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Storm clouds brewing

Posted on Mon Feb 13th, 2023 @ 12:53pm by Commodore Tohru Honda & Rear Admiral Rimuru Tempest

1,009 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Sand Sea Fun and Surf
Location: Starbase 234 & USS Zodiac

The USS Zodiac, a Sovereign class starship similar to the Yamato, dropped out of warp at Starbase 234. The Zodiac was the new flagship of Task Force Jomo, a task force once led by Admiral Tanaka Miyahara. However, since Miyahara's resignation, command of the task force had fallen to Commodore Tohru Honda, who had previously served as Task Force Executive Officer. Commodore Honda had selected the Zodiac to take over being task force flagship from the USS Myogi, as the starship was formerly her command. However, she knew the person who had taken over command well, well enough to let him put a ring on her finger and have 3 children with him. And that, of course, was her husband, Captain Kyo Sohma, who now sat in the executive officer's chair beside Honda while she sat in the seat she once occupied, now as a flag officer.

"Starbase 234, this is the Federation Starship Zodiac, requesting permission to dock." The helmsman spoke over the radio to Starbase 234's traffic control.

"This is starbase control. You have permission to dock"

"Acknowledged. Permission to dock, USS, Zodiac."

Tohru and Kyo turned to each other.

"You'd better get going, babe." Kyo said.

Tohru nodded in acknowledgement. "She's all yours, Captain."

[Starbase 234]

Once the Zodiac had docked, it took Tohru no time to locate Admiral Tempest's office, having become familiar with flag officer facilities on various starbases.

"Admiral Tempest?" Tohru said as she walked in, extending a hand. "I'm Commodore Honda from Task Force Jomo."

The blue haired, amber eyed man looked up from behind the desk. "Ah yes, hello Commodore" he said as he took her hand firmly. "I see that the Zodiac is doing well"

"She couldn't be in safer hands." Tohru agreed. "However, I'm afraid I didn't visit to make idle chatter over a cup of tea."

"Indeed... Speaking of tea..." he stood up, he wasn't as tall as the Commodore. He crossed over to the replicator and pulled out a pot of tea and two cups.

Pouring out the tea he looked up at the woman. "I called you here as there is a lot going on in this sector. I presume you are aware of the events that occured regarding the Starship Tokyo?"

"Boy, do I know." Tohru rolled her eyes. "It seems to be all that I'm dealing with as of late..."

"Well, the Tokyo is being assigned to this sector," Rimuru replied. "Starfleet wants the Tokyo and her Captain away from any more trouble with the Romulans, however as you very well know; there are security concerns in this area"

"I do." Tohru responded. "And unfortunately, it seems that our playing field is changing. I assume you've read my report on our growing separatist crisis?"

"Highly disturbing" Rimuru replied. "However, they are not anywhere near this sector. I am more concerned with the pirate incursions into this area" he told her as he picked up a PADD and handed it to her.

As Tohru took the PADD and skimmed through it, her eyes went wide as she saw in the reports of pirate incursions the same pattern she had seen in other Federation sectors reporting separatist activity.

"Sir, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but these pirate incursions you speak of: There are plenty of signs in these reports to suggest that these are more than simple pirate attacks." Tohru said. "I've seen this pattern in other sectors reporting a rise in pirate activity, and many sector commanders dismiss what I tell them, but it seems that this so-called "Confederacy of Independent Planets" is almost counting on our hubris to blind us."

Handing the PADD back to Rimuru, Tohru continued: "I'll tell you what I've told other sector commanders: If the Federation is to maintain its territorial integrity, we cannot allow these Confederate traitors to catch us off guard. If no action is taken against these separatist threats, then their propaganda saying that the Federation is corrupt will appeal to more and more Federation member worlds, and I fear that if we wait too long, we'll be dealing with something far bigger than any of us can imagine."

"It almost sounds like a second Maquis" Rimuru replied. "However, I want you to lead efforts along the Klingon border. I suspect the Klingons would be less understanding than us" He told her. "Plus, the presence of a Sovereign Class Starship is intimidating to say the least, she may be an old design but they still have a reputation of being quite formidable"

Rimuru took a sip of his tea. "Monitor the situation and keep this down on the low. I have my own plans for the Starship Tokyo and her Captain."

"Understood." Tohru nodded. "Though don't be surprised if you see other Task Force Jomo ships in your sector. The Zodiac might be intimidating as you said, but she's only one ship, and there's only so much one ship can do before requiring assistance."

Rimuru nodded. "Of course. Every starship has its own strengths and weaknesses" he replied as he took another sip of tea. "If you happen to come across anything, I want you to report directly to me. Tensions between the Federation and Romulan Empire are high, the last thing we need at the moment is a war."

"I couldn't agree more." Tohru said. "A war is never a good thing, especially a civil war. I'll be sure to forward any findings myself or the Task Force Jomo commanding officers come across in regards to both the Klingons and the separatists in your sector to your attention. If that is all you'll be requiring of me, sir?"

"Keep an eye out." Rimuru said. "However I want the Zodiac ready to jump into action at a moments notice. And yes, thats all" he stated.

"Understood, sir." Tohru nodded, rising from her seat and leaving the office to return to the Zodiac.

Posting by

Rear Admiral Rimuru Tempest
H'atoria Sector and Starbase 234 Commanding Officer

Commodore Tohru Honda
Task Force Jomo Commanding Officer


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