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To being together

Posted on Tue Nov 29th, 2022 @ 10:02am by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Lieutenant Commander Ryuuji Takasu

962 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Sand Sea Fun and Surf
Location: Risa

"Wake up Taiga! Wake up Taiga!" Ryuuji said as he shook the small woman. She had managed to wrap herself up in the blankets and was cuddled up soundly on amongst them. Eventually after a little bit more shaking, Taiga opened an eye lazily and looked around.

"You need to get dressed. Here, I picked this out for you..." he said as he threw over a white sundress. "We've just dropped out of warp at Risa. We need to get ready to deboard and get checked into the resort"

Taiga yawned as she unwrapped herself from the blankets and began to dress herself. She had been enjoying her sleep, it was a nice fluffly bed and they had not being disturbed the entire evening. The benefits of travelling in a private cabin for the eighteen hours flight oversitting in the economy areas.

It wasn't long until she was ready. Ryuuji had made the bed, ensured that they hadn't left anything behind and now stood by the door waiting for Taiga. She smiled as the transport began to descend into the planets atmosphere. Unlike most planets of the Federation, Risa didn't have a starbase or orbital facility. Therefore most transports had to land or transporter passengers to the planet instead. The Risian's didn't want a starbase or orbital constructions to block the view of the Risian night sky, so therefore they opted for landing zones instead.

A few minutes later, Taiga was waiting patiently as the doors of the transport were unsealed. The heat of Risa hit them straight away, it was tropical, warm, inviting and the sunlight was brighter than most had expected.

"Please enjoy your time on Risa" One of the hostesses said as she saw them off the gangplank. Taiga noticed that several other unboarding doors had been opened too and many of the Tokyo's crew were now flooding off. Luckily the resort that Starfleet had organised for them was all inclusive and had its own landing dock.

The resort was also a favourite of Starfleet Officers and catered to them too. Many generatins of Starfleet Officers had booked shoreleave at this very resort, and they were always happy to accomodate an entire ship or party when needed. It was almost as if they were experts on how to deal with tired and fatigued Starfleet Officers.

"Well, this should be a lot of fun" Taiga smiled as she stretched her arms high into the air. "What should we do first?"

"Check into the resort. Find our rooms. Let me check how clean it is..."

Taiga sighed. "Seriously Ryuuji, I'm sure its clean enough. There's no need to go all 'clean freak mode' on the place. We're on holiday, so relax a little!"

Ryuuji looked down at her and smiled. "I know..."

Taiga rolled her eyes as they both made their way towards the resort. Luckily they had been placed in the penthouse suite as special request. It was on the highest floor of the resort and sported a balcony that overlooked the beach and crystal blue sea.

As promised the suite was huge. With a large bed, big enough so that four people could sleep in it. There was a huge bathroom, complete with a large bathtub which Taiga could most likely swim in. The room was furnished with the highest quality materials and architecture. There was even a private drinks replicator and fresh mini-bar.

However what was the best thing (At least according to Taiga) was the circular eight man hot tub that sat on the private roof terrace. It was accompanied by a small private bar and some seating like a private bar. This suite was definitely the best and most likely expensive that you could get at the resort. However Taiga and Ryuuji had been provided it for the next two weeks as high priority guests of the resort.

Of course it didn't take Taiga to change into a swimsuit and jump into the hot tub. The bubbles massaged her body as she sat there with a glass of champagne in her hand. "You know Ryuuji... I think we need one of these on the Tokyo..."

Ryuuji couldn't help but smirk. "There's a holodeck for that" he said as he joined her in his swimming trunks. Gently he sat down next to her and pulled her in gently. "Plus, it would cause us to miss so many duty shifts..."

"Are we doing the right thing?" Taiga asked as she looked up into his eyes. Ryuuji gave her a reassuring smile as he gently kissed her forehead. "Of course we are. At least I think so. Why?"

"I was wondering thats all." Taiga replied. "I'm a little nervous I'll be honest, especially since I know that we've just come through hell. But I think I'm ready to finally enjoy myself for once"

"Good" Ryuuji replied as he wrapped an arm around her small body. "Because I look forward to these moments with you, they will be memories I will treasure for the rest of my life. I just hope you enjoy them too."

"What do you mean?"

"Forget about the Tokyo. Forget about Starfleet. Forget about all of that. Lets focus on us now. This is our time, I want us to enjoy it together" Ryuuji said.

Taiga nodded as she held up her glass. "To being together" she said. Ryuuji clinked his glass against hers and smiled. "Indeed. Now, should we sit here and relax. Or let the bubbles hide what we're really doing in this hot tub..." he smirked.

Taiga looked up at him, a huge smirk on her face. "Oh, I see where this is going..."

Posting by

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer
USS Tokyo

Lieutenant Commander Ryuuji Takasu
Flight Deck Crew Chief
USS Tokyo


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