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Intelligent Communications (Part II)

Posted on Sun Jun 27th, 2021 @ 11:42am by Commander Alexander "Alex" Knight & Commander Alora Knight

1,086 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Allegations
Location: Knight Quarters


"Can't help but feel its legitimate?" Max nodded his head. "He's your family, Alex. You're blood. Whether you know it’s a trap or not you still need to find out for yourself. If that means going there, then do it. Consider it may be a trap? You could be saving lives if he ever decides to spring it. Consider it may be all legitimate and he is dying? Can you live with yourself knowing you ignored him and allowed him to die without saying your good-byes?"


Max brought up several good points. "I told him if he goes, he has to take me with him," Alora said.

"As he should." Max replied firmly. "This is something you two need to do together. Because you two are strongest when you're together." He placed his hands on them, one hand on each shoulder, before adding. "And, more importantly, this is a family matter and you two are family. Don't keep secrets from each other. Even if you feel it’s important. Chances are, no matter the secret, the other will understand and still stand by you."

Alora nodded. "Thanks, Max." They'd been doing that so far, and she would definitely do her best to keep it up. She agreed that it was important for she and Alex to be open and honest with each other. And she knew that she could trust him.

Max smiled and nodded. "You never need to thank me for advice I give for free." He let out a slight chuckle before giving their shoulders one final squeeze before pulling it away. "If you two need anything, no matter what, let me know. I will be happy to help in any way I can. All you have to do is ask."

"We know." Alex nodded. "Thanks again, Max."

"Yes, thank you," Alora said. "That means a lot."

Max nodded his head again before saying. "I know it’s a difficult decision, but I trust, you two will make the right one in the end." He said with a smile before placing his hands behind his back. "I need to go tend to other business. If there is anything else, now is the time?"

Alora wondered if his other business was on the Tokyo, but wasn't going to ask. "Nothing from me." She looked to Alex.

"Nothing here, Max." Alex said firmly. They definitely had a lot to think about, but it was comforting knowing that Max would be in their corner should they need anything.

Max smiled as he placed his hands back behind his back, giving them a nod, before saying. "Very well. You two know how to get a hold of me shoulder you require it. I left you something important you may need in the future on the table over there." He gestured to the table in the dining area. There now lay a PADD where there wasn't one before.

Alora glanced over to the table, wondering when he put it there. "Thank you," she said, going over to retrieve it.

Alex watched her pick up the PADD, then turned to face Max. "What is-" He began before realizing Max was already gone. When their eyes were away, he made his escape, using whatever method he traditionally used, before laughing softly. "Figures." He said softly.

On the PADD was a Starfleet Intelligence Emblem with a small square on the bottom right corner indicating it required a thumbprint to open.

"There goes Max." He said softly before adding. "Didn't even bother with the front door, as per usual." Alex laughed slightly as he walked over to her and asked. "What is it?"

Alora glanced at the door, filing away that bit of information before pressing her thumb to the PADD to access the data.

Once the thumbprint was scanned in, the Starfleet Intelligence Emblem faded away, revealing a second symbol underneath. Under the symbol was the word Paladin before the PADD shifted to a random computer code filling the screens. Soon the code stopped and on it was welcome message to Alora and a verification of the update to her clearance to a much higher level, equaling that of Alex's, as well as a list of names. Each name had an encrypted code beside them, indicating it was to be used to contact them, as well as a brief summary of what they specialized in.

She looked at Alex, one eyebrow raised. "Something to discuss in a more secure location?" she asked.

Alex laughed softly before taking her hand in his. "I think this is Max, welcoming you to a much bigger family. To let you know he now has your back for as long as necessary." He smiled a bit and brought her hands up, kissing them gently, before saying. "You're world is about to get much bigger and with much more interesting characters to boot."

She chuckled softly. "More interesting than you and the team?" She was pleased to be included in one of Max's networks. It meant he trusted her and that she was, indeed, now part of the family. Best of all, she'd be sharing this with Alex.

"Honey." Alex replied quickly. "My band of misfit toys only scratches the surface." He smiled a bit before adding. "Remember, my and my team cam from another universe. Max and his group have been going on long before we showed up."

She grinned. "So, you're the alternate misfits?"

"Already, there are some regrets." Alex replied with a laugh. "You should know there is a number of bad jokes you are allowed and you've already wasted two."

"Honey, those don't count." She kissed him. "Come on, if we get this stuff put away--or, rather, I do--I'll take you to a little café in Paris to celebrate."

"A little café in Paris, you say?" Alex said as he gave her a quick kiss before walking away before adding. "I'll have to brush up on my Spanish then."

"French!" She laughed. "But Spanish might work." She picked up the box and her PADD to put away. "Ten minutes and I'll be done." It would even give her time to put on her little black dress.

"I know. I was just testing you." He shouted from the other room, laughing slightly.


Commander Alexander "Alex" Knight
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Tokyo

Commander Alora Knight
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Tokyo


Admiral Maximilian "Max" Hunter
Covert Operations
Theta Fleet


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