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Intelligent Communications (Part I)

Posted on Sun Jun 27th, 2021 @ 11:35am by Commander Alora Knight & Commander Alexander "Alex" Knight

1,124 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Allegations
Location: Knight Quarters, USS Tokyo
Timeline: After the Trial


Alora was happy to pack up her belongings from her old quarters and move into the family quarters she would share with Alex. While they both had a place on the Prowler, this gave them more privacy while allowing them to go between the Prowler and their duties on the Tokyo.

Going back to Intel felt like a new beginning, especially as the SWORD team had welcomed her into their "family."

Alex walked in with a box full of Alora's belongings from her quarters. He move inside a bit further before placing it on the table. "How much stuff do you have?" He said, with a smirk, as he looked over to Alora.

"Too much." She stuck her tongue out at her husband. "I like to feel at home. I can put some of this in storage."

"You're my home." Alex replied as he walked over to her. "Which is why I didn't need anything in my quarters except for a photo of you." He said as he wrapped his arms around her. "So... decorating this place? Is all your job."

"I knew there was a catch to it," she teased, hugging him. "I don't mind. I've been First Officer on two ships. I'm looking forward to getting back to the job...and the man...I love most."

Alex smiled as he pulled away from her, taking her hands in his, before replying. "You were a great First Officer both times, Alora. Don't let this mess change your way of thinking about that. I know you'll get there again and even be placed somewhere you'll feel you can do more. Maybe even ending up with your own command."

"I don't know about that. Right now, I'm looking forward to working more with you and the team. I can't do that as XO. And I do miss Intel."

"And Intel misses you." A familiar voice came from another room. Slowly Admiral Hunter emerged from the darkness, in his usual black suit and tie getup, as he approached the two. "I hope I am not intruding on anything."

Alora turned to Max. "Just settling in." She looked at Alex. "I didn't expect to see you again, sir."

"I still have a few things to take care of before I disappear." Max replied as he smiled, stopping in front of the two, before saying. "And, please, it's Max. There is no need to be formal when it comes to me. Alex can certainly vouch for that."

Alex nodded his head. "That's true." He said before asking. "What do you have to do, Max?"

"That's need to know, Commander Knight." Max replied, in a firm tone, before smirking. "Just a few things I need to take care of before moving on. Nothing I need assistance with."

"Hopefully it includes the Tal'Shiar agent and Admiral Miyahara's cronies," Alora said, not expecting an answer.

"That is still ongoing." Max replied clearing his throat slightly. "However, it is thanks to what you two have found out on your adventure in the Elachi ship, that it’s moving along at all. You two have proven to be an amazing asset."

"SWORD is a good team," Alora said, smiling at Alex. "I'm fortunate to work with them." She also thought she and Alex made a good team.

Max smiled a bit. "I was talking about the two of you, of course. Sure, the SWORD team is a great asset. I should know, I made them official, but they wouldn't be as good as they are without you two at the helm. Every ship requires a great Captain, prepared to take risks and whose ready to make the tough calls, but it also requires a great crew to trust in those decisions without hesitation. While the team is a good part of that don't sell yourselves short. You two are the most important part."

The praise was unexpected. "Thank you. I really like working with Alex."

"No thanks needed, Commander. It's facts." Max replied with a smile. "It's hard to find someone you can work with so well, let alone that be a person you decided to marry and spend your life with. You two are an excellent team and, I am sure now that you are back in Intelligence and Alex is running Security, that dynamic will prove beneficial to the rest of the crew and your Captain."

"I hope so," she said. "And it's Alora." She smiled at Alex. "As I said before, I'm really looking forward to working with Alex on a regular basis."

Max nodded his head and smiled. "So am I, Alora. So am I."

Alex smiled in response, putting his arm around Alora, before kissing her on the side of the head. After a few seconds, he looked to Max and said. "Max? Can I ask you something?"

"Always, Alex." Max replied firmly.

"Have you been relaying updates on my activities to the other universe, specifically, to my mother?" Alex asked.

Max took a moment, placing his hands behind his back, before answering. "No. While I understand a mother being concerned for her son, no matter the universe, I don't make it a habit go out of my way to provide those updates. Nothing personal, Mister Knight, but I do have many things that take priority. However, should you ever want me to, I can provide it for you. All you have to do is ask? Why do you ask?"

Alora looked at Alex for a moment before answering. "She sent him a message...about his brother."

"Yes. Dylan Knight." Max said firmly, raising a brow. "As I recall you ventured off to capture him, with success, before returning him to a prison colony back in your universe. You succeeded. Is everything okay?"

Alex remained quiet for a moment before finally answering. "I got a message from my mother informing me he was dying and if there was any way we can help. Part of me feels like it’s a trick, but a part of me-"

"Can't help but feel its legitimate?" Max nodded his head. "He's your family, Alex. You're blood. Whether you know it’s a trap or not you still need to find out for yourself. If that means going there, then do it. Consider it may be a trap? You could be saving lives if he ever decides to spring it. Consider it may be all legitimate and he is dying? Can you live with yourself knowing you ignored him and allowed him to die without saying your good-byes?"

(To be continued...)

Commander Alora Knight
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Tokyo

Commander Alexander "Alex" Knight
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Tokyo

Admiral Maximilian "Max" Hunter
Covert Operations
Theta Fleet


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