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Taiga & Thomas

Posted on Mon Oct 31st, 2022 @ 11:56pm by Commander Thomas Johnson & Captain Taiga Aisaka

1,236 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Sand Sea Fun and Surf
Location: Ready Room, USS Tokyo

"So you ready for this?" Thomas was asked as he looked in the mirror, he put on his uniform, newly ironed, and pressed, and looking down he picked up a small box. Not unlike those boxes men used to carry a ring on it for special occasions for their girlfriends. But this was not a ring.

Turning he looked at the naked woman in front of him. Pale green skin, the blankets covering just enough to hide her offerings.

The orion smiled, before getting up. "I shall see you around Tom." She replied as she slipped back into her clothes.

He let himself an extra glance, as she got dressed. He merely nodded as turned back to the mirror, and proceded to place the third gold pip on his collar.

"Commander Johnson, this is Captain Talsi Carey, we are arriving at the Beta Antares Shipyards." The Captain of the Wellington replied over the intercom.

Thomas paused a moment. "If you wouldn't mind having my stuff beamed over to my assigned quarters Captain it would be appreciated."

"We will see to it. It has been nice serving with you, and congratulations on your new promotion."

"Thank you Captain its been a pleasure." He paused as he tapped the combadge. "Commander Johnson to transporter room. Beam me over to the Tokyo."

A few minutes went by. "Only authourized people are allowed on the Tolyo."

"Fine... beam me over to the ship yards or whereever Captain Aisaka is located."



It didn't take long before he rematirialized in the middle of the room with a bunch of officers. Looking like they were going over the plans for the repairs of the ship.

"Little too Literal Desoto." Johnson replied as he looked around. My apologies have you seen a Captain Aisaka?"

"I believe she's in her ready room," The officer who greeted the party replied. "She's been in there for the last few days under mountains of paperwork according to the rumours," he told him.

"Appreciate it." Thomas replied as he turned and walked out and towards the turbolift.

Within minutes he was out of the turbolift, and approaching the office doors. Stopping he rang the chime.

"Enter!" The voice of a woman called through the doors.

Thomas walked in and looked around. "Reporting in Captain."

Taiga looked up from her desk, she was tiny in comparison to the Commander's height and build. She looked him up and down briefly before pulling herself up from her chair. She moved around the desk and made her way to the replicator.

"Would you like a drink Commander?" She asked. "Please, feel free to sit down."

"Water." He replied. "I am on duty, and as I understand any assigned crew is on holiday. However I prefer to remain here, help with the installation of the new security and tactical updates to the ship."

Taiga replicated him a glass of water as well as a cup of tea for herself. "I see..." she said as she handed it to him. She took her seat behind her desk. "So, Commander. This is your first time as XO?"

"I had delayed, as I was expecting the job on the routeledge. Spent the majority of my career there. Right up until second officer, the First officer got his own command so I thought I would be a shoe in." He paused, thanked her for the water, and continued after taking a drink. "The captain decided on a much more... attractive officer to be at his side than this handsome face." He finished the drink, got up and placed it in the replicator, ordering himself another. "Being younger, she had years left before getting her own command. I got tired of waiting."

Taiga smirked. "I see. Much like me, I was once this ships XO. I never intended to be Captain, but here I am now..." she paused for a moment to to take a sip of tea. "I'll be honest with you, this ship hasn't had the best of luck. It seems we get all the trouble here. I need a damn good Exec to help me run this boat, I have the tendency to... how to put this... fly off the handle at times. I need to know that you're going to be able to handle me and whatever bullshit Starfleet throws at us?"

"Depends on how you mean Handle you." Thomas replied. "I know my duty, I know what I need to do. It may be my first outing as XO, but I served as the Routeledges first officer for six months waiting for the official posting. I do have the experience, just not the official posting." Sitting back down finally. "Luck is what you make of if Captain... the Routeledge was unlucky enough to be delayed at one instance... but the fleet that we were joining turned out to be wiped out, due to it being an ambush... so it all depends on how you define luck... as it could just very well be fate..."

"Fate huh..." Taiga responded. "Well, I'm no easy Captain to be under apparently. However, I'm sure you'll find this ship a new challenge. Tell me, what do you know about this ship and her duties?" She asked curiously.

"I know its usually sent to high conflict areas, given the state of the ship, its last mission was full of conflict."

Taiga nodded. "Texhnically we're classed as a Rapid Response Attack Carrier. We may be put on anything from Border Patrol, policing space freight lanes, search and rescue to engaging potential enemy threats" she explained. "I know it's not what most officers signed up for, I hope you understand that we don't do much exploration or first contact around here?"

"Speaking of which, once the ship is repaired we'll be assigned a new area of operations based out of Starbase 234. Its a rather lawless area, in a triangle area of unclaimed space between The Federation, Klingon Empire and Romulan Empire. Your thoughts?"

"Sounds like we are going to have lots of action. The triad, is a similar area I am familiar. Routeledge used to be assigned there until starfleet moved her closer to cardassian space."

"Indeed," Taiga replied. "Most of the crew will be shipping out to Risa tomorrow, myself included. I would advise you to meet with the shipyard engineers in regards to the ships repair schedule. I understand some of the crew have decided to stay aboard to assist." She paused for a moment, this was not really how she had wanted to introduce a new First Officer, but she could only play with the cards she had been dealt.

"I will leave the ships manifest and duty rostering upto you. We should be getting quite a few new officers aboard. However, we still need a Chief Medical Officer and Chief Engineer. If you happen to stumble across any looking for an assignment, try to get them aboard. In the meantime, Doctor Hinamori is running the ships medical department. You might want to check in with her, get cleared for duty before she heads to Risa too." Taiga told him interwining her fingers together.

"I will make it a priority Captain."

"Good," Taiga said simply in response. "If there's nothing else, you're dismissed."

Nodding, Thomas departed the ready room, he would make it a priority to visit medical. But he had a few places to visit first.


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