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Family is not all what it seems

Posted on Mon Jun 28th, 2021 @ 6:22am by Captain Taiga Aisaka

927 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Operation Romulus Return
Location: Taiga's Quarters

The doors of the room opened and Taiga walked through into her quarters. It was illuminated only by the lights of the spacedock outside, casting long shadows as the room was flooded by soft yellow light. It was like walking into a room in sepia, like stepping into an old post card. To Taiga this was home, this was her sanctuary and she had been away from it far too long.

She couldn't help but smile as she took a few steps into the room. Ship time it was early evening just after seventeen hundred hours. Moving over towards the little kitchen area, Taiga reached out and felt the pink apron hung up beside one of the counters. She was never much of a cook, it was more Ryuuji's expertise than hers.

Taiga was always grateful for him, for how much he actually did for her. How he cared for her, how he loved her for who she was and how he listened and supported her. She reflected on the days thay had spent in this very room, the happy moments, laughs, even the arguments and then there was the love making and the being together through everything.

"Incoming Transmission for Captain Taiga Aisaka" the computer called out making Taiga jump from being suddenly startled. The small computer console on her desk was showing the incoming message status along with the Federation symbol.

"Who could this be?" she asked herself outloud with a sigh. All she wanted to do was to rest a little before returning back to duty tomorrow. She slowly eased herself down into the chair and tapped on the screen to recieve the transmission.

"Oh..." she said as she found herself staring into the eyes of her father. The man with combed blonde hair, sharp eyes and a little bit of stubble around his chin. He sat there dressed in what looked like an expensive looking light grey suit and red tie.

"Hello Taiga... dear..." he started.

"Don't call me dear" Taiga shot back her eyes narrowing. "What do you want?" she asked simply as if she didn't have the time of day for him.

"I heard that you got into some trouble out there?" he asked. "The FNS has briefly covered your trial, but not really revealed much about the actual details. It did however mention your name" he explained.

"That news report was publised three days ago!" Taiga shot back. "Are you telling me it took you nearly three days to grow the balls to actually call me?"

"Not really..." the man seemed to shift his eyes away. "I had to first find a time in my busy schedule to request to contact you. Starfleet doesn't just let anyone call up a Starfleet Commander you know"

"I'm a Captain" Taiga narrowed her eyes at him. "Either you can't read, or you just don't pay attention enough to the finer details". An awkward pause fell upon the room. "So, I'll repeat. What do you want? Why bother to call me when you haven't bothered for the last five; six... how ever many years its been?!"

"I know I've been a rather bad father Taiga. I know that you never really fit in when I remarried. But you should know that you have a step-brother and a step-sister now. They want to meet you" he explained to her softly. "And I wanted to make up for my mistakes, when I read your name in the news report. I thought it was time to rebuild some bridges with you"

"So, it took a galactic incident, trial and your daughter to almost cause a war for you to grow a pair and pick up the comm?" Taiga asked sarcastically. "Let me guess, being linked to me gets you some publicity doesn't it? Helps with business? Gets everyone to be like 'oh poor you, I hope she's ok' and 'I didn't know she was your daughter.' and 'I heard that Taiga was your daughter, can I get an interview for my news service, your thoughts' et cetera et cetera" Taiga ranted at him mocking some of his associated that she had grown up listening to. "I'm not a barganing chip for you anymore. I'm my own person and you should have learnt that a long time ago!"

"Taiga..." he sighed looking down on the screen for a moment. "I didn't think you still thought like that. I'm not getting any younger. I know I've made a lot of mistakes, pushed you away. Pushed... whats his name away with you too..."

"Ryuuji..." Taiga told him. "And just so you know, he might have come from a lesser family when we first met. I know that you did not approve. However we're engaged now, I love him with all my heart and I will marry him when the time is right. Quite frankly, I don't need your permission and neither does he. He'll be more of a father to any children we have than you ever were!"


"No. Enough. I don't need you anymore. You only wanted to make contact with me because it benefits you not me. I hope you and your new family are very happy together, but you're no family of mine!" she slammed her hand down on the controls of the computer console cutting off the channel. The screen returned back to its normal dark state.

"What an asshole!" she muttered to herself. "I hope I never hear from him again!".

Posting by

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer

Len Aisaka
Taiga's Biological Father


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