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Twin 1 & Twin 2

Posted on Wed Mar 29th, 2023 @ 9:48pm by Ensign Rin Kagamine 'Twin 2' & Ensign Len Kagamine 'Twin 1' & Lieutenant Commander Moklor ‘Shell Squid’
Edited on on Thu Mar 30th, 2023 @ 9:35pm

1,179 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Sand Sea Fun and Surf
Location: Pilots Lounge & Various

After arriving, Rin and Len had placed their bags in their quarters. The pilots on the Tokyo shared quarters, usually of the same sex/gender. However, the brother and sister had requested quarters to be shared together. It seemed to many that these two twins literally came as a pair.

Both of the young ensigns then made their way down towards the pilots lounge. They were hoping to spend the rest of the afternoon learning their way around the ship. It couldn't help but be noticed that both of them seemed to look a little 'out of their depth' as they wandered through the pilot areas.

As the pair made there way through the section, they passed an office. It’s doors were open, a golden metallic sign stated ‘Lt. Cmdr. Moklor - CAG’. Inside a burly Klingon could be seen lifting a Bat’leth into place.

He looked over his shoulders as the movement of the twins garnered his attention. “You two, a little help please.”

As he caught their eye he said, “you must be the two new arrivals… Ensigns Kagamine.” A morning report foretold their appearance. “Welcome… And by the way, is this straight?”

He motioned to the bat’leth which looked just slightly crooked.

Rin and Len both squared up the Bat'leth on this back. "It looks a bit crooked..." Rin told him. "Does it need to be straight?" she asked curiously.

“I guess it does not”, Moklor admitted. “Perhaps if I intentionally slanted it… This is an heirloom of my House. It is over 500 years old. Truthfully I prefer the mek’leth.” He let the weapon sit as it was. “I’m also not one used to an office.”

“Please sit”, he said, motioning to the three chairs in front of his desk. Moklor walked behind it and sat in the large, stiff chair. “Tell me, Ensigns. What does the Starfighter Corps mean to you? What made you want to fly fighters?”

Rin simply smirked. "We've always like fast things. But we come as a pair. My older brother here..." she thumbed over at Len. "Once 'borrowed' dad's shuttle. We got into a lot of trouble over that, but we both realised we just liked the thrill of it. So when it came to looking for something to do, Starfighters seemed like a good idea".

Len simply nodded. "What my younger sister... by only two minutes... forgot to mention is, we are serious about our piloting skills. Plus, our father did fly in the Dominion War when he was our age."

Moklor listened while leaning forward. His hand scratched his chin for a moment, seemingly ruminating on their words. "The thrills. Skills... Family legacy", he said through a slight grin. "These are all great reasons to fly. I too once took the controls of a ship before my time.. And well, my family was not happy for a time. But it builds the desire."

"I am glad you made it here. We are looking to finally get the Tokyo's fighter compliment to full strength", Moklor continued. "Tell me any expectations you have for me as your CAG. You can also ask any questions you may be wondering." The large Klingon leaned back in his seat.

Rin shrugged. "Dunno. It's our first posting. We've never actually being on a carrier ship before. We've only really flown the Academy flight course in the Sol system".

"indeed", Moklor said. He'd taken a quick glance at their records upon notification of their impending assignment. "You two have much to learn. I can tell you that there is a lot you should expect from me as Commander of this Air Group. If you have any problems or need any help, come to me. Any concerns, thoughts or worries? Share them with me. I am strict, but very fair. Underneath everything is an excitement for the career and a passion for flight."

"Expect things to get busy in the near future", Moklor added. "I foresee a fair bit of training once the others return from Risa. "We must also always expect the unexpected. Rapid response is the goal. Are you two ready to examine your fighters?"

He knew that would have to be an exhilarating moment for them.

"Yes sir," both of the young pilots said together in unison.

The lieutenant commander slid his chair back and stood slowly. "Very well. Let's head to the flight deck. But first, you two should stop at the replicator for some food. Surely you both passed through the lounge itself before spotting me." The area was much more quiet than usual, as most of the pilots took leave on Risa.

"Yes sir" they said again in unison. "Although we are eager to get into everything" Rin told him. "We don't really need to..." at that moment she was betrayed as a rumble from her belly filled the room. "I guess we could eat..."

"Ah Ensigns.. Remember.. A good fighter pilot is a well-fed fighter pilot. We can even grab something small to bring along. I ate a little earlier, I just need... err.. want a little raktajino." He knew they could be in for a long day if they really dove into the new ships. It could be awhile before they had a chance to eat again.

"Sounds like a plan!" Rin said as she jumped up with excitement. "I wonder if the Tokyos replicators have Taiyaki?" She pondered.

Moklor stepped from behind his desk and led them back out into the corridor. There were doors to various briefing rooms and a few offices here. They stepped out into the lounge itself, a much wider room with various places to sit and eat. There were tables, booths and a bar-like seating area. Moklor walked to the far wall where a replicator sat.

After quickly programming a Klingon coffee, he grabbed his cup and said, “If you cannot find your recipe, you can program it later. I bet they will have what you spoke of.. this.. Taiyaki.”

Rin skipped up to the replicator. "Red bean paste Taiyaki!" She said. The replicator whirled and two fish shaped pastries emerged in the hatch, wrapped in a small paper bag. Rin took one and passed the other to Len.

Moklor stepped up next. "Raktajino", Moklor said before grabbing the steaming mug. After taking a quick sip he said, "As a matter of fact... Take your time and eat. I will call a meeting shortly. It appears we have quite a few new arrivals."

"Aye Sir!" Rin replied with a grin before taking a bite out of her Taiyaki. "We'll be there at orientation!"

"I must assign each pilot to their fighter... And schedule their ships to be ready for inspection." With a deep exhale, the Klingon finally appeared to relax. He smiled and said, "I hope you are all as excited as I am."

"Yes sir, we are!" They both replied in unison.

Posting by

Lieutenant Commander Moklor 'Shell Squid'
Commander Air Group

Ensign Rin Kagamine 'Twin 2'
Fighter Pilot

Ensign Len Kagamine 'Twin 1'
Fighter Pilot


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