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Reporting for duty.

Posted on Thu Nov 3rd, 2022 @ 9:03pm by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Lieutenant Kylynn Adams

803 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Sand Sea Fun and Surf

Kylynn had just gotten off the shuttle onto the starbase. The feeling of it was amazing. She was set for a transfer to the USS Tokyo from the USS Graceland as the new science officer. It was her chance to fully shine to become the person destiny paved her into.

She grabbed her PADD with her transfer orders. Gently tucked her hair into a neat bun and grabbed her daughter in her arms as she ran to the ship.

Once there she saw the poor quality of a ship that was currently the USS Tokyo. Certainly not the best Starfleet had. She however chose not to pay attention to it as she made her way to the captain's quarters and knocked on the door.

The door opened and a large broad shouldered man stood in the door way. His uniform was chocolate brown coloured, not command red and he held the rank of Lieutenant Commander. He looked down on the smaller Science Officer.

"Hello?" he asked. Although he looked huge and scary at first glance, his voice was soft and gentle. "Can I help you?"

"I'm the new science officer. Here are my transfer orders." Kylynn said nervously.

The larger officer took the PADD and looked at it before handing it back gently. "You'll want to take this to Taiga... I mean Captain Aisaka. I'm Lieutenant Commander Ryuuji Takasu, her Fiance. She'll be in the ready room right now" he explained to the science officer.

"And don't worry Lieutenant. She doesn't bite; much."

"Neither do I. Now her she might. Kylynn said pointing to her daughter who was playing with a toy spaceship."

Kylynn made her way to the ready room. And knocked on the door. "Hello?"

"Enter" came the voice of Taiga through the door.

"Uhm hello captain. I'm Kylynn Adams transferring from the USS Graceland." Also please excuse my daughter she's a rather curious girl." Kylynn said.

Taiga was used to children on the ship. "It's no problem at all" she said indicating for them to sit down. "Help yourself to the replicator, I imagine it's been a long journey for you both?"

"Thank you. Kylynn replied as she asked the replicator to make macaroni and cheese and apple juice for Haylyx. And chicken alfredo and grape wine for her."

"Yeah it has been. I'm hoping the rumors of risa are true because Haylyx has never been on a planet before." She replied.

It surprised Taiga that the Lieutenant had replicated food for her and her daughter 'Must be a mother thing' she thought to herself. 'Do they not serve food on transports?' She asked herself.

"I must apologize for this. As well she said pulling her food from the replicator. Then ones on the Graceland barely worked." She explained. "So naturally I was curious."

"Yes, it's not a rumour. I have authorised the crew shoreleave with an arranged transport to Risa. The crew need a break a d whilst the ship is being repaired, its the most logical time..." she paused for a moment. "I am curious though, you are aware this is not a science or exploration vessel? Our science abilities are small, we only have a handful of labs aboard. We're a Rapid Response vessel..." Taiga asked.

"Yes i am well aware. Truth be told the idea kinda intrigues me. The Graceland was decommissioned and I was transferred here."

"I see," Taiga responded. "Well, like I said, our science department is small but still rather advanced. Your primary duty station will be either the Science bridge station or Main Science lab depending on alert status" she paused forva moment. "You should get both of your physicals done before you leave for Risa, at ghe moment we have no Chief Medical Officer aboard, however Doctor Hinamori is filling in."

"I could do that." Kylynn noted.

"Any questions regarding your role here, or the ship?" Taiga asked. She was getting the impression that this woman was a no-nonsense type of person.

"Nope I'm just looking forward to working with a new crew" kylynn said.

"Good" Taiga replied. "Well, get your affairs in order before you leave for Risa. I want all crew ready to go once we're back from shoreleave. That includes your medical checkup, duty roster assignments and getting your codes inputted in the computer. You should also talk to the onboard school regarding your daughters educational needs".

"If there's nothing else, I'll let you get off and get settled in" Taiga told her.

"There shouldn't be anything" Kylynn concluded as she left to the Doctor's office.

Taiga watched the woman head out. She seemed like someone who took 'no-nonsense' she could appreciate that, especially with the science department on the Tokyo being so restricted.

Posting by

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Kylynn Adams
Chief Science Officer


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