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The Best Accessories (Part II)

Posted on Sun Jun 27th, 2021 @ 9:31am by Commander Alexander "Alex" Knight & Lieutenant John "Pitbull" Mackey & Lieutenant JG Julien "Dutch" Wachenbach & Lieutenant JG Kurt "Lem" Lemansky & Commander Alora Knight
Edited on on Sun Jun 27th, 2021 @ 9:35am

1,272 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Allegations
Location: Runabout The Prowler
Timeline: After The Trial of Captain Taiga Aisaka


"Alright alright." John said, patting Lem on the shoulder. "Can you handle this, Kurt, or does Dutch need to take over."


"Alright alright." John said, patting Lem on the shoulder. "Can you handle this, Kurt, or does Dutch need to take over."

"No. No. I got it." Lem replied, taking a deep breath, before adding. "I am just saying." He took another moment to get himself together before continuing on his original train of thought. "The is a special weapon that should act in place of your phasers. Instead of a traditional stream of energy it first energy projectiles, phaser bolts if you like that term better, that stun whoever you are firing at. Like all phasers, its setting and intensity, can be adjust depending on if you want a stronger or weaker yield. I also added the feature that allows you to shoot a stream of energy for as long as you hold down the trigger button. This will act, in some cases, as a torch if you want to get through a wall or door."

"That should come in handy." Alex said, looking over to Alora, as he focused back to Lem.

"That's...amazing. Thank you," Alora said. She could hardly wait to test it out.

Lem gestured to the top of the device. "This is where it fires from and this ring here on the inside emits light." He said as he flipped the device around and touched a button demonstrating the light coming out of the top. "If you ever need a flashlight." He turned off the light and flipped it back over before smiling. "And the icing on the cake. Should you ever need a more close combat weapon. Let's say... a staff." Lem touched a button extending the top and bottom part of the device which gave the weapon more of a staff appearance. "It can do just that. Giving you a melee weapon to use if you ever find yourself needing it. It's made with a highly durable but completely light weight material so, training with it to get a better feel for it, would be recommended." He touched the same button, retracting the ends back to its original length. "We also developed a nice holster for it that attaches conveniently to your leg."

Alex smiled, looking to Alora again, before looking back to Lem and the others. "You guys certainly outdid yourselves."

"This is the best surprise," Alora said. "I agree with Alex. You outdid yourselves. I think this is going to be my favorite weapon."

"Well..." Lem began. "With all the weapons you've had me log, and time we've had to ourselves, I started to work on these for quite some time. Sure, things being how they are, I had to juggle my work on them. However, with our current status because of the trial, I was able to get it all done and dusted with time to spare. We all agreed that, you both, deserved them because of all you guys did and have done. Not to mention, these are more your style, anyway."

"Thanks, you guys. Really." Alex said with a smile as he walked over to Lem, embracing him. "I never tell you guys how much I appreciate what you guys do. All the work I give you and you always get it done. I really do appreciate it, brother." He pulled back from the embrace and looked around at the others. "From all of you. Really. I've said it once before and it still holds true. We're not a team. We're a family. Our connection is deeper than the uniform. Deeper than the cause."

"And I appreciate how you welcomed me into your family," Alora said. She gave everyone a hug. "And the best."

Dutch took out the second weapon and grabbed the one from Lem's hand. As he walked to Alex, he began by saying. "You'll notice you two are the only ones who can use these. We added your print data from the Prowler and used it as a marker for these weapons. So, no one but you two, can use them. Let's say if Alex drops his and Alora picks it up. She can still use hers, plus Alex's, in the event she needs it."

That was a nice touch. Alora nodded that she understood.

He handed Alora the one with the dark green and gold outlines that also had the black tips and black handle. Dutch then handed Alex the dark red one, with similar gold outlines and black tips and black handle. These were to distinguish which one belonged to which Knight.

Lem picked up the leg holsters for the weapon and held them both out towards them. "You'll need these as well." He said with a smile before adding. "Any issues, come to me or Dutch to take care of them. We don't want anyone messing around with them."

Alex took his weapon then set it down on the desk. He took the leg holster and immediately put it on his right leg, strapping it in firmly, before picking up the weapon again. He twirled it slightly in his hand before placing it into the holster, smiling as he did so.

"Green goes well with my skin tone," Alora joked as she, too, strapped on the holster and inserted her new weapon. You outdid yourselves. I can hardly wait to test it."

John crossed his arms over his chest, smiling slightly. "We want you two to be safe when we aren't there physically to back you up. Hopefully, those things make you feel like we still have your back, even if we aren't there."

"Always, John." Alex replied softly, taking John's hand in his, and bringing him close to an embrace. "We'll always have each other’s back." He said softly before pulling away.

"Always." John replied with a smirk.

Alora was profoundly grateful for the gift they'd been given. The time and effort that went into the creation of their new weapons was impressive, and that she and Alex were given the first prototypes... She just stood by Alex, smiling. She'd already given them hugs and didn't want to be too effusive.

Alex put his arm around Alora, looking to her with a smile, before looking back to his family. His team. "No matter where we go, or what we do, you guys will always be able to count on us to have your backs. Just like we will always count on you guys to have ours. Nothing will change between us with these new positions. It will still be the same Alex and Alora you've come to know and love."

"Agreed. Now, we'll get out of your hair and let you celebrate a successful mission," Alora said. "Thanks to the team, and Admiral Hunter, we got the information back in time to save the Captain and out the Tal'Shiar." And take a misguided and dangerous admiral out of commission.

"Yeah." He smiled before adding. "So go do whatever it is you guys do when we aren't around. Just remember, you still have data to analyze, so be sure to get to that as soon as possible. The more we unearth about this Tal'Shiar plot the more we have to act on so we can tear it down."

(To be continued...)

Commander Alora Knight
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Tokyo

Commander Alexander 'Alex' Knight
Chief Security/Tactical & SWORD Team Leader
USS Tokyo

Lieutenant John 'Pitbul' Mackey
SWORD Team Second
USS Tokyo

Lieutenant Kurt 'Lem' Lemansky
SWORD Team Member
USS Tokyo

Lieutenant Julien 'Dutch' Wachenbach
SWORD Team Member
USS Tokyo


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