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Katsu Chicken

Posted on Fri Sep 17th, 2021 @ 3:05pm by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Lieutenant Commander Ryuuji Takasu

944 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Operation Romulus Return
Location: Captain's quarters

It had been a long day for the Tokyo crew. The ship had left Utopia Planetia, picked up the Romulan Ambassador from Earth and was now on a steady cruise towards the Neutral Zone. Tension was high on the Armitage class ship as Taiga had ordered drills for the crew in preparation for predicted conflict with the Tal Shiar.

The doors opened and Taiga walked in, tired from the day.
"Hi there" Ryuuji greeted her, he was standing by the replicator and passed her a mug of hot tea.

Taiga smiled as she accepted the tea. "How's things down on the flight deck?" She asked as she unzipped her tunic and plonked down on the sofa. She took a sip of her tea allowing the sweet aroma to infuse her senses.

"All good, but you're home now. There's no need to talk about work" Ryuuji smiled. "How's Minori?" He asked. He was aware that she had beamed aboard earlier to discuss plans and strategies.

"Oh she's good. We didn't get to talk much after the meeting though. She has her own ship to run you know" Taiga sighed.

"Once this is all over, we should invite her to dinner. It's been a long time since us three did anything together" he suggested with a smile as he sat down next to her. Taiga nestled her head on his shoulder and stared out into the room.

"Nothing spicy though" she said.

Ryuuji smirked. "I know. You don't like spicy food. I'll make yours mild or sweet" he replied.

"Yeah" she replied.

"So, speaking of food. What you in the market for tonight?" He asked curiously.

"I'm not sure. It's been a while since we really had time to ourselves. With all that crap with Miyahara and the Tal Shiar, it feels like one thing after another. I don't really know where this path will take us" she explained with a sigh.

"Plus. I know that we one day want a little family of our own" she added. "Is a starship the place to do that? I know we have children on board right now, but it seems as if we're always getting into trouble. I don't want to put them in danger" she told him. "But I don't want to give up what we've worked for"

"Don't worry about that Taiga. I told you that I'd follow you wherever you went. We made that promise together remember. You're one he'll of a Starfleet Captain, or at least I think you are. To hell with what everyone else thinks" he told her softly placing an arm around her small body and pulling her in. He kissed the top of her head and ruffled her hair slightly with his chin. "To me you're all that matters"

A warmth filled up Taiga causing her to smile with joy, she felt safe and secure for the first time in a long time. "Thanks" she replied. "Can we have Katsu Fillets tonight?" She asked.

"Sure. It seems appropriate" Ryuuji replied knowing that eating Katsu chicken was considered a Japanese tradition to bring luck to the eater, it would usually be eaten by students before an exam or by someone who needs luck to be on their side. "Over rice as usual?

Taiga nodded in response. "I set the computer to run unannounced ship drills too. So we could go to red alert at any time for the simulation" she explained. "I hope one doesn't happen tonight. I need to catch up on sleep"

"Yes, but first food. You're losing weight you know and you're already scrawny!" Ryuuji said as he poked Taiga's belly.

"Stop it" giggled Taiga. "I'm ticklish there! And I'm still healthy"

"I'm only playing" Ryuuji joked. "You're beautiful regardless of how you look. Hopefully in the future you'll have a big belly anyways" he told her softly as he began to daydream slightly.

Taiga reached up and pulled on his ear. "Stop imagining me being pregnant until it actually happens!" She told him firmly. "I want a baby as much as you do, but first we have a job to do" she told him.

"Oh you mean Stop a war between the Federation and Romulan Star Empire" Ryuuji asked.

"That yes, but I mean..." The rest of her answer was answered by her stomach grumbling loudly.

Ryuuji laughed. "I get it" He pulled himself off the couch. "Katsu chicken over rice then Princess?"

"I'm not a princess..."

"True" Ryuuji said as he leant down bringing his face closer to hers. "You're much more. You're a queen, at least to me you are and you know I'll treat you like one forever" he kissed her gently allowing his words to kick in.

After a few seconds Taiga pushed him off. "A queen, really. What's with all the cheese? When did you become a hopeless romantic... what do you want?"

Ryuuji simply grinned as he turned towards the replicator. Taiga sighed as she got off the couch and followed him over. She pulled his sleeve. "OK. Later tonight OK. But dinner first"

"Always" Ryuuji smiled. "I'll get the Katsu chicken ready, you just sit back and relax" he told her. "You'll need the energy for later" he grinned.

"Sure..." Taiga replied sarcastically.

She sat down at the table and couldn't help but smile to herself. At least she had Ryuuji to herself tonight. If they were to face their doom at the hands of the Tal Shiar and Elachi, at least tonight they could act on their desires and enjoy being Human for once.

Posting by

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Commander Ryuuji Takasu
Flight Deck Crew Chief


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