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The One Where He Checks in with the XO

Posted on Sat Nov 5th, 2022 @ 2:40am by Commander Thomas Johnson & Lieutenant Trennek Zakrin

882 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Sand Sea Fun and Surf
Location: USS Tokyo, XO's Office
Timeline: current

Trennek was surprised how fast the Tokyo was shedding crew. He had heard through the grapevine that most were heading to Risa for a 'captain ordered' holiday.

The Brikar didn't feel he'd earned that yet. Instead, he followed proper protocol and reported to the ship's executive officer. He stood at the XO's office door and pressed the chime.

Thomas had been going over the reports, the parts and the program that had been ordered for the upgrades for the security and tactical programs, had been placed on the side of the office.

Being in charge of a department was nothing new, having been in charge of the security department for the Routeledge for the past ten years. When the position opened up for XO, he thought he was a shoe in for the position. The Captain however, decided to bring in someone else.

It was after that that he decided to apply to another ship as XO, surprisingly, within days his approval to the Tokyo.

"Enter." He called as he went over the list of department chiefs.

Trennek ducked under the upper door jamb, as he always had to, and stepped into the office. He stood at attention to his full height. His voice sounded like two stones rubbing together with some sub-sonic emanations that were more felt than heard by most other humanoids. "Lieutenant Trennek Zakrin, reporting for duty, sir. I'm transferring here from the USS Prospero."

"Relax Lieutenant." He replied looking up, although the lieutenant was... distracting. He was unsurprised. The Routeledge had made contact with several species similar and quite different.

He read the file quickly. In it there was recommendations upon recommendations. Especially from his most recent CO. "Not one for holidays are you?"

Trennek did not relax. Although he knew transfer happened, even unexpectedly, like this one, he was a little anxious. It was a feeling he didn’t like. “I don’t believe I’ve earned one yet on this posting Sir.” He replied honestly in his gravelly voice.

Smirking, "I am glad I am not the only one thinking that Lieutenant," Thomas replied as he placed the file down. "So tell me about yourself."

Trennek hated talking about himself. "Well..." he started slowly, "I try to lead by example but in some instances aboard a ship, I can't physically fit into the spaces other can. To make sure I can move about the ship freely and quickly in emergency situations, I incorporate a series of site to site transport protocols. For the time being, I don't plan on changing any of the previous security chief's policies unless there's a real need to. I'd like the department to... get used to me, I guess. On the Prospero, I was only in charge of beta shift, being the chief for an entire department will be... something new to me. I hope I'm up to the task, sir."

"The moment you have doubt in yourself is the moment you fail. Belief in oneself is the first step to being successful."

Trennek thought for a moment, “Well, in that case I believe I am up to the task,” he replied confidently. “Father has always told me, if I believe it I can do it.”

"That's better." Thomas replied. "So I will be remaining onboard and assisting with the upgrades and installation of the security and tactical systems."

"A solid plan, and since I'll be here as well, and as head of that department, I will also assist, Sir." A hint of pride showed in the Brikar's tone.

"Actually, given it is YOUR department Lieutenant. I will be the one assisting you. Where do you want to start first."

Trennek thought a moment. This was not the first starship upgrade he’d been through. “We should coordinate with engineering,” he stated confidently, “and assign them appropriate tactical personnel to assist with those systems. The same for the security systems. A list of the work orders being performed would aid in that endeavor. Sir.”

"Very well, although none of the engineers are permanently assigned to the ship, we will have to work with the shipyards engineers."

Trennek’s eyes rolled, “I am familiar with shipyard engineers, sir,” there was a note of disdain in his gravelly tone.

"Have they gotten under your sk... skin... so to speak."

Trennek's eyes shifted around the room before being turned back to Johnson. "One might make that assessment," the Brikar admitted. "Don't get me wrong, Commander, they do their job well, but they often undo modifications the ship's engineers made to improve performance... and of course, those modifications have to be re-made. It's... tiresome."

Smiling, "I know exactly what you mean Lieutenant. How about we figure out something to prevent that shall we. Once we do the upgrades ourselves, put in a warning system that alerts us that its being changed... thus being able to prevent them from doing so?"

"I believe I can make that work Sir." Trennek liked the idea of alarms going off if any of the shipyard engineers messed around with something they shouldn't.

"Very well, lets get this started shall we..." He replied pausing. "Although I do have one stop to make before the actual start. CO told me to report to Doc."

“Of course, sir,” Trennek replied.


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