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Second Chances (Part X)

Posted on Thu Aug 12th, 2021 @ 6:03am by Lieutenant Soren Dillinger 'Speedy' & Lieutenant Bobbie Sue "Bobcat" Hunter

1,710 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Operation Romulus Return
Location: Rio de Jainero
Timeline: Immediately after "The Wrong Foot"


"I am, in a way, the heart and soul. I won't argue that, but its matter of perspective." Max said as he continued his conversation with Bobbie Sue. "I keep Paladin going, but I don't do it alone. What began as a pact between friends evolved into something bigger. Something that, not only, includes Starfleet Officers but other organizations. This small idea turns out to be an idea many people share throughout the galaxy, so we used it to our advantage and developed a whole network with it. Allies in the dark helping us bring light. Sharing information. Expanding knowledge of encounters. Some encounters we didn't know were the same people until the information was shared." He looked back up to Soren as he added. "Believe it or not, your mother and Rafe, pulled me from a dark place. Put me back on the path, if you will, so this is their baby as well as it is mine."


Bobbie Sue nodded. "I can see that. I want to help as much as I can."

"Yeah." Soren said confidently. "So do I."

"Easy now." Max replied quickly as he looked between the both of them. "I understand you want to help, but there is plenty of time for you two to enjoy what you are doing now instead of jumping immediately into this work. Give it time. Let it open up a bit more before you make your decisions. You don't have to decide right away. Just because you two have lineage here doesn't mean you have to be here. For now. This is just a safe space. Should you two decide to step further into it. I'll always be around."

"I know," Bobbie Sue said. "I'm a pilot and part-time racecar driver." She looked at the 57 Chevy. "In time, and if you ever need a good pilot or two. I'm not looking at a career change just yet."

Max looked down at her and smiled. "I know, Bobbie, but it’s not an easy world to be a part of. It's full of dangers. While we have a lot of allies... we do have enemies. I don't know if I am ready to put you in that type of danger so soon. As skillful as you are, you are still my niece."

"I know. And I'm find staying in the background for a while. But I am your niece. It's bound to happen eventually." But she also wasn't in a hurry. She had time, and there were plenty of things she wanted to do with her life.

"Only if you want it to. Only if you are ready." Max placed his hand on the side of her face and smiled.

"Isn't that part of why you brought us here, to Level Eight?" She looked at Soren. "Not to become full-fledged operatives, but to learn a little about Paladin and be ready if you do need us at some point?"

Max chuckled slightly. "I brought you here because you love cars and racing. I brought you here because I knew this would be a place you would find so many uses for. I brought you here expand your mind and give you a chance to meet others who share your interests and could be used as allies if you ever need them." He wrapped his arms around her tight and whispered. "I have never pushed you down a particular road. I only guided you. I even held your hand and caught you if you fell, but I never expected you to jump in this world unless you really wanted to." He pulled away slightly, holding her hands, as he looked down at her. "I wanted to help you take some of that weight off your shoulders by giving you a chance to tell someone whose just as connected to this world as you are. Maybe even finally give you a chance to open your heart. Bobbie Sue... I never expected you to be a part of this world, but I wouldn't hold you back if you did want it. It's always been your choice. Whether you're racing cars, flying starfighters, or pulling covert missions I will always give you my hand."

"I know. You made it safe for me to spread my wings, knowing you'd be there if I needed you. I'm not ready to jump in just yet, but I want to learn more. I want to be part of this family. Maybe dip my toes in from time to time." Later maybe, she'd want more. She didn't know for sure. She only knew she wanted to be there for Max like he was there for her.

She kissed him on the cheek and whispered. "Thank you for giving Soren and me a chance to talk. And for telling him about his mother. He's...pretty special." She hugged him again and stepped back. "I already feel like Rafe and Isabel are family."

"Some wounds, only stop healing, because we don't allow them to finish." Max replied as he looked to Soren before looking around the room. "Rafe has always felt like family. He always knows the right person to let inside his walls. I don't know what it is, but it's like he can tell your true intentions by just looking at you. I've been meaning to ask, but knowing, would only ruin the mystery. You know?"

