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3 Captains, 1 Mission (Part 2)

Posted on Fri Sep 17th, 2021 @ 3:04pm by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Captain Yuri Nakamura & Captain Minori Kushieda
Edited on on Sat Sep 18th, 2021 @ 8:44am

1,845 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Operation Romulus Return
Location: USS Tokyo - Briefing Room

Previously on Star Trek Tokyo:

"Of course, a Romulan would never allow themselves to be outgunned by an ally. Just in case they turned on them. The Tal Shiar don't trust anyone as much as they can throw them" Minori commented. "So I guess it makes sense that these Elachi have smaller vessels. But we've never seen any?"

"No, we haven't. I'm purely speculating" Taiga replied. "However, we should be prepared for anything" she told them both. "I'm having my crew run battle drills. I fully expect the Tal Shiar and Elachi to show up and to try and stop us. After all if the Ambassador and her aide doesn't make it back to Romulus, they get what they wanted. A reason for the Senate to declare War on The Federation"

"I just don't understand why they want a war" Yuri said in a slightly confused tone. "What will it achieve exactly?"

And now the continuation...

"I don't know. But they must have some sort of bigger plan going on. I don't think we'll ever really find out. From what the Ambassador has told us. The Senate will not accept the evidence presented to them already. They believe that Starfleet and the Federation may have tampered with it to show us in a good light. Thats why they want real in the flesh proof that we are not to blame. If we can't provide it, then they will believe that it was the Tokyo that destroyed Alvatar Colony" Taiga sighed she sat back in her chair as she looked up at the map of the Neutral Zone. "Plus, we have no idea how far the Tal Shiar may have already manipulated the Senate. How far their influence lies within Romulan Politics"

"You have a point" Minori said. "So, what you're saying is that this is all a gamble? To try and stop a war that the Tal Shiar are trying to manufactor?"

Taiga nodded. "We're going to do our best. But I have no idea of how we're going to succeed, or if we're going to succeed"

"So, what exactly happens when we get to the Neutral Zone?" Yuri asked.

Taiga tapped the controls again. "We're going to drop out of warp on the very edge of the Neutral Zone. Several thousand kilometers into Federation Space. We don't believe that the Tal Shiar will engage us in our own space" Taiga began. "All three of us will launch available Starfighter Crafts and form into wings" she said. A holographic image of the three ships emerged and then smaller vessels of the Starfighters showing deployments.

"The Starfighters will be our eyes and ears. Constantly forming a defensive circle around the three motherships. If the Ambassador is willing to give us information on Romulan cloaking devices, we can modify their sensors to spot them for us. " Taiga said. "One wing at twelve o clock, the others at three, six and nine. We should deploy the Tokyo, Oceania and Armitage in a vector formation. We can them extend our shields around each other for extra defense." Taiga paused as she updated the map. "We should presume that the Tal Shiar know that the Ambassador is aboard the Tokyo. That will be their main target. If we come under heavy fire, we can cut speed and allow your ships to draw forward into a reverse vector and provide cover fire protecting our starboard and port flanks"

"Makes sense" Minori said. "I guess with this amount of firepower, if it does come to a fight you want to be able to use our ships as defensive blocks"

"Thats the idea" Taiga said simply. "We have no idea what sort of ships may await us. But I believe that this formation may be the best to protect the Ambassador and the evidence"

"Where is this evidence exactly?" Yuri asked once again crossing her arms and sitting back in her chair.

"The runabout known as the Prowler. I can't really tell you much about it as I don't know that much about it myself. But lets say this, its not what it seems" Taiga told them. "Commander Knight, my Chief of Security owns that little ship. The whole encounter with the Elachi and Alvatar Colony are stored in its databanks. Also, it was unaffected by the Tokyo's computers as it doesn't upload or download to the ships computers. Its a complete isolated system. The data on that ship will clear the Tokyo and The Federation"

"I see. So, how does this data get to the Senate?" Yuri asked again.

"I have to discuss that with the Ambassador and Commander Knight. However I believe that the Ambassador will be allowed to take a copy of the data readings to the senate. Alternatively, we somehow sneak the Prowler with its crew into Romulan Space. However, that is not yet certain" Taiga told them both with a sigh. "It could act as a valuable trump card and back up plan. Its not under my jurisdiction so it'll be Commander Knight who has finally call on that one"

"I can see how that would be a good back up" Minori said as she sat back in her chair. "How do I brief my crew on this?"

