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Two Can Play at This Game

Posted on Sat Feb 11th, 2023 @ 12:02am by Captain Maho Takahashi & Captain Minori Kushieda

1,259 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Sand Sea Fun and Surf
Timeline: After "To Taiga and Ryuuji!"


Following it's brief detour to Risa to allow for the Starship Nikko to catch up, as the Nebula class following them back to Earth could only travel at a maximum of Warp 6, the USS Myogi continued its journey to Earth to bring Commander Seiji Iwaki to trial. Lieutenant Tristana had recently returned to the vessel following completion of her temporary assignment.

Captain Maho Takahashi was at work in her ready room when she received a call from the bridge concerning an urgent transmission from the USS Armitage, and she had chosen to take the call in the ready room, and when the screen rose from the desk, revealing the caller to be Captain Minori Kushieda, she assumed her stone cold demeanor.

"Can I help you, Captain?" She asked in a flat tone.

The face of Captain Minori Kushieda appeared on the screen. "Captain Takahashi" she said simply. "We need to have a little chat regarding an incident involving one of your officers..."

"Did one of them get into a fight on shoreleave?" Maho proposed. "Unfortunate as that might be, it's hardly worth calling me for a face-to-face over."

Minori's expression didn't change. She didn't find it amusing at all. "Tell me Captain. Woman to Woman. What do you and your crew have against Captain Aisaka and the crew of the Starship Tokyo?"

"Unfortunate that you have elected to insert yourself into all of this, but since you've asked so nicely, I'll indulge you." Maho said. "Because Captain Aisaka is far from a saint: For starters, she's a disrespectful little shit who shows blatant disregard for Starfleet protocol. Then, when she was acquitted, two officers involved in her trial whom I respected were kicked out of Starfleet and I was placed under investigation for my involvement. But all of that pales in comparison to her most egregious sin: Something that makes me sick every time I think about it:"

Maho spoke every word flat toned and stone cold. If she was hiding how she truly felt about Captain Aisaka, she was doing a convincing job at it.

A frown formed upon Minori's face. "Captain. Are you aware of what happened at Captain Aisaka's wedding yesterday?"

"I am afraid I have been too preoccupied with my duties as a Starfleet officer as of recent." Maho responded. "You should know as well as I that Starfleet does not stop for one blushing bride."

"Captain. Someone on your crew decided to attempt to crash the wedding." Minori began. "They had a message read out before playing the song that was apparently your first dance at your own wedding," Minori paused. "The message not only was spiteful and petty, but named you personally and the Starship Myogi as well."

Minori didn't give Maho chance to speak before she continued. "Now I'm not going to sit here and lecture you on protocol. However, what I will say is that this little prank, whoever may have thought of it reflects badly on your ship and you as its commander" Minori paused for a few seconds. "Not only that, but to publically ridicule a senior Starfleet Captain also paints a bad impression on Starfleet as a whole. Can you now understand why this may be a concern?"

"Captain, there are two sides to every story;" Maho said. "Since you've mentioned my wedding, let me tell you a little more about the shit show that happened there: We didn't even make it to the first dance: The ceremony was crashed by an officer from the Starship Tokyo, out to arrest the best man because he was exercising his most basic Federation right to free speech."

Without giving Minori a chance to rebut her, Maho continued speaking. "So, tell me, Captain; going by your logic, does the events I just described to you not reflect badly on the Starship Tokyo and by extension, Captain Aisaka as its commanding officer? And do the actions of a clandestine prankster really compare to sending someone to arrest someone else because they dare to defy your narrative?"

"Captain Aisaka never sent Daxer to your wedding!" Minori said raising her voice slightly. "Quite frankly I don't give a damn what happened in the past, neither do I care."

Minori let out a sigh. "The Tokyo is now a well known ship across the fleet, and not for good reasons. Right now the Myogi is heading the same direction Captain! I have recieved over forty three complaints of that little stunt you pulled, or whoever pulled it on your behalf!"

She looked down for a moment before looking up locking eyes with Maho. "I will be honest with you. If you can not let this go and get on with commanding your ship then as a senior captain I will put forward to Starfleet Command to have your role as a Starship Commander re-evaluated!" Minori said. "That is not a threat, it is a promise. You need to get over the events of the past, stop using Ex-Admiral Miyahara to play these playground politics. You are a Starfleet Captain, start acting like one! If not then you know what will happen!"

Maho perked an eyebrow. The most reaction that had been garnered out of her the whole conversation.

"If Captain Aisaka didn't send Daxer to my wedding, then who did?" Maho asked. "There had to have been somebody who gave her orders to do what she did: Starfleet officers don't just turn into vigilantes whenever they feel like it! If you know something I don't, tell me, and that portion of the blame will be shifted off Captain Aisaka."

"I have no idea who authorised Daxer to do what she did," Minori replied simply. "But I do know it wasn't Captain Aisaka, she wasn't allowed to give orders when she was being held for trial!"

"Oh, and Captain;" Maho said. "You should know that my role as a Starship Commander has been reevaluated before, and was unsuccessful, as you shall be as well. Bravado like yours will only get you so far before the envelope begins to push back."

Minori sighed. "I see you're as stubborn as I've heard." she stated. "Just remember that the actions of your crew reflect upon you. The fact that the Starship Myogi and your name was publically announced had caused people to see how petty this little prank was. May I remind you that Starfleet needs every ally these days, this just shows everyone that we are unprofessional and can't be trusted."

The red haired captain paused for a moment. "Starfleet Command have been notified of this incident. I espect they will be in contact with your shortly. They authorised me to speak to you first, I was hoping to come to a diplomatic solution. However it is clear you have no interest in such things." She paused once again. "I can see that your anger and pride is more important than your job. Therefore I shall submit my report of what you have said to me to Starfleet Command."

"Good day Captain Takahashi." Minori said. She cut off the channel before Maho could respond.

Maho sighed.

"Two can play at this game, Kushieda." She muttered to no one in particular as she prepared to file a counter-report. It seemed like Maho would have to prove her innocence to Starfleet Command once again, even if in Maho's opinion, Minori's baseless allegations didn't have a leg to stand on.

Posting by

Captain Maho Takahashi
Commanding Officer
USS Myogi

Captain Minori Kushieda
Commanding Officer
USS Armitage


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