"Yeah. I've felt like he knows me and what I need before I even ask. Like we've always been family." She raised an eyebrow. "Why did you come down here, too?"

Max looked at her for a moment, smiling from ear to ear, before looking around again. "I haven't been in Level 8 for a long time. Maybe it's been too long." He placed his hands behind his pockets before pointing to a large set of doors. "Those doors, for example, lead to a shuttle bay area Rafe and his wife used to modify shuttles. It has a ceiling that opens up to a vertical cavern which leads outside. Allowing you to land and fly out of here." He gestured to the walls. "These walls are shielded from transporters and scanning."

"So... how did you get in?" Soren asked curiously.

Max looked at Soren and replied simply with. "I walking through a door?!" He added a bit a smile before looking back around the room. "I wonder if Alice is still functional?"

"A shuttle bay and an AI?" She grinned at Soren. "We're definitely bringing our own shuttle next time."

"Or your starfighters." Max added softly, looking to Bobbie briefly, before looking back around. "We made sure to accommodate them as well. Diana's idea, of course." He cleared his throat slightly before speaking aloud. "Computer?"

A tone was heard echoing through the level.

"Initiate Alice program. Authorization: Hunter Two Two Five Alpha One Omega Four. Secondary Code: Merlin Eight Three Four Charlie Two Theta Six."

"Authorization Confirmed. Switching to Alice program." The computer responded.

A woman appeared in the same way a hologram would. She had long blond hair and an old fashion sun dress filled with various colored flowers. On her head was a straw hat and around her neck was a pearl necklace with a charm in the middle. A charm that looked like the same emblem as the Paladin emblem.

The woman looked around, holding a pleasant smile, before looking to Max. As she removed her hat, it dematerialized from her hand, before she placed her hands in front of her. She walked over to him and soon stopped, bowing her head a bit before saying. "Hello Commander Hunter."

"Evening Alice." Max replied with a smile. "You look well."

Alice looked up at him and replied. "My program has been well maintained since it was last operated. You always seem to be well. Your appearance has changed. Should I update my information?"

Max chuckled slightly, her obviously making reference to him being out of uniform and much older. "Please do so. Also amend my rank to Admiral."

She placed her hand on her charm and closed her eyes. After a few seconds she opened her eyes again, placing her hands back in front of her, as she began to speak again. "Information has been amended and correlated with Starfleet Command, Admiral Hunter."

Max nodded his head, placing his hands on her shoulder, before saying. "Thank you, Alice. It's good to hear your pleasant voice again." He turned her around to face the others. "I would like you to meet some people, Alice." He gestured to Soren and then Bobbie Sue. "Alice, this is Soren Dillinger and Bobbie Sue Hunter. Soren is Diana's son and Bobbie Sue is my niece."

Alice smiled at the both of them, nodding her head. "Hello. I am Alice. Artificial Linguistic Interactive Computer Entity. You may refer to me as Alice. It is nice to meet you."

"It's nice to meet you, too," Bobbie Sue said. "Do you only reside on Level 8?"

"I reside on all the Level's operated by Paladin, Miss Hunter." Alice replied as she approached them.

Soren raised a brow slightly. "Exactly how many levels are operated by Paladin?"

Alice looked over to Soren before replying. "I'm sorry. You do not have access to that information, Mister Dillinger."

"Alice maintains the levels for us. She's designed to operate the main computer system and act as an intermediary when needed. Her database is filled with a large amount of alien languages which we have used to translate intercepted messages." Max approached the group and continued to explain. "She can encrypt, as well as decrypt, a variety of information that comes through the system. She also has a variety of functions that come with their own alterations in her appearance. Medical Treatment. Security. Maintenance. Even cooking, although Rafe usually prefers to do his own."

"She can do all that?!" Soren replied, as he crossed his arms. She sounded a lot like Bettie. Her separate functions were near identical, even though they were designed for different reasons, but that also brought up another question. "Alice? Who designed you?"

(To be continued...)

Admiral Max Hunter
Covert Operations

Lieutenant Soren Dillinger 'Speedy'
Squadron Leader
USS Tokyo

Lieutenant Bobbie Sue Hunger 'Bobcat'
Squadron Leader
USS Tokyo


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