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Second Chances (Part XI)

Posted on Fri Aug 13th, 2021 @ 10:31am by Lieutenant Soren Dillinger 'Speedy' & Lieutenant Bobbie Sue "Bobcat" Hunter
Edited on on Fri Sep 3rd, 2021 @ 4:53am

1,593 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Operation Romulus Return
Location: Rio de Jainero
Timeline: Immediately after "The Wrong Foot"


"She can do all that?!" Soren replied, as he crossed his arms. She sounded a lot like Bettie. Her separate functions were near identical, even though they were designed for different reasons, but that also brought up another question. "Alice? Who designed you?"


"She can do all that?!" Soren replied, as he crossed his arms. She sounded a lot like Bettie. Her separate functions were near identical, even though they were designed for different reasons, but that also brought up another question. "Alice? Who designed you?"

"I am sorry. You do not have access to that information, Mister Dillinger." Alice replied with her smile intact.

"It's okay, Alice. You can tell him." Max said with a smirk as if he knew exactly where Soren was going.

Alice looked to Max before focusing back on Soren. "Agent Diana Dillinger created my program and modified each function to adhere to my primary matrix."

Soren nodded his head and smiled again. "Thank you, Alice.... and you can call me Soren. Or Speedy."

"You are welcome, Soren." Alice paused slightly before adding. "Or Speedy."

"No." He laughed a bit. "There is no 'Or'. It's Speedy."

Alice smirked. "I know. I was being funny. You laughed so it must have succeeded."

There was so much more to this place than she imagined. She wasn't surprised to find Paladin here, but so much Paladin... Like Max, this place had lots of layers. Bobbie Sue looked at Soren, picking up on what he was feeling. Alice's answer had a deeper significance for him. "Why is that important?" she asked quietly.

"Alice was designed by my mom." Soren replied quietly before rolling his eyes, realizing he gave the most obvious answer he could give. "Of course, she just said it, but my mom taught me a majority of what I know about programing. So much so that I did nearly the same thing." He paused, as if hesitant to speak, looking to Max.

Max nodded his head, signaling to Soren he should continue.

"My accident, the one that cost me my legs, killed a very close friend. Extremely close. Her name was Tammi Grace. My mom talked about her a bit in her message to me. Tammi was my wing and, that accident, cost her her life. After that, and when I was back on my feet, I took off. I didn't know what to do, I just knew I needed to get as far away from Starfleet as possible, but I was going to need something to fly. So, I managed to get my hands on a starfighter, but it needed work." Soren paused again, taking a deep breath, before looking back to Bobbie. "I modified it. I altered it. I programed every bit of that Valkyrie, but I couldn't manage it all myself. That's why I created Bettie Mae as an assistant. A friend. A voice to talk to and help with jobs. Someone to watch my back. I designed her in the same way. Separate functions for different scenarios. Even different outfits for every function to keep them distinct." He took in another breath before concluding with. "And all that I learned from my mother. Bettie is my Alice, in a way."

Alice's smile faded slightly as she tilted her head. The hologram walked over to Soren and placed her hand on his shoulder. "I am sorry about your friend, Soren."

Soren looked over to Alice and smiled, feeling comforted. He didn't expect her to do that, but knowing who programed her explained why she did it. His mother would have done the same thing. Comforting him when he needed it. "Thank you, Alice."

Bobbie Sue's heart ached for what he'd lost. She wanted to hug him, but she wasn't sure if that was the right choice. And Alice, who reminded him of his mom and Bettie seemed to know exactly what he needed. "I'm so sorry, Soren." For the first time she felt like the outsider. "Does Bettie look like her?"

Soren nodded his head slightly. "I did, but not for what people think. She's my friend and backup. When I designed her, yes, I was still grieving and it was my way of coping and I wanted someone to help me who couldn't be lost, but she's become her own person. She has her own way of doing things and has helped me out of so many situations with being prompted. She thinks and even feels for herself. Yeah, I'm reminded of Tammi when I look at her, but she's helped me accept it." He slowly walked over to Bobbie and took her hand. "For a long time, Bobbie, I was on my own and only relied on two people. Me and Bettie. Now, it's different. I'm not as closed off as I used to be. I'm not alone."

