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Second Chances (Part II)

Posted on Thu Jul 15th, 2021 @ 10:24am by Lieutenant Soren Dillinger 'Speedy' & Lieutenant Bobbie Sue "Bobcat" Hunter

1,586 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Operation Romulus Return
Location: Rio de Jainero
Timeline: Immediately after "The Wrong Foot"


"You'll understand once we get there, Querida. A place like this needs to have its own place." Isabel replied before looking over to Bobbie Sue with a smile. "And the second part." She winked before giggling and looking back.

Bobbie Sue just grinned.


After a while they would notice a chained off area by an old fashion house that looked slightly modified. Passed the chain-link fence was a large airport style runway, modified to look more like a speedway with several hangers located behind it.

As the Jeep approached the entrance, she lowered the music and honked the horn. "Miguel." She shouted before waiting a few minutes and honking again. "Miguel!! Take your hands off your girlfriend and open the garage!!"

Bobbie Sue was focused on the runway beyond the fence. When Isabel called to her brother, she flashed a humorous smile at Soren, then looked at the house.

Soren shook his head and chuckled slightly as the garage began to open it became very obvious that the small garage was just an outside deception. Inside it was a ramp leading downward.

Miguel, her brother, walked out from inside the garage. His shirt was untucked and hair was a bit of a mess as he shouted back. "We weren't doing anything, Izzy. Why do you have to be such a puta (bitch)?"

"Don't make me embarrass you in front of your little girlfriend, Miguel." Isabel said as she slowly drove into the garage. As she passed the door, slowly easing passed her brother and a girl who sat on the couch, Isabel picked up and empty cup from inside the Jeep and threw it at him. "And don't call me a puta or you'll lose more than your driving privileges. Understand, Miguel?"

"Stop it." He shouted as they passed. "Or I'll tell Dad."

Isabel drop down the ramp slowly, shaking her head, as they continued down the dimly lit tunnel. "Miguel was trying to show off to his friends on the speedway last week. Totaled a Mazda MX-5 Dad only added to the collection a month ago. Estúpido (Stupid) lost control on a turn. He was okay but the car was done for. Dad took away his driving privileges until found a replacement."

"Your dad collects cars?" Soren asked not that the music was off and it wasn't as noisy.

"Collects, repairs, builds, and on rare occasions races." Isabel replied as they came to a more modern set of doors. "He's enjoying his retirement the best way he knows how. Keeping busy and loving every moment of it."

"How long has he been in this place?" Bobbie Sue asked. She was hoping to change the subject from the family to the business.

Isabel began to turn the old fashion radio dial, stopping at certain stations and pushing the knob in, only to move to another. She did this several times before stopping as she answered. "That place has been in our family for a long time. Dad has always loved cars. Even when he was a Captain, he was always on the lookout for some on Earth. Even had a few friends in Starfleet searching for him. When he retired, a few of them sent him several as a gift, which he was all about." She looked to Bobbie and smiled. "Been around cars all my life. I could work under the hood since I was 5. Of course, Dad was with me the entire time until I could work on my own." She pushed the dial in one last time, triggering the doors to open, as the lights began to turn on inside.

Inside was a variety of cars, all lined up in a row, from classic to modern. A few of them looked pristine while others still needed work. As Isabel drove slowly inside more lights turned on revealing more cars and areas sectioned off to work on them. Each with a variety of tools hanging from the wall as if marking the era that work space was meant for.

Soren let out a whistle as he looked around. "That's some collection."

"Easy, Handsome. This is just the work space. The real collection is locked up in the hangers outside." Isabel looked over to Bobbie and smiled. "Pretty sweet, huh?"

She wasn't so sure she liked Isabel addressing Soren as Handsome, but she smiled back. "This is amazing. Hangars are the perfect place for a collection like this. How many cars do you have here?" She was also impressed with the repair shop. She dabbled with old cars and could repair them, but something on this scale filled her with awe.

