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A Cold Encounter at Club 47 (Part 2)

Posted on Sat Dec 24th, 2022 @ 7:26am by Captain Maho Takahashi & Captain Taiga Aisaka
Edited on on Sat Dec 24th, 2022 @ 7:26am

1,292 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Sand Sea Fun and Surf
Location: Club 47, Risa
Timeline: After "A Cold Encounter at Club 47 (Part 1)

Previously, on Star Trek Tokyo:

"You can't be serious, babe!" Keisuke protested. "After everything that woman put you through, put... Us though..." Keisuke put a hand on Maho's belly. "And you want to just let her go?"

"Babe, I've had Starfleet officers call me far worse things." Maho blushed. "Yes, what she said hurt more than those things, especially after what I had recently learned..." Maho looked down at her belly and placed her hand on Keisuke's. "But it's just not worth throwing your career away over a grudge. All we can do is pray that the darkness is eventually banished from that woman's heart."

"Well, perhaps if she'd seen the sobbing mess she reduced you to, the darkness would be gone a lot quicker." Keisuke grumbled. "You do know it took every fiber of my being pulling me in the opposite direction to not head down to where we were confining her and smack her in her stupid face. And that's on top of everything she did to Zack, so she's not very high on my favor list right now."

And now, the continuation:

Keisuke looked over at Taiga and Ryuuji past Maho. For some reason he just couldn't let things go.

"You know what, if you're not man enough to stand up to those who hurt you, I will." He declared, standing up to make his way over to Taiga and Ryuuji's table.

"Wait, babe!" Maho pleaded futilely before getting up and following Keisuke over to make sure he didn't do anything stupid.

Keisuke made his way over to Taiga and Ryuuji's table, Maho a few steps behind him. He faced Taiga with nothing short of rage burning in his eyes.

"You!" He said, pointing a finger at Taiga. "We've never met, but I know of the hurtful things you said to a woman very close to my heart, and I wanted to give you a friendly word of warning: You try any of that shit you pulled in our brig again, and I'll put you on your knees. Do I make myself clear?"

Ryuuji instantly stood up, his fists clenched. Taiga simply pulled on his sleeve with a sigh. "And, who the hell are you? And what gives you the right to come over here and talk to me like that? How about you disappear before you do or say something you'll regret?"

Keisuke pullled out a PADD and queued up something on it.

"Maybe this will jog your memory:" He said, presenting the PADD to Taiga.

On the PADD was the security video taken from the Myogi's brig the day Captain Aisaka was brought aboard:

"Threatening to shoot to kill" the recording of Taiga said as she glanced over at Maho in the recording. "Shame on you for even considering following such an order"

Taking the PADD Back before Taiga could comment, Keisuke pulled up another recording, this one audio only.

"You didn't see it, but this was what I had to deal with in the aftermath of your little rampage:"

The audio-only recording was of Maho sobbing uncontrollably.

"Bitch from hell..." Maho sobbed in the recording. "BITCH FROM HELL!!"

Pausing the recording, believing he had made his point, Keisuke looked back at Taiga.

"Now, as for who am I? I am Commander Keisuke Takahashi; Second Officer of the Starship Myogi, and I take people who make my wife cry like that very seriously!" Keisuke said. "Oh, and unlike your fat fucking joke that Zack told us about; on the Myogi, Second Officer is serious business."

Taiga stood up, although she was tiny in comparison it was still intimidating. "Look here. I'm going to warn you only once. You are to get out of my sight pretty bloody quickly. You don't have all the facts Mister, Miyahara ordered your wife to kill me! Do you think I wouldn't react to that?"

She paused. "I see how it is. You're just another mindless drone who will follow orders without thinking for themselves. Yeah, that's it, you're just a tiny any in Miyaharas Anthill although now you're trying to bite a bit." She leant forward a little. "A word of advice for you, back off, because I step on Ants when I see them!"

Clearly having let this go on for far too long, Maho grabbed Keisuke and pulled him away before giving her husband a good smack across the face.

"Babe, what the hell are you doing?" She asked. "Did you not listen to what I just told you??"

Maho turned to Taiga.

"And you, I'd wipe that smug grin off your face if I were you, because you don't have all the facts either." She said. "Yes, I was under orders to kill you, but only if things got out of hand, and yes, I was hurt by what you said, but there's a key piece to the puzzle missing that you chose to omit," Maho pointed to Keisuke. "And you don't know about." Maho pointed to Taiga.

Maho straightened her posture to be less accusatory before continuing.

"So, let me ask you something, Aisaka: Woman to woman." She said. "Roles reversed, if you were under orders to kill me, and I said something mean-spirited in reaction, and you had just found out that you were pregnant, the taste of morning sickness vomit still fresh in your mouth, would you take my words as a personal attack?"

"No, because I wouldn't have followed that order." Taiga replied simply. "And do you really think I would have acted out, with that sadist telling his crew to kill me? Oh and while I'm at it, don't lecture me on being pregnant!" Taiga snapped at Maho. "At least you're getting to keep yours! I lost mine at the hands of the Romulans. The very people who I was trying to save that day! So I put aside my personal feelings and all I ever wanted from life for the uniform! So don't give me the 'Oh look at me I'm knocked up' excuse, be abuse sweetheart, it ain't going to work on me!"

With that Taiga stepped around the table. "Get over it! Shit happened because you were both foolish enough to follow a corrupted and sadistic man who was only concerned with himself. If you're really Starfleet Officers then you'll move on and forget about it! If not, then I feel sorry for what you'll teach that child of yours!" She paused for a second. "Come on Ryuuji, we're leaving, there's more brain cells in an omeba than with these two, any longer and we'll start becoming stupid!"

"Fine, run away, but don't do so thinking you're innocent, because you're not!" Maho said. "And since you want to hear it so badly; Miyahara was right: We should have left you to die when we had our chance! That way, the galaxy would have been better off with one less vermin in it!"

"Miyahara was a fool and so are you for following him. Do yourself a favour Captain. Don't send out any distress calls from that wreck you call a Starship; because the Tokyo won't be answering your call." With that said Taiga walked out of the room with her head held high.

"And neither will the Myogi answer any more of yours!" Maho called after Taiga.

Posting by

Captain Maho Takahashi
Commanding Officer
USS Myogi

Commander Keisuke Takahashi
Second Officer
USS Myogi

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer
USS Tokyo

Lieutenant Commander Ryuuji Takasu
Flight Deck Crew Chief
USS Tokyo


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