy yourself is it not?"

"I'd say so." Patricia smiled as she unrolled her silverware and placed the napkin in her lap. "Now, where was I? Oh, yes; the Missouri!"

Patricia shoveled the first spoonful of stew into her mouth before continuing to speak:

"So, as I was saying, my grandmother served aboard the Excelsior class Missouri during the Dominion War." She explained. "And if that wasn't enough, many generations ago, an ancestor of mine served aboard the famous battleship. So, the Missouri name's a big deal to me."

Kagami couldn't help but smirk a little. Originally the Missouri had only been another ship when she had first stepped aboard her, but now her old command did have a special place in her heart. After all, it was where she had married and had her daughter.

"So, tell me;" Patricia asked. "If this rumor comes to pass, and the Missouri is declared lost with all hands, how long do you think it'll be before Starfleet builds another one?"

Kagami shrugged. "Honestly, I'm not too sure. They usually keep names unused for a while if a ship goes missing or is lost due to respect. So I couldn't tell you that."

"Well, I sure hope that it doesn't take too long for another Missouri to enter service." Patricia said. "I'd hate to retire from Starfleet without having had a chance to serve on one..."

"There's waysva chance" Kagami replied. "Now, let's focus on eating this food" she stated.

"Couldn't agree with you more!" Patricia said, picking up her utensils preparing to eat her stew.

Posting By

Captain Kagami Izumi
Security/Tactical Instructor
Starfleet Academy

Lieutenant Commander Tsukasa Izumi
Chief Engineer
USS Zeus

Lieutenant Patricia Cooke
Assistant Chief Security Officer
USS Fort Wayne

Hatsune Izumi
Civilian Child


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