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The One With The Check-up

Posted on Fri Oct 28th, 2022 @ 2:14am by Lieutenant Trennek Zakrin & Lieutenant Amu Hinamori M.D.

707 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Sand Sea Fun and Surf
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: current

Next on Trennek's onboarding to-do list was a medical check-up. These were tedious as not many medical doctors in the field were completely familiar with Brikar physiology. Still, it was a duty that needed to be done. He walked into sickbay and looked around. He cleared his throat, and asked, "Anyone home?"

Doctor Amy Hinamori appeared out of the office into the ships main sickbay. The pink haired human was a little surprised by what stood in front of her. "I'm here, although I wouldn't call it home..." she replied with a nervous smile. "I'm doctor Amu Hinamori, can I help?"

Trennek looked down at the petite doctor without 'looking down' at her. "Yes. I'm Lieutenant Trennek Zakrin, the new security chief. I'm here for my onboarding physical." He paused a moment and added, "I hope you're well today." Small talk was something, even after nine years in Starfleet with other cultures, he was still in the process of getting right.

Amu nodded. "Welcome aboard the Tokyo" She said with a smile. She indicated for him to head over to one of the biobeds. "I'll check the computer to see if your medical records have been transferred across, they should have..." she said as she approached one of the computer terminals.

"I have to admit, I've never seen your species before..." she stated. "Is there anything I should know before I poke around with a tricorder?" she asked.

“The Starfleet Medical database should be able to update your files on the Brikar, which I am a member of,” Trennek replied, “There is one note you should know now however, if you need to use the hypo spray, because of the thickness of my hide, the injection site must be my tongue.” There was only one other place on his body the standard Starfleet hypospray could penetrate, he wasn’t about to divulge that yet. Better she reads about it from the database.

"So you're thick skinned, I will take that to note," Amu said with a smile as she opened the tricorder. "Generally how have you been feeling recently?" She asked.

Trennek thought for a moment and self evaluated. “I’ve been feeling fine,” he said plainly.

"Good to hear" Amu replied as she took readings, she would have to read up on his species after the appointment. However the tricorder wasn't picking up anything unusual. "Have you ever had any injuries, major illnesses that I should be aware of? Of course everything is confidential, you can tell me anything."

“I had the Tarkalien flu last year,” Trennek replied after a moment, “but nothing serious since entering the Starfleet Academy.”

"Well that makes it easy..." Amu said. "Do you have any allergies that you know of? It might take a few days for your medical history to come through, plus it's best to know."

"Nothing I'm aware of," Trennek answered, "Certain kinds of radiation are like... alcohol or narcotics to my people. We just stay away from them."

The doctor raised an eyebrow. "You might need to explain that one?"

Trennek sighed, "Well, you know alcohol and narcotics affect most humanoids, right? Getting them high or drunk?"


"Narcotics and alcohol have no affect on my physiology. Certain kinds of radiation do, and the effect on me is akin to, say you, getting drunk. There is no radiation generated on Starfleet vessels that does that to me and the ship's shields are adequate protection from the radiation that does."

"I see. I don't mean to pry, but does your species seek out radiation to seek the high and 'thrill' like Humans and others do with Alcohol & Narcotics et cetera?" Amu asked curiously.

“It has happened in the past,” Trennek admitted after a moment, “It is considered unacceptable behavior and those who do it are ostracized in our society until they stop and regain the trust of their community.”

The doctor nodded. "I understand. Well as far as I can tell lieutenant, you're perfectly fit for duty. I'll have to read up on your species medical data, however right now nothing is standing out as a concern."

“Thank you Doctor. If have any other questions about Brikar, just ask.” Trennek did his best to smile in human fashion.


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