Taiga pondered for a few seconds. "Most of this is classified. Tell them what they need to be told. You are their Captain, I can't tell you what to tell them. But be aware that there could be Tal Shiar agents anywhere on our ships. We already determined there was one on the Tokyo that was active when we responded to the distress call from Alvatar Colony. We never found out who it was though" she looked over to Yuri. "Same for you. You tell them what you feel it is necessary for them to know"

"Thanks" Yuri said in response. "Why do I feel like we're about to run the gauntlet on just a small chance?"

"I feel the same way" Taiga responded. "However, if our actions the next couple of days show thatwe are willing to try to prevent a war, then it will show the Romulan Senate that we're not the ones they need to worry about" she added. She didn't like the plan at all, hell she didn't even like the idea but it was the only one that had some sort of chance of actually working.

"I can't order you to send your crews into a suicide mission" Taiga told them both her tone dropping to a more serious one, her hazel eyes narrowing slightly. "But what I can ask is that you do your best to help us. But if the risk becomes too great and there is no chance of success, I will order the fleet to retreat. I will not put all of our crews at risk if we know we're going to be destroyed"

"Isn't that against orders though?" Minori asked.

"Technically yes" Taiga said. "But hell to it. If I deem the risk too great to our ships and crew or I feel that we're fighting a losing battle should the Tal Shiar engage us. I believe a tactical retreat will be best. If the Ambassador gets killed, it'll all be for nothing anyways. Her safety is priority" Taiga told them both calmly, her fists clenching. "Minori, you know how much I hate running from a fight. But I won't allow my pride or stubborness put everyone under my command in suicidal danger"

Minori reached over and placed a hand on Taiga's shoulder. "Don't worry Taiga. You have us here too. You're only doing what you think is best. If this plan fails, there will be other ways for that evidence to get to the Senate. Even if we have to deploy the entire of Starfleet. We're peacekeepers after all. This is what we're trained for".

"I agree with Captain Kushieda" Yuri said. "If we can't get the Ambassador safely back to her government, then we shall find another way. But if the Tal Shiar and Elachi do try to stop us, we'll give them a bloody nose to show them that even a calm dog can bite when it needs to"

Taiga nodded. "Thanks" she said to them both, sincereness in her voice. "I'll keep you updated on if any of these plans change. But for now, I suggest you drill your own crew; I fully expect those Tal Shiar bastards to show up and open fire or blockage the Neutral Zone as soon as we're in sensor range"

"I'll have the Oceania and her crew ship shape and in Bristol fashion before you can say Romulus" Yuri grinned as she cracked her knuckles together.

"Same here for the Armitage. Thanks for showing us what we're really doing out here. Its nice to know what we're up against" Minori added. "Although, whats the best plan for if the Elachi show up?"

"Fire at one point in their shields and keep up the bombardment. Thats what we did last time. If not, fire everything we have and do as much damage as we can" Taiga shrugged. "I can't really offer you more information than that. I can't even give you these scans, Starfleet Intelligence won't allow it, sorry"

"Damn Intelligence" Yuri sighed. "Ok, thats not a problem. Fire until we have nothing left to fire. Got it"

Taiga smiled and nodded. "Lets stop this war from happening. I know the odds are slim, or more close to non-existance. But we are Starfleet and we're going to show the Quadrant that we're not going to allow the Tal Shiar's bullshit to carry on like this, not when lives are at stake, both Federation and Romulan"

"Agreed" both Minori and Yuri replied.

"Good" Taiga said standing up. "So, anything else?" she asked.

The other two women shook their heads. "I'll let you get back to your ships. If you need help with getting your starfighters up and ready to go, I can send over some engineering teams" Taiga said looking at Yuri.

"That may be helpful, I'll let you know" she said.

"Computer. Unseal the room. Raise the blast shutters and resume normal operations" Taiga ordered. The blast shutters on the windows began to raise slowly, the stars once again streaking past as the ship zoomed through the vaccuum of space at warp. The clicking of the doors unlocking could also be heard as Taiga turned off the hologrpahic projection.

"Good luck Captains" Taiga said to them both.

"Same to you" They responded before leaving the room heading back to the transporter room.

'We're going to need it' thought Taiga as she sat back down at the end of the table, she had a lot of thinking to do before they reached the Neutral Zone, so many lives now depended on her decisions and her upcoming actions, not an easy burden for anyone to make.

Posting by

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer
USS Tokyo

Captain Minori Kushieda
Commanding Officer
USS Armitage

Captain Yuri Nakamura
Commanding Officer
USS Oceania


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