"To be honest?" Isabel replied as she parked the car in an empty spot before turning it off. "I lost count." She added a bit of a laugh before looking over to Bobbie. "I tend to focus on which need the work and which need to go where. At the end of the day, so many come and go, it’s pointless to keep track."

"True. I'm sure your father keeps track. Although doing so would be quite an undertaking." As soon as she was impressed by one area, they moved on to another and she saw something even more impressive. "I still can't believe all you have here. It's incredible."

Isabel stepped out of the Jeep, looking around, before saying. "Let's go. Vamos (Let's go). We still have to get you two ready and someone wants to meet you." She said firmly as she looked at them and clapped her hands.

Soren got out of the Jeep, climbing out of the back, and settling on the ground. He took a moment to look around before asked. "Who exactly wants to meet us?"

Isabel looked to Soren and smirked before she walked away.

Bobbie got out and followed Isabel. She was looking forward to Soren's reaction when he found out why they were here. She hoped it would be worth it. "I think to meet her father," she said to Soren.

She walked from the Jeep to a set of doors that opened up to an old style turbolift. Isabel walked in and waited, gripping one of the extensions sticking out of the wall, prepared to turn it to signal when they are meant to leave.

Soren walked with Bobbie Sue, watching Isabel curiously, before looking to Bobbie. "Why do I get the feeling that, if I make a mistake, I won't be coming back. You, however, will be completely fine." He laughed slightly.

"I'm not leaving without you," she replied softly. "And you'll be fine. She wants us to be impressed." And she was impressed.

"I don't know." Soren replied softly. "That's an old school turbolift. I'm not all that impressed with that." He chuckled slightly before stepping into the turbolift with Bobbie.

Isabel waited for the doors to close before turning the extension the way you're supposed to, however instead of it moving, the wall by her lit up.

"Hello Isabel." A male voice came from the internal speakers. "Please state the floor you wish to go to."

"Dad's workspace, please."

The screen on the wall showed a floor display revealing exactly how deep the turbolift went. There were some areas mark as accessible and others were flagged as restricted, showing there seemed to be more going on than just car repairs and racing. The wall even highlighted who was in what area, marking her father’s location on the floor where his workshop was on.

"Beginning transit to 'Dad's Workspace'. Would you like music?" The voice asked.

Isabel laughed slightly before shaking her head. "No, thank you."

"Okay." Soren said softly, looking over to Bobbie Sue for a moment, before adding. "I'm a little impressed." He looked over to Isabel, smiling a bit, as he asked. "What's with all the restricted areas?"

"Storage." Isabel replied quickly, smirking a bit, before repeating. "It's Storage."

"That's an impressive amount of storage," Bobbie Sue replied. "And a lot of collecting." The facility was larger and more impressive than she expected. Everything was more impressive than she expected.

Isabel nodded her head, not saying anything else on the matter, before looking away with a smile. The turbolift finally got to its destination, stopping at the proper floor, before opening to two Portuguese announcers over a com channel debating two sports teams.

As they stepped outside, they saw the room was just about the same size as the last room they were in, however different cars were setup in different areas. Each of them seemed to be getting work done. One was covered up by a tarp.

"Pai, você está aqui? (Dad, are you here?)" Isabel shouted before looking around.

"You know I am, Princesa. (Princess)" A man’s voice shouted from a particular area. "The computer showed you I was before you came here."

Isabel looked over to Soren and Bobbie Sue, smiling promptly, before motioning them to follow. Going toward the direction of the com channel.

Bobbie Sue wondered if Isabel was showing off for them, or showing the place off. Isabel's father was right. Bobbie Sue knew he was here. She raised an eyebrow at Soren and followed Isabel.

(To be continued...)

Lieutenant Soren Dillinger 'Speedy'
Squadron Leader
USS Tokyo

Lieutenant Bobbie Sue Hunter 'Bobcat'
Squadron Leader
USS Tokyo

Isabel, Rafe, and other NPCs by Dillinger


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