"No." She smiled, touching his cheek with her free hand. "You're not alone."

"I know." Soren whispered softly to her as he looked into her eyes.

"You were honoring her memory, in your own way." Alice said abruptly.

"Yes." Soren replied, looking over to Alice as he continued to hold Bobbie's hand. "I guess I was."

Bobbie removed her hand from Soren's cheek to turn and smile at Alice, appreciating the AI's comment.

"The program you built is a memorial for your fallen companion who meant a lot to you. It is not uncommon to preserve someone in such a manner. Many species have found similar methods, so you should feel so shame in it." Alice said as her smile formed again. "As your friend, if you consider me such, I do not feel the need to judge you in your actions and commend you for allowing her to grow on her own and not stopping it."

Soren chuckled slightly, looking from Alice to Bobbie and back again, before replying. "Thank you, Alice. And yes. I do consider you a friend."

"As do I," Bobbie Sue said to Alice. Still smiling, she turned to Max. "You, Rafe, Diana, and Alice have built something pretty special. Thank you for letting us see all this. And for introducing us to Alice." She'd learned a lot about her Uncle, which made her appreciate him and what he and his friends accomplished all the more. Best of all, she was here with Soren.

Alice smiled back at Bobbie Sue. "Always happy to make new friends." She said as she held her hands out a bit before bending her knees and head like a ballerina bowing after a performance.

Max smiled as he approached them. "I am sure, whatever you three decide to do, will be just as special."

The doors to the elevator opened as Rafe stepped out. He paused for a moment, seeing Max was there but not surprised, before beginning his walk over. "I thought that was you. These two would have had no idea about Alice."

"Rafe!" Max said happily as his friend approached. He shook his hand before embracing him. "How have you been?"

"I'd answer you if you didn't already know, Max." Rafe replied before putting on a serious tone. "I mean... Admiral Hunter."

Max placed his hand on his friend’s arms and smiled again. "It will always be Max to you, Rafe."

"Does that mean I have to start calling you Admiral Hunter in public?" Bobbie Sue teased.

Bobbie turned to Rafe and smiled. "Hello again."

Max looked to Bobbie and smirked. "Only when necessary."

Rafe smiled to Bobbie and nodded in greeting before looking over to Alice. "You look well, Alice. I like the dress. It's a bit odd seeing you out of uniform."

"I can always put it on if you desire." Alice said before raising her hand up.

"No. Por favor (Please)." Rafe replied quickly, holding his hand out to her. "It's okay. You wear what you want. There is no need for a uniform unless its official business." He then gestured to Max. "Just ask this guy."

Max chuckled slightly. He held his fist up to Rafe, playfully, before putting his arm around him. "He's right, Alice. No need for uniforms right now. Keep it in your subroutine, just in case."

"Planning to get the band back together, are you?" Rafe asked as he looked over to Max. "Or working on a new generation?" Before Max could answer, Rafe held his hand up and continued. "No, espera (wait). Let me guess. It's classificados. Classified." He smirked before he shook his head. "You never change, Maximillian."

"That's why I like you, Rafe." Max said as he tapped his friend’s chest lightly. "You're always smarter than you let on. Umm... what's the word? Inteligente. Intelligent."

"I've never been faster than you, Max. Only on the track." Rafe replied with a smile.

"Hey... I've beaten you on that track."

"I let you win, Max. I got to keep your confidence up and wanting to come back for more, don't I?" Rafe countered with a stern face before laughing.

Max laughed and brought his friend closer. "Always great to see you, Rafe. I've been away from this place for too long."

"You should come back more often, Max." Bobbie said, grinning. She was enjoying watching the two old friends banter. "Maybe you could bring a special friend, too?"

(To be continued...)

Admiral Max Hunter
Covert Operations
NPC by Alex Knight

NPC by Alex Knight

Lieutenant Soren Dillinger 'Speedy'
Squadron Leader
USS Tokyo

Lieutenant Bobbie Sue Hunter 'Bobcat'
Squadron Leader
USS Tokyo


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